More 9-12 March video

| September 14, 2009

Our buddy Skye, from Midnight Blue, was at the march on Saturday, too. We lament that we didn’t know that she was there, so in hopes of making it up to her, we’ll show her video. For those of our readers who are still married to the 30,000 number, you can probably count 30,000 heads in this video;

By the way, she has a new blog layout designed by the same guy who designed this one last year. I’m very jealous – Dino obviously has improved his skills.

If you’re looking for them, our reports from Saturday, are here and here.

While we’re on the subject of the march, Trooprally, one of our friends at Free Republic, sent along this link to the aftermath of the march Saturday.

Another friend, Bev Perlson of the Band of Mothers sends along this picture of her time at the rally;


By the way, we met Bubba (from What Bubba Knows) and his lovely wife the other night at Walter Reed so stop and give them some attention they deserve. He looks like his cartoon character.

Added: Speaking of Bubba, he files his report of the march.

Category: Bloggers, Protests/Rallies

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Bubba is awesome and his wife is sweet as can be! He also runs the GOE NC website with AAR’s from all the moonbats we fight.


Thanks for the post, Jonn! It was a great rally on Saturday and I was happy to be a part of history.


Our pals at DU don’t think much of the doings:×6546450×6546103

And here’s one that’s looking for a lawyer, ON DU, who can sue the right wing radio hosts for inciting violence…genius.×8651854