Weekend Open Thread

| September 20, 2024 | 35 Comments

The left and the right have a different perception of who won the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Democrats say that Harris won. Republicans say that Trump won. Perhaps memes could give an insight as to which one of the candidates won the debate. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Muwhahaha. Take that, KoB! 😉

Slow Joe

Hell yeah.
Congrats on beating KoB!


Damn you! Beat by 15 seconds. All because I was thirsty and took a swig.

Last edited 2 hours ago by 5JC

Your name has that one extra letter, else you’d have had it!

Commissioner Wretched

What the actual heck??? This is the earliest drop for the WOT yet! Trying to keep people on their toes, I shall assume. Congrats, LC! Rule well and wisely!


The power is already going to my head. Mandatory watch parties of ‘Top Gun’ for everyone!


And then the revolt began.

RGR 4-78

He flew straight into the danger zone.


Talk to me, Goose


Mavrick and Iceman worked in out in the end.

Commissioner Wretched

With LC on the throne due to a fantastically-early drop of the WOT, I offer to him and to you, his loyal(?) subjects for the next week, the every-Friday offering of silly trivia. Enjoy!

Why does the NFL only play on Sundays until the playoffs?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

“Where do you get your trivia?” That was the question I was asked recently by someone who has been reading this silly column for some time.

I get my trivia from many, many sources. If I listed just a fraction of them, I’d have no room for the actual trivia. The facts themselves are out there, for all to find; I just take the ones that grab my attention, and do some research on them before adding them to my “master file.” That little file (not so little, actually) is the source from which I draw the items listed here each week.

If I gave you the list of sources, you’d be able to do this too. I don’t need the competition. (Just kidding, of course … if you want to join the party, feel free!)

Now, on to what I pulled from the master file for this week! Hope you enjoy it.

Did you know …

… it is illegal to change clothes inside a car in Delaware? (It’s also pretty darned uncomfortable – and if you’ve never tried to change clothes in a vehicle, do it, and then get back to me.)

… more couples get engaged in December than in any other month? (I’d be willing to guess that Christmas and Hanukkah have something to do with that – giving gifts, and all.)

Commissioner Wretched

… novelist Stephen King (born 1947) has written books under three other names as well? King, famous for his horror novels, also writes under the pseudonyms of Richard Bachman, John Swithen, and Beryl Evans. The reason he used pseudonyms is interesting – he was trying to get around his publisher insisting that the market could only handle one King novel a year. After a bookstore clerk figured out that Bachman, Swithen and Evans were all Stephen King, he stopped using the pseudonyms (except for Bachman occasionally), as he had proven his point to the publisher. (Way to go, Steve!)

… the concrete in Hoover Dam is not yet fully cured? The dam, located in Nevada, was constructed between 1931 and 1936 and was built to last 2,000 years. But the concrete used in its construction won’t be fully cured until the year 2430 or so. (Cured? I didn’t even know it was sick.)

… the name of one of the most popular characters in one of the most popular movie series came about thanks to another movie? When George Lucas (born 1944) was mixing the soundtrack for his 1973 film, American Graffiti, he numbered film reels starting with an R, and dialog reels with a D. The sound director asked Lucas for Film Reel 2, Dialog Reel 2, by saying he wanted, “R2D2.” Lucas liked the sound of that so much that he integrated it into the little science fiction project he was working on – Star Wars. (Yeah, but I’d love to hear the explanation for C3PO, myself.)

Commissioner Wretched

… NFL games are held on Sundays because of broadcast laws? In 1961, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) signed into law the Sports Broadcasting Act. This law was enacted to provide the professional sports leagues – the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB – with an anti-trust exemption to allow the leagues to merge team broadcasting rights without being sued. In the case of the NFL, however, the law did something else – it prohibited broadcasting any professional football game on any Friday after 6 p.m. or any Saturday, between the second Friday in September and the second Saturday in December, for any television station within 75 miles of the site of any high school or college football game. Since almost all television broadcasting sites are closer than that to high schools and colleges, it effectively killed airing Saturday games, and thus the NFL was forced to schedule its games on Sundays. Playoff games happen after the December end of the rule, so they can be held any day.

… you may know a petrologist? You may, in fact, be one. A petrologist is someone who studies rocks, including composition, classification and formation. It’s a branch of geology. (And if you look up the Pet Rock™, you could be a pet petrologist.)

… loneliness really does hurt? Scientists have determined that loneliness is processed in the same part of the brain as is physical pain. (Boy, does it ever.)

Commissioner Wretched

… you should always check your tickets at a race track? An estimated $1 million is lost each year at race tracks when people either lose or carelessly throw away their winning tickets. (Or just don’t bet on races.)

… you most definitely do not want your cholesterol count to reach 0? First, it’s impossible to do that. But even if it were, you don’t want it, because cholesterol protects the integrity of cell membranes in your body. If you totally eliminated all cholesterol, your cells would have dry, cracked membranes and all the contents would leak out. (Now get that picture out of your mind.)

… almost three million people in the world die each year due to obesity? (Uh oh.)

… a man charged with stealing from vending machines tried to pay his bail with quarters? Gregory Rosa (born 1965) of Dracut, Massachusetts, was charged in 1990 with stealing money from numerous vending machines in Smithfield, Mass. After being arrested, Rosa asked for his backpack so he could pay his $400 bail. Police searched the backpack and found that much and more in quarters, along with the tools used to get into the machines. (You have to admire the chutzpah, though.)

… gambling for money is illegal in Japan? The Japanese people have developed a pretty ingenious way of getting around that law, however. Instead of winning cash, people win prizes. The winner can then sell the prizes back to the establishment for the cash they would’ve otherwise won outright. (Where there’s a will …)

Now … you know!


Other interesting tidbits about cholesterol…
The myelin sheath of the nervous system is composed of 70-85% cholesterol. Breakdowns or destruction of this sheath is what happens in MS, some forms of dementia and a host of other neurological diseases. Also, cholesterol from animal fat is the healthiest as research is showing only animal-fat based cholesterol is used in healthy ways by our bodies.

Another tidbit is the increase in dementia, heart diseases and neurological disorders have dramatically increased since the 1950’s…when artificial fats-like Oleo-were introduced to the American diet. Seems all our bodies can do with most artificial fats is get fat. So, eat butter. And bacon.

Last edited 49 minutes ago by OAM
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

If, in times past one has ingested artificial oleo-based “fats”, but then switched over to the natural animal based stuff, do the oleo based “fats” eventually digest out of the body? Or are they stuck in there forever?

(asking for a friend)

Hack Stone

Here is some more interesting trivia; as of September 18, 2024, the expression “blowing up someone’s phone” took on a whole new meaning.


The Grim Beeper for show…


Fourth? Best finish in years.

Last edited 2 hours ago by SFC D
Hack Stone

Dang! Hack’s Magic 8-Ball didn’t get back from the calibration lab this morning. Looks like another weekend of vast Buffalo Wing Conspiracies.

Slow Joe


jeff LPH 3 63-66


jeff LPH 3 63-66

I just read on online newsmax that Frau Harris is a handgun owner. Guns are for me but not for thee.

Major Tuddy

Riddle me this: 50+70=?

Believe it or not, the answer is 5! How can this be?

Prior Service (Ret)

I don’t know your math, but I assume it’s the same sort of math that says: (C(ost)+21%)x4B(idenomics)<4H(arrinomics)+100%xM(arixsm). Solve for how in the world any idiot is voting for her.


No wonder I hate math.


Fact: Factorials are fun! 😉

Major Tuddy

5! – 5*4*3*2*1=120

So, 50+70=5!, which is 120. ✌️


Then solving for ! equals 6.

BlueCord Dad

Memes you say…


18th place!


Missed again.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Twenty-something as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
Those on Epstein’s list are still in power.


Happy weekend.
