She’s on the loose

| August 14, 2009

Fox News reports that Squeaky Fromme has been released from prison this morning. Hide your unloaded handguns.

Category: General Whackos, Politics

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B Woodman

Nah. I’m going to keep my LOADED hangun very, very near.


Wonder if she’ll go California to lobby for Chuckie Manson’s release now? I think I too, shall keep my loaded handgun near.


That’s not entirely accurate John. There was no chambered round but a few rounds loaded. And in a ridiculous , “I’m still glassy eyed and mind fucked” letter she wrote to some California paper she claimed she never intended to shoot the weapon, just wanted to pull it on him….hmmmmm….anyone know what she looks like now? I keep finding pictures of her from her arrest not any recent ones.