IVAW explains why they are all Carl Webb now

| August 14, 2009

One of our resident IVAW refugees had an email exchange the other day with Geoff “Stolen Valor” Millard, Adrianne Kinne and TJ Buonomo in regards to the vote on the resolution to punish members who advocated violence against our deployed troops which I mentioned the other day.

From Millard;

The reason why this did not pass is because members disagreed on wording not the meaning or intent behind it. Therefore the Board will be drafting a different more inclusive policy that will be adopted by the Board and then voted on by the full membership at the next opportunity.

Ah, the law school grads of the IVAW membership were upset at the wording. What wording? Buonomo explains;

I voted against the resolution because the language has the effect of restricting free speech and asserts an explicit and unqualified moral judgement on the use of violence and sabotage, which I considered to be inappropriate.

Buonomo isn’t explicit about what wording he’s talking about, but I don’t see anything that would restrict free speech, as the Supreme Court defines free speech. Buonomo must be one of those super-legal eagles. Or maybe not. He continues;

First, my understanding is that part of the motivation for this resolution was provoked by Carl Webb’s vocal sympathy toward the use of violence by the occupied in opposition to their foreign occupiers. While he may have voiced this viewpoint in an unnecessarily inflammatory manner, I do not view it as controversial. In fact on numerous occasions I have heard and read military members and veterans- including non-IVAW members -say that were they in the same position they would likely do the same thing.

This is hardly a radical viewpoint.

In other words, Buonomo is defending his vote against the resolution by claiming that he has heard other members of the military say they’d resist an enemy who attacked the US. He makes some lame comment about how he’d willingly fight the Chinese if they invaded – I chuckle. Buonomo would be welcoming them on the drop zones with flowers and wine.

It’s important to understand that IVAW continues to call the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq “occupations” – that’s how they defend their votes against the resolution. As long as they can ignore that we fight the enemies of Afghans and Iraqis for their own benefit, they can advocate for sabotage against our troops.

Buonomo continues;

It is painful for me to read about our troops getting killed and maimed but this does not negate the fact that the U.S. military is a foreign occupier, that in the case of Iraq it had no real justification to be there in the first place, and that the political leadership under the Bush administration betrayed the trust of the Iraqi people at our troops’ expense.

So let Carl Webb advocate for their deaths. That’s how painful it is for him. Buonomo, being a blowhard, waxes endlessly about how brave he was for bailing out on the American people with his free Air Force Academy education.

Adrianne Kinne chimes in with her history lesson;

I don’t know about what Carl said exactly… but you do realize that in the history of GI resistance… soldiers sabotaged THEIR OWN equipment!!! They threw wrenches in engines to stop them from working and anything they could do to break transportation equipment to stop themselves from shipping and arms from shipping. Please do a little research about the history of the GI resistance movement…

Yes, that makes sense – the troops deployed in combat would sabotage their own equipment. Especially since they’d be the ones that either depended on it to save their lives or had to repair it.

The consensus seems to be that the best thing IVAW can do for the troops is to end the war, and that sabotage speeds them to that end. To quote Buonomo;

As for helping veterans, in my opinion the best thing we can possibly do is to help bring an end to these occupations so that they don’t have to go on three or more deployments and suffer from PTSD, TBI, etc. I’d say our approach is reventative, though certainly not as effective as we’d like. That distinguishes us from most other veterans organizations

Yes, it certainly does, TJ. I have a text file of the entire exchange that I’ll gladly share with anyone who asks by email. Buonomo is a real blow hard and I just don’t want to waste the bandwidth on him, but his yammering is certainly instructive. I’ve cut the text of the responses of our refugee out, so all you get is pure loon.

Their defense of Carl Webb’s unrestricted free speech makes them all Carl Webb, now. There’s nothing in the resolution that restricted constructive discussion. Buonomo and the 40 others who voted against the resolution can gaze at their navels and pat themselves on their backs, but at the end of the day, they are complicit in Carl Webb’s treasonous preachings.

How soon do you think they’ll have another resolution ready to put to a vote? I suspect they’re just biding their time hoping everyone forgets about it. Not if I can help it.

And if IVAW has 1700 members, why are there just 70 people voting on these things?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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As my friend would say, “Seriously?” Ugh.


“political leadership under the Bush administration”. Wow, hey, TJ, the election was 9 months ago. The Great Appeaser won, maybe you ought to take notes when the news comes on? So, IVAW is all onboard with sabotage and doing violence to troops? Is this so you can “help” them when they get home, if they get home?


So can we call the IVAW treasonous ****heels now?


They keep going back to the point that Webb was engaged in a hypothetical ethics discussion. He wasn’t. He attempted to have Casey Porter engage in sabotage while deployed in Iraq. Such an action isn’t in the realm of the hypothetical, it is tangible and real. Once again, should one idiot, amazingly less intelligent than Webb, decide to act on Webb’s suggestions, it is all over. Not the organization of IVAW, but their membership. People will go to prison.

Casey J Porter

While I am stepping back from the anti-war movement as a whole, I wanted to jump in and say that CRAssi is correct about Webb’s comments to me. He posted on my YouTube page, under the Austin Chronicle, IVAW members message board, and few other places.

I think he is just jealous he does not have my talent for film, cars, and women. Nor does he have my good looks.


I think it may be the cars, Casey. Everyone knows the Camaro is the god of the road.

IVAW Defector

IVAW gets all its money from the Bavarian Iluminati. The whole anti-war thing is just a cover to draw attention from their real aims:

1. To promote communism through subliminal messages on television.
2. To undermine the structures that make our country great- the church, family, and the IRS.
3. To pave the way for the comming alien invasion by getting Democrats elected to high office. (We all know that they are weak on national defense. They plan to take money from the Star Wars program and put it towards socialized health care.)

The sooner that we can root out these malcontents, the sooner we can go back to doing what America does best- liberating natural resources from non-Christians.

Debbie Clark

Oh goody…I just love a good conspiracy theory. What I really want to know now, is, does Jane Fonda know about this??


“First, my understanding is that part of the motivation for this resolution was provoked by Carl Webb’s vocal sympathy toward the use of violence by the occupied in opposition to their foreign occupiers.”

Well, you don’t understand shit, then; do ya? There’s a big wide difference between sympathy and advocation, moron. Carl “the commie” Webb wasn’t sympathizing, he was advocating the maiming and murder of US troops.

These pussies in the ICAW are afraid of Carl and they have been taken over by groups that are of thesame ideology as Webb, so in order NOT to upset their money flow, they go along with it. No principles or honor in that group at all. I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on their headquarters if it were on fire.

Carl Webb

I just got back from the Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) convention in Maryland 3 days ago and I’m still shocked a resolution was proposed that, if passed, would have meant my expulsion from the group for stating that I support the right of the… Iraqi people to fight for their self-determination by any means necessary. I’m glad to report that most of the members could see the racist hypocritical double-standard and vote against it. The text of the resolution is in the link below:



Ah, yes. Anyone that dares disagree with you are racists. Gawd you’re such a tool.


Debbie, Jane The Bitch Fonda is in charge of it!! She funds it. Webb, you’re shocked that people in their right minds want you gone? But then, you’re right, they’re all racists. No, wait, that would be anyone who opposes whatever garbage spews from your pie-hole. What an ass-clown…


NHSparky–he doesn’t mean it’s racist because he’s black, he means it’s racist because there is a standard for Americans (ie, fighting to protect America is justified), and another one for Arabs (ie, fighting America is wrong because we’re here to protect you from yourselves because we believe that you can’t handle self-determination). Go learn things.


mdb…go suck a grenade. Despite being a dumbass squid (and a bubblehead at that), I can read, thanks for your input anyway. Anyone who disagrees with him is racist in his mind. I’ve heard too much of your crap coming from your ilk and those on the left vis-a-vis Obama as well. Try a little honesty sometime. By any means necessary? Including sabotage and getting our men and women killed? No thanks–claim what you want, but defending him here isn’t scoring you any points.

Debbie Clark

UpNorth, I’m aware of Jane Fonda’s connection to IVAW, however, I doubt that it’s true that she runs IVAW or that IVAW gets all their money from her.

What I was responding to specifically was IVAW Defector’s statement that, “IVAW gets all its money from the Bavarian Iluminati. The whole anti-war thing is just a cover to draw attention from their real aims…” Not knowing anything about the Bavarian Illuminati, I checked Wikipedia to get a quick overview (not that I consider it to be the source). The Wikipedia article said that there are Illuminati theorists who “have claimed that many notable people were or are members of the Illuminati, including Winston Churchill, the Bush Family, Barack Obama, the Rothschilds, David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.” That sounds like a pretty interesting conspiracy theory (the Bush Family AND Barack Obama!). That’s why I said I wonder if Jane Fonda knows about this. Or maybe she’s an Illuminati member, too. (I did actually come up with some stuff when I Googled Bavarian Illuminati + Jane Fonda, though it didn’t appear to be anything substantial.)

Anyway, I’ve got more important things to do than worry about nonsense like Illuminati New World Order conspiracy theories.

Debbie Clark

Correction on typo above:

Where I wrote, with regard to Wikipedia, “not that I consider it to be the source,” what I meant was “not that I consider it to be the best source.”


Webb continues to demonstrate that he lives in the world that he created for himself within his own mind. What makes this whole pathetic saga so ironic is the fact that there are people with whom he can share and reinforce his delusion. It is only in the minds of the religiously delusional that asking an American soldier deployed to Iraq to commit acts of sabotage is the same as advocating the Iraqi people’s right to resist what they perceive to be unjust actions.

I’m fairly certain that “IVAW defector” is an IVAW member who making a sarcastic comment intended to insult the membership here.

Debbie Clark

Now that I look at it again, I guess you must be right, Chris. LOL…that is hilarious…. Well, it’s good see people still have a sense of humor in all this weirdness.


God you guys are a bunch of idiots. NHSarky’s response to mdb is hilarious. Ad hominem much? Can you respond to the point? What do y’all think you’re achieving here? IVAW exists, evolves, grows, and will continue to do so. Find something else to whine about.

Peace is made by soldiers, that’s a good one. Tell that to the 2 million Iraqi refugees or hundreds of Afghan civilians killed in the past years by airstrikes. Yeah, it was for their own good.

Wtf Casey. Go ahead and step back from the anti-war movement, but there’s no need to throw silly insults at Carl on your way out.


You mean grows like a cancer?

Have you even talked to the people in ether place? Because the people in Iraq where more then happy at us taking on the IED threat. Not to bring up helping them in repair projects. What people are trying to leave is the tribalism violence. Because if we where the issue then why is it that local Markets, religious , and other public buildings. I promise you it is not us.

Also I would like how any one can defend Carl after what he tried to have done.



Only in your world is an evenly divided vote with no majority “most of the members voting against it”

The Bavarian

As a descendant of, and member in good standing of the Bavarian Illuminati, I take objection to the continued slandering of our organization. We look after small furry animals and the children who play with them. Just because we profit from war and peace through our many interests in munitions industries and the governments who buy our products, does not make us war mongers or profiteers.
Those who slander us are ignorant fascists and communists who will be visited by our agents and fed to small furry, but very nasty, rodents.

Carl Webb

ArmySergeant says “Only in your world is an evenly divided vote with no majority “most of the members voting against it.”

My world is the USA in which a simple majority refers to a voting requirement of more than 50% of all ballots cast.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_majority

I get a feeling that if it had passed by one vote, you wouldn’t have complained at all. In fact I’m guessing that all resolutions have been voted on in the same manner.


[…] coating far left communism/socialism in olive drab than actually helping veterans. From advocating sabotage of military equipment to putting smelly hippies in cammies out front of protests, they have not done a thing for real […]


Keep out of war…they use people as fodder and get maimed, crippled or killed. They dont give a hoot either so long as u do their missions for profit. Dont fall for recruiters lies and scams.