Lyndie England sucks

| August 14, 2009

If you’re wondering where I was today, Uncle Jimbo and I went to harrass Lyndie England (the genital-pointing skank of Abu Ghraib fame) at the Library of Congress. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on your view) she cancelled it. It was intended to be a veteran event and she was supposed to talk about the book she wrote about the incident, since now she can’t swing a job at MacDonald’s with that famous face – and who knows where those hands have been.

The tip came from Small Wars Journal by way of Greyhawk (who wanted us to remind her of this incident).

The event is sponsored by the Library of Congress Professional Association’s Veterans Forum and its leader LOC employee and Vietnam Veteran Bob Moore. Veteran Moore has weathered a wave of criticism in recent days, but he remains steadfast in his hatred for Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney and his admiration for Lynndie England’s “guts.”

Well, he remained steadfast until today when they canceled the event. So Jimbo and I took the opportunity to drink a pitcher, eat grub and comment on every tourist and intern that passed our cafe table on South Capitol Street. Lyndie England still rots.

UPDATE: When I got home, someone emailed to say the event had been canceled out of “safety concerns” for the staff at the Library of Congress. I guess SPLC heard I was going.

Updated again: You get to see how much weight I put on after three months of sitting in my easy chair with my foot elevated. Look, Ma, I’m on SOG Media;

Greyhawk has more on the cancelation.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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They did her story on This American Life on NPR and it was one big “Let’s talk about how poor and oppressed she is and she was forced to do this she’s the real victim here” covering of her ass. Made the g/f skip it.


Maybe Lyndie and Bob Moore didn’t get the memo from Emanuel, Obama and Axelrod. Make it a ticketed event, then control who gets the tickets. Then there’s no embarrassment to the one, or the One, who’s the object of the meeting.


Christ, she’s just one, “Woe is me” tale away from being the next IAVW poster child. Maybe she and Chiroux oughta hook up. Then again, scratch that idea.


If Lyndie really sucked, she wouldn’t have gotten pregnant would she?