Biden Under Fire
We recently posted some news commentary about this, but the Daily Wire compiled a list of Biden’s claims and his rebuttals about being under fire in a war zone. The war stories from Hillary Clinton and Brian Williams are spoken about as well.
‘I’ve Been With Some Of You When We’ve Been Shot At’: Biden Revives Story Of Being Under Fire
President Biden has revived a story he told years ago that he was “shot at” overseas, mirroring a claim once made by Hillary Clinton for which she later said she “misspoke.”
In a short address to State Department employees on Thursday, Biden said, “You have great personal courage. I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at.” He offered no further details of the incident.
Back in 2007, Biden was forced to walk back a similar claim during a CNN-hosted Democratic presidential debate. Then, he said he was “shot at” inside Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone.
“Let’s start telling the truth,” he said at the debate. “Number one, you take all the troops out — you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at. You better make sure you have protection for them, or let them die, number one.”
Biden later said, “I was near where a shot landed.”
Then, when questioned further about the incident, Biden replied…
He added that the vehicle he was traveling in the day before might also have been hit. … Thinking about it now, he said, a more accurate comment would have been: ‘I was near where a shot landed.’”
Sound familiar? People that we post about in this blog often take nuances of the truth, carefully craft their sentences and not take responsibility for people filling in the blanks.
I call this leading a horse to water and not taking responsibility for it drinking.
Some common ones are:
- CLAIM: “My unit served in Vietnam / Khe Sanh / Battle of Ramadi.”
- TRUTH: The individual “served” in the unit years later, but it is true that *historically* the unit served in X, X, or Z
. - CLAIM: “I served during the first Gulf War.”
- TRUTH: True, but individual served stateside in a Motor-T/transportation unit. Nothing wrong with that, certainly, but the statement is misleading. Served during and not in.
. - CLAIM: “When I was at BUD/S…”
- TRUTH: True, but they leave out the part about being a Drop on Request (DoR) and never finishing. There is no shame in going to BUD/S and not finishing, but to imply you were a Navy SEAL and not correcting people’s assumption is crossing a line. The odd part about bragging about attending BUD/S and not finishing is we have seen this on people’s resumes. How many people say they attended law school or medical school but leave out the part that they never graduated? Perhaps this is because it is illegal to claim you are a lawyer or doctor when you are not. It is not illegal to claim you were a SEAL, but it is unethical and perhaps illegal if there is something gained by the claim.
. - CLAIM: “I am a disabled veteran.”
- TRUTH: True, the individual is a veteran, and is disabled but fell off a ladder decades after he/she got out of the military. The combination and proximity of the words disabled and veteran imply a combat-wounded veteran or service-connected disability.
The oddity about this is when questions arise such as “Weren’t you too young to serve in Vietnam?” or “How come you don’t have a CIB?” the individual comes at the questioner hard with making an assumption based on something he never claimed. i.e. “I never claimed I was in Vietnam!”
OK, technically there wasn’t a lie but what did you expect a person to believe based on how the claim was phrased?
It is highly plausible that there was an intent to deceive although there was not technically a lie. This is compounded by the fact that the individual had to have tested this claim with others and if any doubt was raised they would modify the statement.
Example: “I served during the first Gulf War. Stateside, but I proudly served during the course of the Gulf War.”
So again, I question the motives of the individual making a claim who then quickly attack any person making the assumption. The individual making the claim knew exactly what they were saying and had the follow-up in their back hip pocket ready as a defense – like somehow it was silly to make the assumption.
Of course, the bullet may have hit the jeep I was riding in the night before – wasn’t that obvious?
Is the desire for “street cred” so great that these awkward claims get thrown out there?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics, Stolen Valor
That’s the problem with being a habitual liar with dementia, you not only can’t remember how you lied, but you can’t remember the lies you’ve already told and be outed for. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving liar, he just makes me wonder if that Genesis video for State of Confusion was prophetic?
I was on the field in the Sugar Bowl at the Superdome
when (my) Team X beat (All American) W and Team Y
for the national championship.
I was on national TV.
I’ve got game film.
All true.
However, I played snare drum for the Team X marching band.
A great time, yes, but that’s not IN the game.
Oh, and yes, back then, that was enough to get one laid. 🙂
It’s not dementia.
It’s a lifetime of decades of chronic lying.
I remembered this from decades ago,
and POS Joe kept it up.
RIP Curtis Dunn.
You’re absolutely right about his decades of lying.
Plagiarism is a form of lying, and Biden has a record of that too.
Lying is a pre-requisite for being a politician, and Biden is a champion at it.
I experienced first had how hard it is to keep one’s lies straight. I didn’t have dementia at the time, but I was running around Southern Germany for four weeks in civies, on a large UW exercise. Since the local and state police, a battalion of the 3rd ID, and German Army reserve units were all looking to capture our ODA’s, I had to make up all sorts of stories about who I was and why I was there. It was very difficult to remember which lies I told to which person.
…first hand…, not first had.
That is why these days the Big DoD outsources that type training to All-Points Logistics.
“I was at the World Trade Center”.
True – but it was years before 9/11.
“I was in Chicago at the Columbus Statue”.
True, many times as I used to work in Chicago.
“I was at Chalk Mountain”.
True, years after Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield were shot by that cowardly POS.
“I was in DC for the inauguration”.
True, but not in 2021.
“I was at the Capitol in my office on Jan. 6 2021” – AOC
True, but no where near where the protestors were.
If Trump ever made such a blatantly false statement, he would have been impeached – again – for lying to the American public. Instead, we get him saying something – “There’s good people on both sides” – a fragment of a sentence, intentionally taken out of context and used as proof positive he is a racist defending White Supremacist’s. You’d think his dear friend and mentor was a former Grand Cuckoo of the KKK. Oh, wait…
Sorry, Biden does not get a dementia pass for this one. This may be the single most telling statement of his character. And people voted for him because Orange Man Bad. Sometimes, I fear for the collective. Naw, strike that. The collective can suck sand. Through a straw. With a festering canker sore. I fear for the rest of us.
I much agree O.A.M.
And that comes from One of the Band of Brothers who was there on the fields of Nijmegen…granted it was 51 years later, and I served in the 506th INF REG from 2008-2010.
Ditto. I jumped out of a C-47 into the fields of Nijmegen with the 509th PIR. But nobody shot at us, as it was for the commemoration of the Allied Airborne Invasion, in 1969 (25th anniversary of same).
You left out “in a sandstorm, with nothing covering their snouts”, OAM.
If you’re gonna smack ’em, smack ’em hard.
I was born in 1971.
I survived the Vietnam War.
It didn’t kill me, so I survived it.
I was at Remagen, after the bridge collapsed. Of course, it was in 1968, and I was riding the train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam. That was after the collapse, right?
I was on the dance floor of Gruene Hall where John Travolta danced in “Michael”… does not mean I danced in Travolta’s cast.
Flashback here of Elko’s LES BROWN,
(Lester Kent Brown (for Google fame)),
who turned “In Support of DS/DS”
into combat stories,
and then “Desert Storm Veteran” (with 4 ribbons patch),
and an unearaned combat patch and CIB on his BDUs.
He never answered up about his COMBAT
during beer binges in GERMANY.
And now he’s dead.
No obituary.
Just an announcement (with crickets).
Don’t forget his fake Ranger tab.
FUNDRAISER underway….. and they are claiming that
Les Brown is not only a retired Master Sgt,
See January 25 post here.
Or here, at the source.
Good old Brown Stain took his claims straight to the grave, just like one Daniel Bernasty.
And his wife is riding that train hard, too, for one last payout.
Les Brown = Loser.
Also, NADA on a 2021 Elko POW*MIA CHILI FEED,
which should be THIS WEEK.
But they have a Glock raffle going on,
in memory of Les Brown,
with the fake claims of Master Sgt and BRONZE STAR.
Died young- only 60 years old.
“I was at the Capitol in my office on Jan. 6 2021” – AOC
Only in the sense of “Washington DC is the Capitol of the US”. She was actually in her office in the Cannon House Office Bldg., a few hundred yards away. If her office was in the right part of the bldg. she may have been able to see the Capitol out her window.
I almost started laughing when they had the Presidential address before the game and all the President said was “Its the Super Bowl”…and his wife took over!
CLAIM: Gee, I could have said that when I was in the Navy, bullets were flying over my head.
TRUTH: We went up to Camp Smith on weekends with the Navy Reserve for qualification with the great M-1 garand and when I was in the pit, bullets were flying over my head into the paper target.
CLAIM: bullets were passing by next to me.
TRUTH: The person next to me at the range was backed up a little in her/his divided firing point while I was forward against the shelf so the bullet passed by me. Great post Steve
Jeff- thanks for making me laugh out loud. I too have had bullets whiz by me! Some could be said to be over my 5’2″ head as they were shot by a 6’4″ person!
You have to listen closely to anything he says, like the Clintons- they are lawyers and they qualify every statement – “I was not a big drug dealer”. Any reporter worth his salt would next ask, “were you a little drug dealer?”. But that is too much to expect from the press.
I too, was once near where a bullet landed. OK, it was Wyoming, deer season, and a .30-06 bullet came through the north wall of my shop, traveled over my head, and hit the south wall, where it dropped to the floor after gouging the sheetrock. That’s the same as being under fire, right?
Usedta work at an indoor range, we frequently had slugs of almost all calibers kick off the backstop and rebound up to behind the firing line. On that basis, been shot at a bunch. (This indicates the erratic nature of ricochets, not a substandard backstop, by the way. Backstop was 1/2 angled steel plate covered by 18+ ” of shredded tire and was rated for .50BMG.)
As far as I can tell, anyone close to a patch of 10 or more trees during deer season is under fire. I have found hunting arrows within 20 feet of my house during bow season (I hope those arrows are expensive!). So far no holes in the house.
I stuck a welding rod through the entry hole, the bullet was on such a downward trajectory it could’ve been from a mile away.
Tree stand?
I was once driving through the Ocala National Forest and wondered why the side of the road was cluttered with vehicles. When I saw one guy walking along in blue jeans and a white Tshirt with a rifle over his shoulder, holding it by the barrel, I remembered—Day 1 of hunting season. I accelerated.
Had a girlfriend then whose father ran hunting camps west of Ocala. He had some interesting stories. Seems like, between the natural stupidity of beagles and that of the hunters, the casualty rate amongst hunting dogs (mostly beagles) is pretty high. Of course a lot of them, dogs and hunters, were Yankees, so no big loss.
Great post, Steve. Cogent observations.
He may have plagiarized them straight out of the All-Points Logistics Employee Handbook.
He can’t remember who is his wife and who is his sister.
He can’t remember the most famous line from the most famous document in American history.
He can’t remember Kennedy’s most famous quote that fuel put freaking men on the moon!
Now, for something much more enjoyable. A P-40 Warhawk, P-51 Mustang, F4U-Corsair, and a Spitfire doing a wicked low pass of a canal.
Thanks for link to the last video. Those pilots have balls of hardened steel.
Always thought forgetting whether you had or had not been in a fire fight was rather like being sorta pregnant.
Well, we all do make mistakes, don’t we? And is agreeing to be a stooge for the hard-lefterds a mistake, or is it intentional?
I guess I can make the following claims:
►My unit took Tarawa. (Of course it was 52 years before I joined)
►I was in the Japanese underground headquarters in Okinawa right next to where a guy blow himself up with a hand grenade. (somewhat after the event took place.
►I was at the battle of Chancellorsville (155 years later)
►More recently, in a stateroom in officer country on the BHR and fire swept through and destroyed it. Now, you could say that those two events were separated by several years, by I sure don’t!
I am a Pennsylvanian that survived AndersonVille Prison.
(150 years later)
in 2015, I was the only one there NOT playing Pokemon GO.
Hey, Dad, I’m a survivor, too!!
Hack Stone went to Harvard. Swear on Daniel Bernath’s grave that it is true. Back in the late 1990’s, Hack Stone and some cohorts were TAD to Massachusetts for some reason he cannot recall, and while passing the campus of Harvard, had a fellow Marine stop the vehicle while Hack disembarked, approached one of the buildings, and had someone take a photo of Hack opening a door. So, Hack Stone did go to Harvard. Prove him wrong.
I’m a Harvard man, as well. I’m a man and I went to Harvard in 1971. I did some research in its main library when I was stationed at Ft. Devens, MA.
CLAIM: I survived the 9/11 attacks.
TRUTH: I was over 1200 miles away, but lived to tell about it.
Me too… I was in Korea.
Claim: I survived the shitter on the IMT Range at Benning back in the day in the middle of the Summer.
Truth: I survived the shitter on the IMT Range at Benning back in the day in the middle of the Summer.
I still have nightmares.
Hack Stone survived a bee sting when one flew into his can of soda while pulling targets on the Camp Pendleton Rifle Range. No Purple Heart, but Hack was awarded a Swollen Lip. Thank Buddha that the Corpsman had some forceps to extract the stinger. It was just like when Rambo pulled the slug from his body.
CLAIM: There I was, trying to remain low as live rounds zipped over my head.
TRUTH: I was working the butts at the Quantico rifle range.
I made it through West Point 1960.
In the back of my dads station wagon as we vacationed
along the Hudson river.
me too in 1964, I was on a Cub Scout trip, I also flew with the Thunderbirds(F-100D’s) in 1965 and in 1966 with the Blue Angels(F11F1 Tiger) in the canyons of my mind at McGuire AFB and Lakehurst NAS where I also witnessed the Hindenburg disaster twice, because I took my daughter there in 2005, she was fascinated by that disaster
Scroll up.
The Stolen Valor phony gift that keeps on giving.
Was Les Brown a BRONZE STAR recipient?
A retired Master Sgt?
Shared by Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass. on January 25
Support the local phony,
win a GLOCK in a raffle.
No shit.
Ole Les Brown is an interesting case. Everyone knows he was a faker, but no one wants to admit it.
Would it ruin their motorbike grift?
Dallas Harp (Tennessee) is Les Brown’s GRANDSON.
He believes it.
Despite being told, and shown a 2019 VG page link.
This link.
And then he deleted the comment, and blocked the commenter.
Follow the shares.. of the Glock raffle.
More than troubling.
Other POW*MIA Asses, too.
Is it a real Glock? It would be the ultimate tribute to Les Brown Stain to raffle off a phony prize.
Maybe an Airsoft replica would be apropos to commemorate the life of the fake CIB and Ranger tab wearing never a Master Sergeant valor thief.
Hack Stone,
The internet is all but forever,
and the vested POW*MIA folks in Nevada, Idaho, & Utah
can’t hide the truth about Les Brown 6 feet under.
Bravo to VG for ensuring posterity for the posterior(s).
Les Brown – Even in Death, The Claims Persist
The only shot that creepy, gropy, sniffy, old joe ever was near was the time Corn Pop gave him a facial.
I was part of operation Eldorado Canyon, 6 years before it happened and I did perform maintenance on all the F-111F’s involved.
And I never got over Macho Grande.
You never get over Macho Grande.
Those wounds run…
pretty deep.
The Battalion I was part of in Korea lost nearly all but a few and one entire Company was lost to the last Man during the Chinese Offensive forty-some years before I became a member of it.
My entire Company was killed by a terrorist militia in the desert and I lived to tell about it.
I crossed the Euphrates River with a Navy Seal Team who invited me along. Things got really hairy.
They didn’t like driving across the bridge to go to the AOC meetings and would take the Zodiac from their compound. I was giving them a brief and hitched a ride to go to the meeting. Their interpreter was really hairy.
I wonder if the Glock is fake. Only fitting.
oops- wrong thread.