California bill sparks fear of attacks against self-defense

| March 9, 2025 | 13 Comments

California assembly member Rick Chavez Zbur, Democrat representing Lost Angeles, introduced Assembly Bill 1333. Zbur wanted to address what he felt were growing issues involving public gun use and vigilantism. He wanted to close loopholes related to the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding carrying handguns in public. Zbur insists that this bill will not interfere with people’s rights to stand their ground.

From ABC10:

Assembly member Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Los Angeles), who introduced the bill, insists the intent of AB 1333 is being misunderstood. Zbur says the bill is not intended to prevent people from defending themselves, their families, or their homes and not interfere with the Castle Doctrine also known as “stand your ground.”

“This is meant to make sure the public feels safe and is safe in public spaces,” Zbur explained.

The bill’s original language, however, has been met with backlash. One controversial provision in the bill would no longer justify killing someone in certain situations, such as when protecting one’s home or belongings. Critics fear this could create confusion about when the use of deadly force is legally justified.

“This bill does nothing and will do nothing to prevent someone from protecting themselves, their loved ones or their home,” Zbur emphasized, noting changes are being made to clarify the bill’s intentions.

Criticism from opponents

Opponents of the bill argue it could create uncertainty around the use of force in self-defense situations.

Craig DeLuz, Director of Communications for the California Republican Assembly, voiced concerns the bill’s language does not fully account for real-world scenarios.

“My first reaction was, clearly this is offered by someone who does not understand use of force law, does not understand use of force situations,” DeLuz said.

DeLuz also warns the bill could have unintended consequences.

“What this does is it puts them in a situation where they could potentially hesitate, and it could cost them or someone they love their lives,” he said.

Additional Reading:

Sangha, G. (2025, March 7). California’s self-defense bill: What to know. ABC10. Link.

Category: Democrats, Second Amendment, Society

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This is an easy answer. Zbur lies. He knows damn well that this WILL interfere with peoples rights to stand their ground, and that is his intent.
People shooting criminals just reduces the number of demonrat voters.

Amateur Historian

Well, gotta make sure that they aren’t killed faster than they can be imported, right?


“This is meant to make sure the public feels safe and is safe in public spaces,”

Thus the AR strapped across my back and the .45 on my hip
as I stroll down the street a free man. I could conceal the .45
but that would require a permit and might make people even
more ascared. And what about that Buck “folding hunter” on
your belt. Is that going to require some “legislation” next?
Take a seat Rick.


Left/libtards are wienies who demand everyone else be wienies too.
comment image

Last edited 6 hours ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

D-rats are sniveling bitches, and they enjoy proving it time after time after time.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Kalifornia rick the prick chavez, is he related to Hugo Chavez???. I would get a good chuckle if his home suffered a home invasion, well I’ll leave the rest of the story out.
Is it Kalifornia or another state that wants people whom move out of their state to pay I think a $10,000.00 tax for moving. anyone one of you TAH’S hear anything about this.???


 California “Exit Tax”: The Tax Consequences of Leaving California. They look for ways to tax you after you leave the state. When you move to a non taxing state. Like do you still have family living in Commifornia. Then you would still owe taxes on your income.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Jimbojszz

That’s Illinois. There is currently, at best estimate and even with artificially propping up the budget, an over $700 million shortfall in Toilet’s budget. Which he claimed is “balanced”.

I think New York also proposed something along these lines.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like the PRoC to me, they want to screw everyone that leaves for running away from being screwed day after day living there, makes me thank the Blessed Creator that I live in deep Red State America.


Phuque this dood. I’d rather be judged by 12 than toted by 6. How much armed security does he have when he is out in “Public Spaces”? An armed society is a polite society.

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK him sideways with a rusty pipe wrapped in asbestos soaked in diarrhea and nuclear waste, makes me even happier that I live in deep Red State America where folks are allowed to carry and guess what? the goblins always have to wonder who a good victim will be and who will shoot back!


If there is any possible way a law can be misconstrued, it will be. Lawyers are PAID to do that.Politicians: “But that’s not the intent of the law we passed! (Damn, they found out it does that…”)


“. Zbur says the bill is not intended to…”

His intentions are irrelevant; what the bill actually says is what matters.

“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.