Biden’s Claim of “Being Shot At”
Several news outlets are reporting that President Joe Biden has been taking some heat for insinuating that he had been “shot at.”
BPR reports:
Biden takes heat for repeating walked back claim from 2007 that he had been ‘shot at’
Did President Joe Biden just borrow a page out of Hillary Clinton’s playbook of exaggeration, or is he doing his best Brian Williams impersonation, where the NBC anchor falsely claimed he was in a helicopter that was shot at by a rocket-propelled grenade?
What appears to be clear is that Biden repeated an old claim that he apparently forgot he had walked back well over a decade ago.
The president was speaking to a group of diplomatic aides at the State Department on Thursday when he claimed he’d been shot at.
“You have great personal courage. I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at,” Biden told the group.
Then, the folks at RT pose the question “What if Trump had said it?
President Joe Biden has dusted off an old story about how he came under fire while visiting Iraq, more than a decade after he admitted the claim was somewhat exaggerated. ‘Where’s the MSM outrage?’ social media users have asked.
While addressing US State Department staff on Thursday, Biden hailed the diplomats for showing “great personal courage,” which the new US president has purportedly seen first-hand.
“I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at,” he told the audience.
It’s unclear what Biden meant by the passing remark, and the White House has not elaborated on the statement.
Biden has spoken about shooting-related close calls before, but he later walked back the claim. During a Democratic presidential debate in 2007, the then-senator alleged that he had been “shot at” while inside Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone.
When later pressed by journalists to expand on the story, Biden acknowledged that it would have been more accurate to say that he was “near where a shot [had] landed.”
“No one got up and ran from the room – it wasn’t that kind of thing,” he said at the time, adding: “It’s not like I had someone holding a gun to my head.”
So, if you hear gunfire in the distance, they could be shooting at you.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not… it plays.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics, Stolen Valor
Of course Sniff was shot at. It happened just a few years after his wife was killed by that drunk truck driver. And we now have a black female vice president. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Resistance is futile…you WILL BE assimilated. Welcome to the hive.
I thought that it was Corn Pop that shot at Gropin’ Joe? Or maybe it was Otter Pop? Astro Pop? How about Soda Pop? Or that gay gangster from the hood, Pop Tart?
Joe Biden formed an alliance with Corn Pop to drive their common rivals, that being Snap, Crackle and Pop from the deep end of the swimming pool. It could have been a game of Marco Polo or Chicken, details are fuzzy, since the anecdote was on Hunter’s IPad, and that hasn’t come back from the repair shop yet.
The “shot” was Corn Pop eating a pistachio.
When Corn Pop got finished busting bidens booty hole biden thought it was his turn. That’s when the pistol came out.
It’s PTSD from his time in the urban combat zone known as Washington DC as a dog faced pony soldier and someone played a prank on him with a cherry bomb to see how high he could jump and run the other way..
and later on while he was on a Iraq feel good tour of the troops in a safe haven he dreamed of that DC incident after hearing distant gun fire, thus he thought he was under fire, makes sense now doesn’t it..
this phukeen fraudulent demented asshole tyrant wanna be does not represent me or my beliefs
Shameless Joe
Say anything often enough and you’ll start believing it, right?
Yeah, I was in that boat with George crossing the Delaware River to go fight the Redcoats on the other side. It was a cold, cold day in winter. I had to tell all those guys to put their coats on or they’d freeze off everything they’re famous for.
I was the 14 year old stow away door gunner on the Apollo 11 LEM, and I am deeply traumatized that I am not even mentioned in the history books of the 1st moon landing for the outstanding contribution of fighting off the moon rock creatures known as the Lunatoons
I would not walk or stand next to him out of fear of
being hit by a round intended for him.
It would be the prudent thing to do absent any factual evidence.
Oh he was shot at alright. It was all those spit wads from his classmates who hated the gropey piece of shit.
You really can’t fault the guy. He’s been spewing outright, blatant lies for more than 50 years. It’s very, very hard to keep those thousands of lies straight. He can’t even accurately remember the way in which his wife and daughter died. Lucky for him, the media doesn’t hold him accountable.
Nor how many grandchildren he has. But in his defense, it’s hard to keep track how many strippers Hunter knocked up.
For this reason alone, he is a waste of human skin. What fucking filth.
Dementia is a bitch when you’re a LSOS like ol’ Dementia Joe, you can’t remember the lies you’ve already been called out on and had to walk back. I think if Dementia Joe had been directly engaged he would have needed his depends changed (kind of reminds me of Scary Movie with Leslie Nielsen as the Bidenesque president). Now he wants to pretend he’s Tough Guy Joe, too bad Corn Pop didn’t tear him a new one and spare us his BS or he’d been driving instead of his first wife…not nice I know but caffeine hasn’t begun working its magic and my shoulder is telling me the weather forecast is right for once…
It must really be a struggle for someone with dementia/CRS to remember stuff that never even happened, but was one of many hundreds of lies one has told for over a 60 year time span.
If telling made up stories, embellishments, and fabrications are among the principal features of one’s career, then trying to keep them all straight and consistent must be a bitch even for someone with all his faculties.
J’Obiden is a cretin of great courage, a veritable MacArthur without a swagger stick, though my guess is that the only shot he’s ever had came from someone else’s bar tab or liquor cabinet.
With his litany of chronic health problems and legendary inability to control his tongue, I doubt that he has problems with distilled spirits.
With any luck, he’ll be gone before the cherry trees blossom.
Yep, he took a round that was meant for somebody else.
He intercepted the waitress and commandeered the drinks.
Biden is following the Orange-Girl-Bad examples and circling back to previous lies.
What the hell would Old Deferment Joe know about taking fire? Trump had deferments and the hyenas in the press railed on about how he shouldn’t be CIC forgetting that Carter was the Dem to serve in the military. China Joe used asthma as his out, but my father-n-law got drafted with asthma. Either way, he’s full of shit. How many of lies over the years? The guy is a text-book example of how you fail-up in government.
You are right, Carter was the only D-rat prezzy since lyin’ LBJ to have actually worn the uniform of the U.S. military.
We had George HW Bush who was a WWII Navy Pilot that got shot down and rescued by a US Sub and GW Bush did his time as an AF Reserve pilot.
You are correct sir, but I was only referring specifically to D-rats not Republicans.
Many non-D-rat presidents have served. Ronald Reagan also served on AD in the Army Air Corps during WWII after he transferred from the Reserve as a Cavalry officer. Reagan, unlike Clark Gable and Jimmy Stewart, only made movies and did PR during the war.
GW lets be realistic was a shammer and a sluffer, who half the time didn’t show up for duty to fly an obsolete aircraft(F-102) in the Texas ANG thanks to pops influence, typical politician,
but if he was flying F-105’s,A1’s,A-7’s.F-111’s.bird dogs, B-52’s or F-4’s out of Thailand, Laos, Guam, S. Vietnam or even a NATO base ? a whole different level of respect or if he just showed up on time and did his assigned sorties instead of being a no show sham artist far too often
I am not a Bush family fan they’re all despicable politicians and should be called out, tho the republicans are just as screwed up with far too many cowardly spineless war mongering representatives such as Mitch McConnell, Mittens Romney, both Cheney’s(pops was a draft dodger also cause he thought he was to important for military service, but yet he was quick to send others to fight in useless wars for corporate America) and the Bushes just to name a few, republicans are just as phucked up as democraps for every Blumenthal their is a similar republican, time for term limits and higher standards for elected gov’t representation and employment, no more affirmative action employees, since with that you don’t get the best and brightest you do get a lot of incompetence tho, just look at our VA as an example, sometimes it just really sucks, especially here in NJ
So, what combat aircraft were you flying over the Viet of the Nam, since you were in a Tactical Fighter Wing, since you are criticizing the service of others?
Well the new thousand year 4th Reich Fuhrer took a shot on the lie and missed.
Long, long ago, in a far away place, in the Viet of the Nam, I was peacefully sleeping in the barracks in an infantry division base camp when I was awakened to the sound of explosions of incoming mortar rounds and satchel charges. So, I guess the enemy sappers and mortarmen were trying to kill me personally, even though all the bangs happened over a hundred meters away from our barracks. Thus, I am a hero and a victim by Gropey Joe and O-Crazio’s definitions. Except in Gropey Joe’s case, a random mortar round hitting the ground somewhere in Baghdad near the Green Zone is hardly experiencing enemy fire.
I might add that no one in my unit was awarded a CIB for that sapper/mortar attack. Someone above my pay grade decided my company was not engaged by the enemy. And I didn’t even consider we were subjected to enemy fire, cuz we weren’t.
We waded in the same mud, we walked through the same bug-infested jungle, we forded the same streams… but we, above all else, we…
… heard the same distant sound of gunfire.
We few, we so happy few.
Got lit up by rocket fire at Bagram all the time, but unless I was knocked down, hit by shrapnel or the building I was in got hit by a rocket I wasn’t claiming a CAB. (Be one of those wienies entitled to a CAB for being 195 meters– “within 200 meters of indirect fire impact”– from sh*t that got blown up? We had enough of the JAG lawyers there doing that.)
That’s why we call ’em “lawers” here. They don’t deserve the “y.” The lawers are even bigger REMFs than the Civil Affairs pukes.
We had a turd claim a CAB for being 2km away from a rocket strike. He was an artillery guy. He claimed that it was inside the possible Pk for that type rocket. Somebody had to explain to him that we weren’t at NTC. Then he started whining saying he should have gotten one on his last tour but the commander was a big meanie.
In 1971, the obese CSM of the last infantry battalion I served in claimed a CIB based on the fabrication that an RPG flew in one open door of a Huey, traversed the cargo area where he was sitting and out the other door without impacting anything. The CSM was a recent Pentagon ACofS warrior on his first and only combat tour. The Bn C.O. was of similar ilk and promptly approved the award. One of my men was on the bird with him and said it was total BS, as the helo combat assault went into a cold LZ.
That’s some action hero shit.
He should have gone down. He could have helped Chuck.
Like in the Porta Potty.
At 0230.
No witnesses.
Mortar round a mike away. No POO confirmed.
Move on, people. Nothing to see here.