AOC’s “Stolen Riot Valor”
Bryan Preston of PJMedia writes:
AOC’s Stolen Riot Valor Reveals Her Heartless Cruelty Toward the Rest of America
[after citing several examples of riots all over the country in the past year…]
I bring all of this up not to rehash the past year, but to wonder again if the synapses in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s brain ever make the most obvious, elementary connections. Or if there is anything genuine or honest about her at all. Does she experience empathy for anyone other than her extremist squadmates?
AOC’s tactics by now are well established. When she wants to put out a purposeful message she goes to social media and posts a video monologue. She can speak there unchallenged by questions, reporters, or facts. Commenters and followers fawn over her every word, like, reply, and spread her message virally for free. Journalists tend to report what she says uncritically, amplifying her chosen message and lending her undeserved credibility, then they wait for responses to report. It’s easy work. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em journalism. When pushback arrives from pundits or other members of Congress, AOC doubles and triples down, often accusing them of what she has done to deflect from whatever weaknesses or deceptions her critics have exposed.
When called out, AOC doubled down, saying her critics exploited people’s misunderstanding of the layout in D.C. But she did that in her initial video — most Americans haven’t been to a congressional office and don’t know much about the underground tunnels or where congresscritters make their nests.
Giving AOC every benefit of the doubt — which is something she never gives anyone who disagrees with her — her mind should have made a very simple and obvious connection, one that would have altered her thinking about the past year and the one ahead.
If she feared for her life that day, what about the millions of Americans whose cities were plagued by deadly riots for days, weeks, and months? Did we have any less reason to fear than she did? No, we had more reasons to fear than she did. AOC and her ilk were cheering on the “defund the police” activists during active, violent riots.
Are they all sociopaths?
The article’s author, Bryan Preston, went on to equate a parallel to Stolen Valor…
There’s a term for those who claim heroic military service when they either never served or never saw the combat they claim: stolen valor. AOC’s claim to fear during the Capitol riot is a species of stolen valor. She may have feared the chaos, but it evidently didn’t get to her doorstop and didn’t force her into hiding in a bathroom. She is trying to claim and weaponize a moral authority that her actual experience doesn’t merit, in order to bludgeon her opponents and smear all Republicans in Congress. Her aim is not truth, but more raw power. That’s disgusting in and of itself, but it’s hardly a disqualifier among Democrats. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Democrat from Connecticut, used to claim combat service in Vietnam. He served during the Vietnam war, but it turns out he never left the United States. That’s stolen valor. He keeps winning elections anyway.
Some have compared AOC to Jussie Smollett and his claim that he was jumped and beaten by Trump supporters. It is interesting to say the least – once proven false, the issue seems to pivot to the claim that it doesn’t matter if it’s true, we are told that it is the premise that we should focus on. *sigh*
Another interesting fallout from this is that, the fact-checking website, has been ridiculed for backing AOC’s claim and it is being suggested that they have a bias.
Fact-check site Snopes panned for ‘weird’ post about AOC’s Capitol claim
The liberal fact-checking website Snopes raised eyebrows for appearing to contradict itself regarding the controversy surrounding the Capitol Hill riot story from U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics, Stolen Valor
*sigh* is right. To quote/paraphrase 2 other power hungry skrunts…”…at this point, what difference does it make.” “…we must pass this bill to see what it in it…”
As you pointed out, how do some of these people, not only get elected, but keep getting re-elected. Talk all over the Country is to vote these people out, but unless you are in that district, you have no say so. And for those districts that do elect someone that doesn’t toe that party line, they are made powerless to do anything but to show up. You may have seen the linkys on the GA Rep Greene who has been censured and voted off of her Committee assignments. Not surprising that decent people no longer seem to want to run for office…who would want to subject themselves, or their families to the BS.
And the talk of taking the reins of power from these domestic enemies of our Republic in 2022 and 2024? NOT.GONNA.HAPPEN! Dominion has made sure now that their system works to elect whom ever they want it too. The down ballot races will now include people at the very basic local level, City Councils, County Commissioners, Judges, ect.
Did ya see the other bill that Mittens is helping push thru? A flat payment of 250-350 $ cash for every child in every family. More free sh^t for their FSA.
Greene is stripped of her assignments, but Eric Swalwell remains.
In fact, Swalwell was appointed to the Trump impeachment committee.
If I may steal a line from the late Barry Goldwater; to Occasional-Cortex, “extremism in the defense of socialism is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of social justice is no virtue.”
Steve Balm,
Excellent comparison to Stolen Valor.
And, a new low for “Politi-Fact”.
PF admits AOC wasn’t there,
but sides with AOC, the media, and FakeBook (who deleted criticisms) anyway.
[It’s true that Ocasio-Cortez was not in the main Capitol building
where the House and Senate chambers are located as rioters broke in.
She was in the Cannon building.
But she never claimed……..]
But she never claimed !?!?!?!?!?!
Who here hasn’t seen the Stolen Valor phony defenders and enablers
pull this minimizing stunt to protect their blatantly lying phony?
The end all of this story should be Politi-Fact
(and everyone else) stopping at
“Ocasio-Cortez was not in the main Capitol building”.
They’ve been working extra hard the last few years to really emphasize the “Political” part of Politifact. So much so that they pretty much toss out the “Fact” part.
I saw that Snopes the other day and about died laughing. I thought it was Babylon Bee at first. Then remembered that Snores by a Hooker and a Fraudster.
“Some angry dwarf’s and a Hobbit ran by me called me Sméagol.”
AOC 1642
Verified as FACT
Didn’t she also claim that she was chased by a dragon? Or was that a Dragoon?
St Patty’s day as a bartender on LSD.
AOC has the crazee eyes… maybe she had a hook up with our own IDC SARC and he pushed her over the edge?
Marty Feldman’s twin…
Feldman described himself as an ‘avowed socialist’ and once stated “I’m a socialist from way back, but in order to pay my back taxes I have to live in America to earn enough money to pay the back tax I owe to the socialist government that I voted in.”
I can understand why she feared for her life. She may have realized she poked the bear one time too many.
Oh, please! Is this the best this little snot can do?
What an AMATEUR!!!!! IF she really wants sympathy, she could go spend time on military base while the tanker crews are having gunnery practice and claim they were shooting at her.
She could have claimed that she was part of Seal Team 241 :-).
Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
I have work to do! Never enough time in the day….
She needs to start wearing the beret hidden in her pocket.
When the shit hits the fan…some run…others just reach out and pull the plug…
Imagine the terror that stupid twat would experience if we ever actually did any of the bullshit she constantly accuses us of!
I saw her video and immediately said, “No, she wasn’t ‘almost killed.’ If she was present at the Capitol on 1/6 and the people gathered there wanted her dead, she would be fucking dead.” Jesus, I can’t stand this bitch.
Drama Queen
If Occluded-Cortex is looking for sympathy someone please tell her to look in the dictionary (something she might have learned about at BU if she really went there); it’s in there under “S” between s**t and syphilis two things she might be acquainted with especially seeing as how she’s full of the first one. John Silber has got to be spinning in his grave seeing what his school “produced”, has anyone actually seen her transcripts from BU? I can’t recall anyone claiming to have been in class with her, things to make you say hmmm…
They don’t usually have dictionaries or call roll for those under desks the whole time.
Ah, you might be onto something there. That would explain a lot.
Now, people, you know this vaca sin cerebro is ONLY looking for attention. I think I’ve been in more danger just living in Chicago for 30 years than she’s ever had to face in her entire useless, ridiculous life.
The more she rattles her cage doors to get attention, the more likely she is to get backlash. If she wants attention so badly that she pulls these stunts, she should be careful what she wishes for. She might get it and won’t like it.
If people would just ignore her, she might go away.
Not silently mind you, but still she might go away.
Kinda like a a Never Ending Story, quit believing it and “poof” into the Great Nothingness.
President Johnson, as a Congressman, was called up in the naval reserves during WWII as a LCDR. He went to the Southwest Pacific Theater invited by Doug MacArthur. He volunteered for an observation mission on a B-26 and during the mission something happened. According to Gen Mac’s citation for the Silver Star, Johnson exhibited “coolness while under fire” while the plane was attacked by up to eight Japanese fighters. Funny thing was, no other crew member on the plane received any medals for valor for that mission and there is a claim the plane actually had engine trouble and had to turn back before they encountered any enemy fire.
So it would seem that AOC could be awarded something for her coolness under the desk and in the closet. Just need a Gen MacArthur-wannabe seeking future influence with Congress to write the citation.
And there I was, knee-deep in paper clips and carpet fuzz. I looked around for a weapon, and grabbed the stapler. I aimed, I slowly squeezed one off… *CLICK* My worst fear, it was empty. Precious seconds went by…
And then the Qanon Shaman came in and ranted like a maniac– we had no choice, “We should take off an butthurt the entire site from orbit; it’s the only way to be Leftist!” I said.
During his South Pacific vacation, Johnson was one of several VIPs hitching a ride on a B-17 that got lost over Western Australia. Upon learning of their predicament, Johnson started nervously pacing most of the length of the plane. Seeing as how Johnson was not a small or lightweight individual, this never-ending shift in the aircraft’s center of gravity was unnecessarily giving the pilots one more thing to worry about when they already had plenty. Recognizing the problem, one of the waist gunners grabbed Johnson and instructed him to sit down and stay put so that the pilots wouldn’t have to keep adjusting trim. Johnson apparently took offense and tried to pull the “Don’t you know who I am?”
The 18-year-old Army Air Forces private answered with words to effect of: “Yeah, I do. You’re the stupid asshole who’s about to get thrown out my fucking waist window unless you sit your ass down before you kill us all.”
Johnson, appropriately cowed, sat down as instructed. The B-17 landed safely at a remote ranch, from whence Johnson promptly arranged a comfortable ride for himself with nary a thought for the B-17 crew or the other passengers.
“Cool under fire” my ass.
The story I read was a bit different.
Whatever the specifics of the equipment failure on his B-26, LBJ was never in an aircraft that encountered a fighter attack. And he spent his time onboard as a “strap hanger,” someone who has no function and is just along for the ride. The aircraft with LBJ on board had to abort and return to base before the formation approached its targets, thus no enemy aircraft were encountered. The full story is found on that website.
And the Oscar goes to…………..
snopes==dopes, I never use them. Amazing that the anti gun demoRats want armed guards to escort them around but it is okay to confiscate our firearms. I’m still waiting for all the demoRats to give the Sig Heil salute when the Fuhrer stands up to make a speech like his past mentor did from the Reichstag. cnn seems to have the same hypnotic effect to their low information audiences that Hitler had over his. Looks like I went off on another tangent: Oh well.
Actually, Snopes does have some value. If you want to quickly verify if something is accurate without doing a deep-dive on the interwebz and they rate it as “mixed” or “partially true” or “partially false”, you have your answer. It’s kind of like FascistBook’s “missing context”…LibSpeak for “but, but, but…”
Her claims are simply a public admission of her complete uselessness. She wasn’t anywhere near the unpleasantness yet claims she feared for her life? Seriously??
Delusional behavior much? She seems to suffer from a complete inability to see reality much less to react sanely to it. Then brags about it.
No, AOC. You are a sorry excuse for an adult. You have done nothing to get my sympathy. If you actually think what you experienced was of concern, why do you express no sympathy for what the rest of us experienced during the riots around the country last year?
Mark Steyn had a classic monologue on AOC’s fabulist fairy tales of fear last night when he subbed for Tucker. The man is a world class wordsmith; from content, you can tell he wrote every word himself that is on that teleprompter. Next week he will be doing the hour before Tucker’s show. Make sure y’all tune in. It may be the last thing worth watching on Fox News or Fox Business. Fox has apparently decided to follow the crazed Cuck ‘n Cunt programming model of CNN and MSDNC.
This makes complete sense after all she was petrified by the noise emitted from a garbage disposal, could only imagine what fear she had from a crowd 600 yards away in a different building that might want to tar and feather a spoiled brat, might make a mess of her make up and designer clothes
So, on her poser vest does she wear a MAGA pin with a slash through it? What kind of service dog will she have? Instead of a HD will she ride an electric scooter?
Purse chihuahua, as annoying as she is.
Well, the dog might be “almost” as annoyin’ but she’s in a league by herself.