Milblog Conference 2009 links

| April 26, 2009

Many thanks to Skye of Midnight Blue, Claymore and Marooned in Marin, from Marooned in Marin, for standing in for us yesterday so we could enjoy the Milblog Conference worry-free.

I found some links to photos and live blogs of the Milblog conference, and threw them up so you can see what a great weekend it was;

Tankerbabe has some pictures of some of the folks on the first night. I’m sure there will be more – especially from last night at O’Sullivan’s.

Ponsdorf took some pictures the first night.

Fuzzybear Lioness at The Castle Argghhh! did a great job of live blogging the panels;

Back to our roots (including TSO)
Beyond MilBlogging
Taking care of our veterans (including TSO)
New Media

I’ll add more links as I find them.

Added: More from Tankerbabe on last night’s doin’s.

Category: Bloggers, Link fest

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Clearly I see that you are not anxious to reveal to your readers the true nature of the events of the 2009 Milblog conference.

Don’t you think they should know that they are reading posts written by a man who spent a good portion of Friday night locked up & in jail with other malefactors such as Uncle Jimbo, Blackfive and Greyhawk?

I think your readers deserve to know the truth. They need to know that you escaped your just punishment and fled the jurisdiction.

You may be free temporarily, but justice never sleeps. Sooner or later you will get your just desserts. The long arm of the law will recapture you.

Anyone who assists you in evading justice will be charged with being an accessory after the fact.

Milblog “Jail-N-Bail” Prosecutrix

Jonn wrote: But Jamie rescued me from your over-zealous, prosecutoral malfeasance. You’ll probably need a sheriff that weighs more than 60 pounds to recapture me.

Mrs G

I’m on his trail Maggie, with multible warrants ready 😉

Mrs G

And hey… 60lbs? They say dyn-o-mite comes in small packages. I may be samll but I’m lethal, grrrr.

Mrs G

*small, dammit


John – It was a pleasure to meet you.

TSO – Thanks for pulling “double duty” on the panels.