Democrat Senators continue partisan probe

| April 26, 2009

COB6 wrote yesterday that there won’t be any “truth commission” investigations because of a piece Porter Goss wrote in the Washington Post about the complicity of the Congressional Democrats in the decision to approve what we’re calling torture these days. Well, Carl Levin and Dianne Feinstein are renewing their calls for a Senate investigation according to Fox News;

The California Democrat said her committee already was investigating the methods detailed, but Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he wants independent investigators to determine whether any Bush administration officials should be prosecuted.

“I have recommended that the Department of Justice select one or two or three people outside of the department who will have credibility, perhaps retired federal judges, who will make a recommendation to the Department of Justice as to whether or not anybody ought to be prosecuted on this matter or any other action ought to be taken against lawyers, for instance,” Levin said on “FOX News Sunday.”

He added that he objects to the idea that the interrogators who carried out the tactics should be the only ones prosecuted.

“For the president of the United States to say that a few American troops dishonored us at Abu Ghraib — no. What dishonored us were the policies and practices that were authorized that went to Abu Ghraib, and there ought to be accountability. But how that is done should be done by an independent person, not by elected politicians,” he said.

I’m waiting for the Bush Administration’s memo approving naked pyramids and genital pointing. Jay Rockefeller, one of the Senators who was supposedly briefed by the Bush Administration and gave at least his tacit approval was clear that he only wants this to be a purely partisan investigation according to The Hill last week;

“I do not believe that front-line counter-terror professionals who relied in good faith on Department of Justice legal opinions should face prosecution,” Rockefeller said. “But I am not prepared to say the same for the senior Bush administration officials who authorized or directed these policies in the first place. The focus for right now should be on finding the facts.”

So what’s driving this partisan fishing expedition? Here’s a hint;

Category: Code Pink, Liberals suck, Politics, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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On that Goss op-ed…Yikes!! The hate and spew of the commenters is absolutely vile. I wonder if the pinkos have initiated a smear campaign, it’s that bad.
And, have you seen the exchange between Norah O’ and Liz Cheney? Great stuff. Liz smacked her down but good. Such tool, that bitch. I was screaming at the video. The left would rather have 3000 more dead Americans so they can spew the BDS and hate than have lives saved. Wierd, huh?


Weird? Not in their minds. But, I think the Goss op-ed has sent a few of the dems seeking their 3 martini lunch. Red Karl Levin should really be careful of what he wishes for, he might get it, as will Nancy, if I was there, I didn’t hear anything, Pelosi.
Again, if it was torture, how could it be used against troops in SERE training? Anyone recall signing “torture” waivers? The left will try to stay in power, regardless of the piles of corpses they have to stand on to try.


It’s a good thing they’re looking forward, not back….I think I missed the memo that Al Quaeda has been defeated…GOd help us with these folks.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

I gave shit like this the best 20 years of my life. And this is what I get in return?
We need Vigilance Committees. 3-7-77