Governments “race” to deal with Swine flu

| April 27, 2009

I have to laugh. This swine flu “epidemic” has been bubbling beneath the surface of the news for months and now that it’s reached a private prep school in New York City, the media has finally paid attention which means the government thinks they can make it a political issue while they “race” into the spotlight. Yeah, they have access to the vaccine, so that gives them some power, but “racing”? Hardly. No more than the coroner’s meat wagon “races’ to the scene of an automobile accident to police up remains in the aftermath.

Does anyone honestly think that the government will take responsibility for their part in the spread of the illness? Nope, but they’ll take credit in a heartbeat when it stops being a threat. Gateway Pundit writes that even this won’t make Janet Napolitano take border security seriously.

It’s amazing to me that people continue to think that government can solve all of the world’s problems when government has consistently failed to solve almost every problem. Allahpundit writes that CDC has already given up on containing the flu virus to Mexico.

Susan Collins, the pretend Republican from Maine, can take comfort in the fact that even though she’s helped Democrats pass their Treasury-busting budgets, she’s still going catch the blame for this flu virus from the moonbats because they’re saying she took the emergency funding out of the budget on orders from Dick Cheney;

Makes you wonder if Susan Collins was in contact with Dick Cheney before the stimulus vote and he told her, “Hey Susie-Q, make sure to take out the pandemic flu part, because me and Rumsfeld are planning a huge one. Now would be the time to invest on the stock market in flu medicines & vaccines. Just a tip for ya! Now go get ‘em Susie! We’re gonna be rich once again!”? Wouldn’t surprise me.

The swine flu appears to be here, but that’s okay, Sen. Susan Collins wants us all to know that she did the right thing in making sure there was no money for this sort of pandemic flu.

Sweet Georgia Brown! She should have at least put funding in the budget to treat Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Derangement Syndrome.

Oh, and crackpots are everywhere on the spectrum these days;

Of course, there is a silver lining to every tragedy. If this disease continues to spread in Mexico, it could substantially reduce our illegal immigration problem. Perhaps that is God’s goal. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.


Category: Foreign Policy, Media, Politics

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Another Pandemic? I lived throught Avian Flu Pandemic! No, wait, didn’t happen. I got the Swine Flu shot in Basic Training and I survived that Pandemic. No, wait, that never materialized either.

Just goes to show how easy it would be slide something really nasty though our sponge like border.

People in US killed daily in Traffic accidents: 112.5 (2007)
People in US killed by Swine flu pandemic: 0 (2008)

Never let a good crisis go to waste.


Gee, I figured Obongo had brought strains of this stuff it back with him from Mexico as a party favor – a gift to honor the illegals. I did notice that upon his election, gasoline prices began to rise again even though oil prices continued to hold steady or decline – so figured this was one more feather for him to put in his cap. or up his arse. Whatever fits.


Poor Susan, but this is what happens when you lie down with wolves.