Sorry America Haters, There Will be no Truth Commissions

| April 25, 2009

Former Intelligence Committee Chairman and Director of the CIA Porter J. Goss eliminated any possibility of a serious investigation in a Washington Post article today.

Today, I am slack-jawed to read that members claim to have not understood that the techniques on which they were briefed were to actually be employed; or that specific techniques such as “waterboarding” were never mentioned. It must be hard for most Americans of common sense to imagine how a member of Congress can forget being told about the interrogations of Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. In that case, though, perhaps it is not amnesia but political expedience.

Let me be clear. It is my recollection that:

– The chairs and the ranking minority members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, known as the Gang of Four, were briefed that the CIA was holding and interrogating high-value terrorists.

– We understood what the CIA was doing.

– We gave the CIA our bipartisan support.

– We gave the CIA funding to carry out its activities.

– On a bipartisan basis, we asked if the CIA needed more support from Congress to carry out its mission against al-Qaeda.

I do not recall a single objection from my colleagues.

This is so comical and demonstrates so clearly what all the howling Democrats have been doing the last couple of weeks was really about. It was not about seeking the truth or making America stronger; it was nothing more than a political witch hunt. And now it has blown up in their collective anti-American faces.

There will also be no serious Congressional hearings in to this. Why?

The Intelligence Committee is chaired by Sylvestre Reyes who is so stupid a congressional page has to water him twice a week and then there is Nancy Pelosi.

Let’s face it, when the Speaker of the House is basically reduced to two possible defenses; either a low grade moron or a pathologic, treasonous liar; there will be no hearings.

What about a Special Prosecutor?

I would actually support that but it won’t happen, at least not if Obama wants to pass another single piece of legislation in his only term as President.

Get over it lefties. This is what happens when the amateurs and political hacks are trying to run the country.

Category: Politics

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ROK Drop

Wow, Peter Goss just nuked the politicians claiming ignorance to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation tactics. I recommend everyone read the full article.

If Bush administration officials and CIA operatives are prosecuted over this issue then shouldn’t members of Congress who were briefed on this and said nothing about supposed law breaking be prosecuted as well?

Dave Thul

Have the Dems been taking notes from the insurgents in Iraq?

Fire a few mortars at a FOB and then scurry for cover?


[…] Via This Ain’t Hell comes the reason why no one involved in the torture memos will probably be prosecuted, because the Democrats were just as guilty in approving of the enhanced interrogation measures as well: […]


You can expect one of these spurious BDS outbursts every time the left feels like the conservatives are gaining traction. I think this was a smoke screen to get people’s minds off of the HUGE crowds at the Tea Partys and the general disatisfaction at the shift towards Socialism. They knew these acusations would be shot down eventually, but it distracts the dumb masses and fills the headlines with blather for a few days. Just MHO.

Airborne Injun

If one swings, then they all should swing! And not to get off topic,but…If Pelosi gets one more face lift,I think she will have a goatee!