Sunday morning Chiroux drivel

| April 26, 2009

Well, the Milbog “conference” is over, so I guess I’ll show y’all the latest from Matthis. Someone told me that Chiroux doesn’t check who he’s friends with, so I tried to sneak in . But he busted me and took the opportunity to threaten me with legal repercussions;

Of course, because he sent me a message, I was able to access his Home page. As long as I’m already in his lawyer sights, I might as well ask what kind of immature narcissistic doofus would make an avatar like this;

Yeah, he’s a dork.

Kris Goldsmith wrote me that Chiroux (a fake combat veteran) is trying to get Goldsmith (a real combet veteran) tossed out of IVAW;

I’ve been warned off the record that Matthis wrote an email to the board requesting punitive action be taken against me by IVAW. Something like suspension of membership, a request for an apology, or something like that.

We have one last shot at getting Chiroux’s benefits blocked. Write a letter to;
MG Sean Byrne
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 20310-0300

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Could this uberdouche get any more entertaining? I’m going to get ahead of the curve and answer with an affirmative.


Clay? You gotta write up a scenario on this one, bro.


Gotta love how their only offense is to threaten legal action, without any thought to the damage they would do themselves. B-)


Matthis’ avatar says, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”


I’m against the Iraq war. Always have been. But I face facts when they’re directly in front of me. The country is moving in a new direction. My crowd — we had our time to “Bush Bash.” Too bad our resentment of the Bush Administration created sizable open space for the likes of Matthis Chiroux to wiggle through the cracks. I’ve disagreed with our policy decisions in Iraq. But never in a million years did I ever view it as an excuse to $hit our country like Matthis Chiroux did and continues to do. IVAW should expel this leach from their organization immediately. If not, IVAW should accept him as their poster boy and share Chiroux’s shame. He’s a disgrace. I support Obama. But the “right-wing” shouldn’t fear him — they should fear this new emerging “Socialist” movement that the rational “left-wing” fears as well.


Too bad his avatar didn’t show the pink garter belt.
Does this ayhole take himself seriously?
And his limp weenie threat if you publish his comments before his dhimmicrat advisors can clean up what he says like they do with Hussein Obongo’s comments, and make his words seem lucid…. hysterically funny!!!!



At the risk of being indicted on charges of 1st degree thread hijacking, why do you oppose the war in Iraq. I have ALWAYS supported the Iraq war, even when it was propposed by the Clinton administration. I have difficulty understanding why anyone would oppose it. I have made it a point to ask opponents of the war why they oppose it. The usual response I receive is either crawfishing or emotional bluster.

You seem at least somewhat rational, and since we are not face to face, perhaps you can explain your position.

To all others, please forgive me, but I am just unable to let this pass. To the operators of this blog, if you choose to remove this comment, I understand.



Sure. My school of thought consists of “What Works For Us?” Therefore, I was always ask myself in regards to Iraq “What Did We Get Out Of It?” and “What Is It Worth The Price?” I don’t believe it was/is. I fully believe that if we’re attacked by terrorists we should find them, bring them to justice, kill them, etc. I believe in “choosing my battles wisely.” I don’t think Iraq was/is a “wise battle” to choose. In saying that, I do respect your opinion. I understand why people want to win in Iraq. My hope is that one day something good will come of all that we and the Iraqi people endured in this mess. I’m not sure my hope will come true. In the end, the Iraqis won’t fulfill our hopes of what the previous adminstration wanted for them — I’m sure of that. Who knows where Obama will take it.

This blog post is about a fraud and a leech named Matthis Chiroux. He’s a disgrace.

In the end us vets can use our “veteran status” to contribute to America and engage in positive dialogue along with understanding other’s view points. Or we can use it as an excuse to act like a$$holes like Chiroux.

What I hate most about Chiroux and his clan is that they want to live free off the same government they wish to overthrow.


OnNow, Thank you. I appreciate the sincerity and moral seriousness of your response. Most of all I appreciate your service to our Nation. Please trust the sincerity of my respect because I will tell you upfront, I am going to try to change your mind. I know what it is like to carry out a policy one does not support. I served in Kosovo. I was in Camp Bondsteel on September 11th, 2001. I remember as I watched the second tower collapse, I turned to my buddy and said, “You know were going into Iraq, don’t you?” He replied by looking at me as if my male appendage were protruding from my forehead. (And NO, I didn’t think that Iraq or Saddam were directly or indirectly involved. I just took the inevitable policy change to its logical conclusion). I find it interesting that my support for the Iraq war could be stated as “What does NOT work for us.” As I believe the 9/11 attacks demonstrated what does NOT work for us could be boiled down to the following: 1. A legalistic approach to Islamic Terrorism (and yes, I use the word Islamic specifically and deliberately.) 2. A continued amoral narrowly defined approach to “US Interests” in the Middle East. 3. Continued acquiescence in dictators using fear of the “Arab Street” to justify oppression of their people. 4. Tying down critical military assets to a misguided policy of “containment” of an intellectually bankrupt and impotent Pan-Arabist “Baathist” ideology. 5. And most of all, a brutal dictator sticking his middle finger up at the US while providing material and moral support for terrorist (Please don’t come at me with the “no evidence” BS, I know what the Saddam Fedayeen was and why it was created. Anyone who was there in 2003 saw the certificates.) 6. WMD. (Read the entire Duefler report. The real question was not did he have them, but what happened to them.) (A question, by the way, we have yet to answer.) These policies obviously WERE NOT working. We had a choice, either radically change the geopolitical dynamic… Read more »


Excellent, FOMSG.



Airborne Injun

FOMSG…Teach it and preach it! You nailed it rght on the head. BTW…If this Chiroux ass wipe is going for the “DOORS” Jim Morrison theme,shouldn’t he be overdosing right about now?


OnNow; I appreciate your calm manner of approaching your position and your thoughts.

FOMSG; thank you for your comments and very well thought out and stated position of support for the Iraq War. I happen to agree with you. I also thank you for your comment about Vietnam Veterans, a large segment of truly honorable citizens of this country and good men and women who withstood not only the enemy in a difficult jungle/guerilla war, but also the inane babblings of Hollywood and the mainstream media, which of course brought about the common misconception Americans have of who these veterans are and how honorably they served, whether drafted or volunteer troopers.

Good postings these are.


Now if only people on the other side would start to question Matthis the Miscreant!


AS and Kris are a good start tho!


Just to let everyone know there is ALOT of IVAW members that are speaking out against Matthis, the self-proclaimed poster boy of the anti-war movment. He is nothing more then a liar and a self-confessed rapist. Then he try’s to blame the military for his actions of rape that is unbelievable.


Glad to hear that y’all are starting to come around!


We have one last shot at getting Chiroux’s benefits blocked. Write a letter to;
MG Sean Byrne
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 20310-0300



I appreciate your response and respect your opinion. Sadly, it’s hard to change my point of view. My pessimistic outlook toward our Iraq policy was formed from my experience on the ground in Iraq. Like I said, my hope is one day Iraq becomes a peaceful democracy — a good place to live. However, I’m skeptical that will ever happen. The Iraqis are going to be the Iraqis. Therefore, what we want for them may not be what they want. Anyhow, I like the dialog on this site. Some really good view points and I’m happy we were able to “agree to disagree.” Too bad it had to be a detestable leech and liar like Chiroux and his IVAW support base that made this connection (meaning our positive exchanges).



I read this on the IVAW site:

Matthis Chiroux is disgrace, fraud, and a joke. Did he just watch “Casualties Of War” before he wrote that terrible piece?

How can you call your organization “Iraq Vets Against The War” while you have a sizable membership base that are not even Iraq veterans. The Iraq Vets Against The War That Were Never There? Maybe?

If you’re having trouble with Matthis your board should expel him. If they won’t your membership should have a coup d’état. I see your new Executive Director is a AWOL Coast Guardsman. Who is responsible for making that decision?


“Taught that the Army family is our only family…” WTF is that shit? Sounds as if he is imagining himself as some hardcore, ammo-belt wearing, 240 toting Animalmother wannabe. He was a Combat Camera MFer who never went into Combat. REMF!!



[How can you call your organization “Iraq Vets Against The War” while you have a sizable membership base that are not even Iraq veterans.]

Because their parent orgainization is the Vietnam Veterans Against the War who are a bunch of liars.

The VVAW cockroaches hide out under a rock call Veterans For Peace. You don’t have to be a veteran there either. 24% of VFP are “associates” and 14% are veterans with no “proof of service” on file. The veterans in VFP can submit a DD-214 but those are easily faked, or some “other proof”.

For a bunch of toads like VVAW and IVAW, They’d have to sign an SF-180 for access to their records before I’d believe anything about their service.



Well said across the board.


It’s worth noting that many of us ‘Nam vets have played a role few talk about. When Kerry made his attempt we were in the vanguard with the ‘Kerry Lied’ rally. From that grew the GoE and other related efforts.

I’ll speculate a bit, but I wonder if we hadn’t done so – would the VVAW/IVAW and their cronies have been where they are now?

Maybe we’re fighting one last battle of the Vietnam war?



To join IVAW you must have been in the military on or after September 11th 2001. You are right we do have some members who have not been to Iraq as also we have other members who have only been to Afghansatin.

As far as Matthis goes I thought the same thing about the movie “Casualties Of War” after I read his statement. In his statement he admits to raping a woman, but trys to rationalize it by saying he taught her how to say” I am 18″ (which makes me believe she might had been under age) in English and that he felt bad about it afterwards. By IVAW supporting Matthis we are supporting his self confessed rape as well.

The other thing that really strikes a big nerve with me is he goes on to talk about how he suffers from PTSD. I ask PTSD from what? As he states he only spent 5 days in Afghanistan, maybe he got PTSD from hearing the stories from the soldiers he talked to while he was there or maybe from raping that girl. Him stating that he suffers from PTSD is a slap in the face to all the veterans that do have to live there life with some form of PTSD. He seems to think the cool thing to do is claim PTSD, well it’s not cool especially when you lose your family due to the fact it’s hard for you to live everyday life with PTSD. I really hope something is done about Matthis sooner then later.

As far as for the hiring of the Executive Director the board members make that decision.

I also want to say I know there have been a lot of references to the ISO within IVAW, but I know for one I was proud of putting on the uniform and representing my country and the American flag and I will always be a proud American

IVAW'less just published Matthis’ manifesto to their site. Does this mean IVAW has joined with Matthis in attacking Sgt. Whitetree, Matthis’ father and his other less specific targets? And how does “I confess” = I accuse? I have been researching this individual, he is lying and abusing his relationship to the IVAW. He is disgracing the IVAW and chasing off “real veterans” of Iraq and Afghanistan. And by they way, didn’t Matthis deploy to the Phillipines with a Marine detachment? – But raped a girl with his “army” buddies?


I hate to throw out one of my warped observations, as this has been a very well spoken and thought out thread… but, am I the only one wondering if that avitar is telling us that what Matthis is planing to change is his “plumbing”?

I can see him in photoshop now, desperately trying for a picture that will portray him as a cross between Che, Jim Morrison, and Marylin Monroe. He needs to keep working on it, because right now it looks like “Jim Morrison’s sister joins the Village People”


OnNow, I too respect your opinion, it was well earned. My opinions were formed very much by my experiences in DS/DS, the initial invasion in 2003-04 and most of all 2006. My views have also been shaped by my last assignment in the Army in the DC area. From what you have written I suspect our opinions are not too different. It seems to me you are more against how the war is being fought than the war itself. I would agree with you there my friend. If there were an organization called Iraq Veterans Against the Way the War is Being Fought I would join. But I still maintain that we had to fight it, were right to fight it and Victory is critical. But I have a great deal of heartburn with the manner in which our military leaders have fought it, especially in 2006. I understand that a lot has changed. I believe we are on the verge of Victory (defeat can still be snatched from its jaws) because of the incredible sacrifice, dedication and hard work of the greatest Soldiers and Junior Officers on Earth. I only wish I had been there to do my part instead of polishing a chair in DC. But there is no IVAWWBF, however, there is the IVAW. And the fact is that you and the rest of the IVAW members who are sincere in their concern for their country are being used as window dressing. Wake up a realize it. Why do they continue to support little Matty Chiroux. Because his politics are reliable. Why do they appear ready to throw their own members under the bus to protect him. Because YOUR politics are NOT reliable. Because the IVAW is NOT about Veterans or the WAR. It is about POLITICS. Specifically radical leftist politics. They allow non-Iraq veterans and non-veterans to join in order to maintain control of the organization. Because their politics are reliable. And yours are not. Don’t think so? Ask yourself why the “poster boys” always seem to be frauds. Frauds are easier to control. The IVAW… Read more »


Wait, now he is claiming PTSD? WTF? When will the powers that be fix this problem that is Matthis?



Thanks for the reply. Just for the record I’m in no way shape or form affiliated with IVAW. I wouldn’t join IVAW if a gun were held to my head. Maybe it’s the old “sergeant” in me … I work for a living.


Letter sent to HRC.


I called HRC.
They did not know what the IVAW was.


They do now…..


Steve, could you email to Jonn who you talked to at HRC? Want to see if I have the same contact person.