Chiroux’ tin cup [Jonn]

| December 23, 2008

IVAW’s newest liar, Matthis Chiroux who claims he was honorably discharged after five years (have ya’all ever heard of a five-year enlistment?) and also claims he’s a veteran of the war in Afghanistan  (with a tour of six days in country) is perpetuating the illusion. He’s started a  website from which we can track his daring exploits – oh, and send him money to fight against the Army.

After five years of service and an honorable discharge, the Army said my “service” wasn’t finished.

They were right about my service, but wrong about the location.

I’m here in the U.S. FINALLY serving liberty and humanity. The Army said I had to enable destruction abroad to do this. The truth is, the real fight is at home.

Actually, Chiroux, you’re serving your own ego. He’s been hanging out with Maoists in New York City pretending to be an honorably discharged veteran of the Afghan war who is suddenly jumped by evil Bushists and waterboarded. He also pretended to be occupying the scaffolding outside of the National Archives. How is that “serving humanity”? Or this;

Oh, the “enable destruction abroad” is a joke, too. He was an Army journalist. unless he was planning on taking pictures of ugly women in Iraq and putting them on the internet, he wouldn’t have been enabling destruction.

For my refusal to deploy, the Army has alleged misconduct and is trying to downgrade my discharge. I’ve demanded a hearing. That date is yet to be known.

The Army isn’t “alleging misconduct”, it’s a clear case of breach of promise. Matthis signed up for eight years in exchange for monetary compensation and college money. He took the money and went to college and now he wants to bail on his promise. Demand all of the hearings you want to demand. that doesn’t change the facts.

From this website, you can access up to date information on my refusal, activism and what you can do to help. Please, click the donate tab below right away to contribute URGENTLY needed funds to my legal fight with the Army.

Since when does it cost money to fight the Army over administrative policy? You mean to tell me that there are no shyster ambulance-chasing lawyers for the Quakers who aren’t willing to battle the Army pro bono? If he can’t find one, it’s probably because they know it’s a lost cause. No one gets famous by losing cases.

Updated: He sure wears his uniform a lot for a guy who doesn’t want to be in the Army. Someone sent me this link to an interview he did with insane new age goofball Naomi Wolfe. If you’ve been drinking, don’t watch this;

Category: Politics

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I love how this trumped up bullshit is the cause celebre in IVAW now, because you just know some of the other prima donna/cult of personality types will try to outdo this asshat. Nonetheless, everytime this particular dude pops up, we need to do something. Sort of like an internet wack-a-turd.

Richard Romano

I’m just glad there are sites like TAH to expose these frauds so that we can honor and cherish our troops for what they are: good, brave, and loyal men and women.


Oooh Oooh! Count me in for that TSO! Assclowns like this attempt to give Veterans a bad name. I don’t know about anyone else, but I won’t stand for it. Is there some sort of petition I can sign to get the Government to fully prosecute these rejects and Section 8’s for Libel, slander, treason and conspiracy, or a way we can donate to a legal fund to prosecute them?


Pretty sure MP’s have five year contracts. But still, screw IVAW.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, well, what do you expect. AlGore was an Army journalist too. Birds of a feather, eh?


Now, what exactly are those 2 doing in that picture? Seriously.


IVAW = Iraq Veterans Always Whining

Dave Thul

The fact is that the guy enlisted after 9/11, when the country was already at war. Maybe he only wanted to fight the ‘good’ war in Afghanistan, but that’s not the way it works. We were attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor but that didn’t stop us from taking care of Germany first.

According to his website, he is one of the guys I saw at the RNC protest. They were an embarrassment to the military.

And if he is so against the military, why does he wear his dog tags in his PR photo and still call himself SGT?


[And if he is so against the military, why does he wear his dog tags in his PR photo and still call himself SGT?]

No matter how many Winter Soldier lies they tell about the troops, the IVAW pukes understand that the public respects the troops.

It’s kind of sick.


What an unbelievable turd Matthis is. I just watched his asinine video over at the House of Idiocy that is Ron Paul’s site. The fact that this piece of shit wears the uniform when he won’t show up, and persists in perpetuating the fallacy that he is an Afghan veteran absolutely infuriates me. He’s managed to supplant Kokesh and Millard as the lowest form of amoeba shit imaginable.


I spent 10 1/2 months in Afghanistan is 2004-2005(was supposed to be 9, but our replacements were late). This fucking rat turd wants to claim Veteran status at 6 days? WTF, Over? I wonder if he claims a CAB in his 2A and 2-1. Fucking wanna be Garritrooper to use a Bill Mauldin reference. What a freaking sad excuse for a human being.



Guess old Matthis thinks TDY means “Tour of Duty”…



“Rat Turd” is so judgemental…


Ok, scratch rat turd. Wannabe little fake punk ass bitch fits better anyway


Not to defend this asshat and his friends but on the five year thing. I signed up for four years and was stop lossed 30 days before ETS if I hadnt been stupid I wouldnt have been med boarded and could have left the army at almost exactly five years. (that dosnt include IRR though)

Joseph Hill

This man has more courage than all his detractors posting here. You guys ought to get over this “My Country…Right or Wrong” mindset, and learn to think for yourselves. If you did think for yourselves these wars could have been avoided.

Please smarten up and stop buying into this militaristic BS that demands that you take a vacation from humanity and ‘just follow orders’.


I signed up for 6 years with two in the IRR. I have served the full six, and am going to serve the last two, instead of doing the IRR (This is for wholly different reasons). I reenlisted. I don’t want to hear about how he couldn’t handle it. I don’t want to hear excuses for this reject. He made his bed and must now lie in it. It is my very firm opinion, that rat turds like him and his friends should be refused VA benefits and treatment. They do not deserve any of that with everything they have done.


So how in the fuck could we have avoided a group of 19 determined Terrorists killing over three thousand people, knocking down two buildings and hitting our military at it’s core? Where is the logic in your argument sir? Diplomacy works, but ONLY TO A POINT. When it fails, well thats what we have big bombs and JSOC for. On top of that, it is the policy of the United States (has been for years) that this country does NOT negotiate with terrorists. Instead, we fix their serious lead deficiency. WTF is wrong with you “Mr.” Hill?


More courage than all his detractors?

Joseph, this guy is using a uniform to grab attention to the fact that life isn’t fair or perfect. But he doesn’t stop there. He is using the uniform to detract from those whom are still in uniform and who are doing their jobs that they volunteered to do.

And “thinking for yourself” might be good advice for everybody. But thinking for oneself doesn’t mean everybody will agree. I have come to my own conclusion that some people want peace, and some don’t. Those who don’t, I’ve decided, must be stopped, and with force if necessary. Nobody put that idea in my head. If you believe you have arrived at your conclusions by thinking, why do you assume those who disagree with you arrived at their conclusions by not thinking? A bit narcissistic, aren’t you?


From his wrinings, I think Mister Hill is a high school or middle school student. He is way too naive to be a grown-assed-man. And definitely not an educated one!


HA HA HA! Where did you get that photo of me and Nick!? 8) It’s awesome. Can you send me the original? I don’t even have a copy.




WTF would Naomi Wolfe know about Real American Heroes? If she wants to interview some, she is interviewing the wrong group. She has her idea of Hero ass-backward!


Oh, and its not like IAVA is completely unbiased or anything…. (Sarcasm) Those fuckers are almost as left wing and biased as VVAW and IVAW. I qualify to join IAVA, but I will never join that organization. VFW and American Legion are so much better and get so much more done whilst remaining somewhat less biased. BTW, Matthis, what you are doing in uniform in the video is not something that an NCO would do. Wearing the uniform as you do is completely unprofessional. You are a disgusting disgrace for a human being.



You and Nick should get a motel room if you’re going to do that.

Dave Thul

10 USC, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 45-

Section 771 states:

Except as otherwise provided by law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear –

(1) the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform, of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps; or

(2) a uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps

Either you are in the Army or you are not. You claim to have been honorably discharged, which means you are breaking federal law by wearing the uniform. If you haven’t been discharged, then you are violating the UCMJ by wearing your uniform at political rallies.

And if you were in my squad, you would be doing pushups until dawn for all the things that are wrong with your Class A coat.

If you were to show a little dignity, guys like me might be inclined to listen to what you have to say.


If that was Matthis, congratulations, you spent almost as much time here as you did in A-Stan. Start calling yourself a TAH blogger, it would be no less accurate that the great combat war record you’ve claimed for yourself.

BTW- You are an asswipe.


Nah, fuck that Dave. There is a little thing called Wall-To-Wall Counseling… JK. But seriously, somebody please prosecute these retards to the fullest extent of the law.

SSGT Booyah

TSO, I respect your service but I hope you weren’t a journalist like TAH’s own Jonn. As a combat veteran I’ve seen a lot of shit and I know one thing you don’t do is call out another man’s service. Until you show us your credentials I’d keep that pie hole shut, semper fi.

Jonn wrote: First, I spent one year as a journalist assigned to an Infantry Battlaion – the rest of the time in the infantry. Second, TSO is one of the co-bloggers here and all three of us have CIBs. That’s why we have an “About Us” page. Semper Fi.

TSO Wrote: I call out any man’s service when it is not his own. 6 Days on Bagram Air Base with a Camera does not a combat veteran of A-stan make. I’ve shown my credentials to most of those here, including our IVAW rep here. And since this is my blog and not yours, why don’t you send YOURS into us. If you’ve seen a lot of shit, then I salute you. But when you start defending troops who shit on their brothers and sisters in arms by claiming a past they do not have, then we will have to disagree.


Dave Thul:

You are correct, but AR 670-1 makes provision for retired military and those who have served in wartime to wear the uniform (which would be “where otherwise provided by law)

30–1. Occasions of ceremony

a. As used in this regulation, the phrase “occasions of ceremony” means occasions essentially of a military character, at which the uniform is more appropriate than civilian clothing. These functions include, but are not limited to: military balls, military parades, weddings, and military funerals; memorial services, meetings and conferences; or functions of associations formed for military purposes, of which the membership is composed largely or entirely of current or honorably discharged veterans of the Armed Forces or reserve components. Authority to wear the uniform includes wear while traveling to and from the ceremony or function, provided the travel in uniform can be completed on the day of the ceremony or function

Also, you know Raoul, not everyone in IVAW is against The Military, just The Iraq War.

TSO Wrote: OK Army Sergeant. Go ahead and take out an AR 670-10 and see how many uniform violations you can note. I’ll give you 30 seconds. As an NCO, you should be more interested in him looking like a shit sandwich than spewing out these regs. I don’t know why you persist in defending guys like Matthis that make your organization look so asinine.

Dave Thul

Army Sergeant-
“composed largely or entirely of current or honorably discharged veterans of the Armed Forces or reserve components”

Matthis went AWOL by his own admission, and he’s not the only one at IVAW in that category. Even stretching the regs to include a political rally (which is absurd), retired and discharged vets are still required to wear the uniform correctly. That means no mix and match with uniform and civies, and proper haircuts. I saw only one or two in the video above that took the time to wear the uniform correctly. Wearing the uniform in a slovenly fashion is disrespectful to the service, and insulting to those of us who do.

Further, there is nothing in the regulation of US code that allows Matthis to wear the uniform at a media interview. Nor is he entitled to call himself “SGT” if he in no longer serving.

In reality, the only reason the media covers events like those in the video above is because the IVAW guys are intentionally wearing their uniforms in violation of law and regulations to draw attention to themselves.

Howard Stern, minus the swearing and sex, would be an unknown.


Matthis is a cowardly Piece Of Shit.


I only watched the first few seconds before I turned the crap off. ” We made demands”. Who the fuck is this shitstain to make demands.

Joseph Hill

Lucky writes: “So how in the fuck could we have avoided a group of 19 determined Terrorists killing over three thousand people, knocking down two buildings and hitting our military at it’s core?” ———- Well, putting aside for the moment the fact that the Bush team ignored the warnings about this attack, the response to these 19 terrorists (who died for a “cause” they believed in just as strongly as the “spoiling-for-a-fight” gang in this country)should have been to hunt down the man who instigated –and set in motion–the attacks. Bush and his crew, however, saw bigger fish to fry than the Al Qaeda fanatics (whose organization could have been disrupted and destroyed by a well-trained–and preferably multi-national–team of commandos. Instead, the Cheney/Bush team took a page from Mr. Hitler’s playbook and saw a golden opportunity for invading South Asia….using the 9/11 attacks the same way that Mr. H used the Reichstag Fire as an excuse to crush not only dissent, but any movement toward building a viable democracy in Germany. They decided to fan the flames of terror by first passing the so-called PATRIOT Act, which gave them the means of crushing domestic opposition while seeming to take a bold stand against the “evil-doers” (who suddenly morphed, in Bush’s imagination, into a general threat against Western ‘civilization’ encompassing ANY Muslim nation that opposed American exploitation of their natural–and human–resources…something that Western corporatists had been working at for years. There was no real excuse for invading Afghanistan with a huge military force when the job of capturing Osama bin Laden could have been accomplished rather more efficiently. There was, of course, even less excuse for invading Iraq…unless one considers OIL as excuse enough to invade any recalcitrant nation that would dare to stand in the way of Occidental/Exxon’s plans for bigger profits. It became obvious very early-on that fortunes could be made by sending our armies into Iraq, not only from oil profits, but also from providing the flow of weaponry that is necessary for such a large-scale invasion, AND the profits Halliburton and others could reap from “rebuilding” whatever… Read more »

Joseph Hill

Some of you resent the fact that men like Chiroux, Long, Funk, Mejias and others are smarter than you are. They are also braver than most posting here…brave enough to say “NO!” when they realized these wars are criminal undertakings. They deserve to be saluted for refusing to participate as accomplices to war crimes. Their good sense and their courage account for much of the vitriol that is aimed at them by those with less sense and less courage.


Someone has indulged in way too much eggnog…


Joseph Hill,

“Some of you resent the fact that men like Chiroux, Long, Funk, Mejias and others are smarter than you are.”

Yeah, guess I’m too stupid to desert, go AWOL, refuse a lawful order, get courtmarshalled or otherwise screw up.

And I never could get the hang of treason.

You clowns in F Troop have a Merry Whatever, ya’ hear…


Joseph Hill,

Read Winter Soldier 2.1, they aren’t accomplices, they are war criminals, CONFESSED war criminals.

“…deserve to be saluted…”

Hardly. Most of them rate a blindfold and a last cigarette.


Chiroux, Long, Funk, Mejias

Wow, you really hit the highlights didn’t you. Chiroux lies about his service in A-Stan, Meija can’t tell from day to day if they faked executions in his 6 hour or 6 days working a POW camp. Robin long is so gaddamned stupid he thinks the Geneva Conventions cover how to declare war, and Funk, holy sheep shit is he a piece of work. Joined the Marines Corp, and didn’t make it through basic before telling his DI that he couldn’t shoot people. Yeah, cause the Peace Corps and the Marine Corps are so easily confused.

Thanks for stopping by. Love the multi-paragraph thing no one will read past para 2.


Hey, Joseph Hill, you ignorant fool, guess what? THe attacks that occurred on that day took YEARS to plan. So unless you can prove to the world that then GOVERNOR Bush had anything to do with it, STFU! If anyone is to blame it is George Tennett, who allowed his agency’s budget to be cut to a level where monitoring Al Qaeda and other groups on the ground was not affordable, or his boss, the right and dishonorable William Jefferson “Slick Willie” Clinton. He not only cut the military and our budget, and sliced the budget for HUMINT by close to half. 9/11 was not an inside job by a very long shot, and Slick Willie is more to blame for the failure of the Intel community than anybody else. And Army Sergeant, AR670-1 specifically states that the Uniform shall not be worn for media interviews unless the Soldier in question is PAO. Also, as TSO states above, no self respecting NCO would let that shitstain, even if he is himself a FORMER NCO wear his uniform is such a slovenly fashion. And if he WAS an NCO, (was because, they tend to bust you down in rank if one goes AWOL) he should have known better than to do that in the first place. Therefore, we have now established both the Mens Rea and the Actus Rea, he knew what he was about to do was a crime and was wrong, and he did it anyway. And, as an Afghan Veteran, I must, and VERY strongly concur with TSO: Six days in country does not a Combat Veteran make, especially at Bagram to boot. When was this scumsucker allegedly there?

Aw1 Tim


Don’t be too harsh on ol’ Joe Hill. He’s just gotten himself all riled up from too many hours of watching youtube videos.

Joe, you really need to get a large cup of STFU, and a few hour’s sleep. You’re talking out your ass and just digging the hole deeper with your unsubstantiated comments.

Joe… if you see an black helicopters hovering around your home, just ignore them. The government, like any citizen with more than a couple brain cells, could not care less what you have to say, because we’ve all learned to stop listening to cowards and folks with tinfoil lined hats.

Try DailyKos. They are filled with drooling, spittle-spewing conspiracy lunatics like you. You’ll fit right in.


Holy Toledo. This Joe kid clearly has a Michael Moore “film” on a loop and has been drinking Absolute Kool Aid for decades. Sad.

Joseph Hill

TSO writes:

“Thanks for stopping by. Love the multi-paragraph thing no one will read past para 2.”

I’m sorry…I didn’t realize that your attention span is so limited.


It reeks of cut and paste.
Brevity is the soul (sole?) of wit you know.

Joseph Hill

Lucky writes: “Hey, Joseph Hill, you ignorant fool, guess what? THe attacks that occurred on that day took YEARS to plan. So unless you can prove to the world that then GOVERNOR Bush had anything to do with it, STFU!” ———————————————————— You are correct, Lucky, that the 9/11 attacks took years to plan; but all that planning didn’t culminate in action until after Mr. Bush had been President for 9 months. As President, the man had a duty to PAY ATTENTION to intelligence reports that warned an attack was imminent. While he was out clearing brush in Texas, his National Security Advisor, Ms. Rice was in possession of an official intelligence estimate that should have ratcheted up plans on how to thwart OBL’s attacks. Apparently, the vacationing Mr. Bush either neglected to read the intelligence estimate that he should have read in mid-August, or he just chose to ignore it. If he hadn’t been so engrossed in cutting brush, he would have had plenty of time to prepare for these attacks, or at least to put American military and civilian resources on ALERT. His failure to do so resulted in our defenses being caught flat-footed and totally unprepared for the problems of miscommunication and incompetence that ensued in the wake of the first airplane’s attack at the WTC. While I’ve never been a fan of Slick Willie, I suspect he would have had enough sense to make some kind of contingency plans to deal with the threat and its possible aftermath. Clinton DID take his job seriously enough to keep up with all the latest intelligence reports. Ms. Rice, in defending Bush’s inaction (AND dereliction of duty!), maintained under questioning that no one could have even imagined that hijacked airplanes might be used as weapons and flown into buildings. As it turned out, Ms. Rice ended up having to eat those words when it was revealed that prior intelligence estimates had warned SPECIFICALLY about this VERY means of attack. So, Ms. Rice either lied under oath or was asleep at the wheel….either alternative a rather sad one for a National… Read more »


I think you probably used “Mesopotamia” to convince someone you are intelligent. It is alas a tragic failure as the term specifically means “Land between the rivers” and as you can see in the map linked below, the vast majority of the oil in Iraq does not exist between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

So please, can we dispense with the part where you try to bluster your way through here like you know anything you are talking about?


TSO, I guess I have a limited attention span too, LOL. I just see Hill’s name and skip his whole posts. What is he, a middle schooler trying to play with the big boys?


Joseph Hill: You have so much in common with ‘The’ Joe Hill I wonder if you might be kin?

Maybe not…



You’re full of it.

“…Ms. Rice was in possession of an official intelligence estimate that should have ratcheted up plans on how to thwart OBL’s attacks…”

There was no actionable information in an estimate that said OBL still wants to strike us on our soil.

But thanks for playing and remember to take your copy of our home game with you when you leave.

Your grade: FAIL.

Joseph Hill

TSO writes:

“I think you probably used “Mesopotamia” to convince someone you are intelligent. It is alas a tragic failure as the term specifically means “Land between the rivers” and as you can see in the map linked below, the vast majority of the oil in Iraq does not exist between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.”

In your haste to correct me, TSO, you’ve only proved that you can’t keep up. I don’t suppose you’re familiar with the term “synecdoche”. You can look it up, and then you might understand my use of “Mesopotamia”.

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to communicate with someone who reads/comprehends at a 3rd-grade level….someone who gets tripped up by classical references or figures of speech or any word of more than 3 syllables. I’m sorry for being harsh with you; but I’m used to communicating with people who are considerably more sophisticated than those posting on this site. Please pardon me for my writing style. I’m simply trying to make my point without resorting to gutter language. Hey…what can I say? That’s just the way I am.

How about if we just get back to discussing the basic issues here, rather than nit-picking over individual writing styles? Looking back on our “discussion”, I note that, aside from one civil post by Martino, I can find nothing that even attempts to refute any point I’ve made.

Instead, you’ve fallen back on ad hominem attacks and schoolboy invective…or gone off on a tangent citing the UCMJ’s regs on the wearing of the uniform. I take that as a sign that you really haven’t thought through the issues surrounding this war that should have ended before Bush and his cronies were allowed to start it.

I’m happy to discuss the pertinent issues with you; but it’s hard to respond to commentary that seems more concerned with my age, background, and writing style.


Let’s match Juris Doctorates Joe.
You are my intellectual catamite, and always will be. Now get down and beg for it.