POW Network in the news

| December 23, 2008

Our newest friends, the folks at POW Network, are in the news in Chicago today with a story about one of their take downs.

The POW watchdogs who exposed Cayton are retirees who work out of their home in the tiny Missouri town of Skidmore.

By their count, Mary and Chuck Schantag of the P.O.W. Network have exposed close to 1,900 impostors since 1998, when they began to check POW claims. They say they have exposed another 2,000 men who claimed they were in elite units.

“It’s taken over our lives,” said Mary Schantag. “We check reports of phonies when we get up in the morning and before we get to bed at night.”

Their motivation is simple. “The lies are changing history. It’s wrong. It causes the real heroes to be grouped with the phonies and frauds,” she said. “The integrity and honor should be given to those who really earn it.”

I can atest to the Schantag’s dedication to this mission. When I send them an email, I usually get a response within a few hours, even on weekends. They are very helpful and they use very precise language. They’re great people and they do great work and they’re doing it for the right reasons. If you have a couple of days of downtime, peruse their website – it only makes you want to take down your own phony soldiers.

Thanks to 1stCavRVN11B for the tip.

Category: Politics

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Score one for the good guys!


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