RSSCongress sucks

Regarding Those Idiot-Stick Mandates….

| February 11, 2022 | 21 Comments
Regarding Those Idiot-Stick Mandates….

This should really piss off the mumblegum birdbrains in the general area of The Swamp: As the omicron variant of Covid-19 fades, at least five states with Democratic governors this week moved to roll back mask mandates. It’s a sign that even states that took a more cautious approach to battling the virus are looking […]

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Fixing the federal debt problem. Just mint a $1 trillion coin!

| October 6, 2021 | 33 Comments
Fixing the federal debt problem. Just mint a $1 trillion coin!

Life is once again imitating art. There are those in D.C. right now who seriously think that the solution to our national debt issues is to just make more money. Well, we can’t print a trillion dollar bill like Truman did on The Simpsons (pictured), but apparently it would be legal to mint a trillion […]

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Pelosi blocks names of 13 service members murdered in Afghanistan from being read

| September 1, 2021 | 43 Comments
Pelosi blocks names of 13 service members murdered in Afghanistan from being read

Well here’s a new low from the allegedly “Honorable” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). From Washington Examiner; A symbolic attempt by House Republicans to bring forward a bill to demand answers of President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was blocked in the House on Tuesday. Rep. Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican and Marine […]

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Another report completed by Captain Obvious

| July 31, 2021 | 23 Comments
Another report completed by Captain Obvious

It turns out working in remote, geographically separated locations sucks. Who knew? Well, everyone who’s ever worked at one for one. Anyone they in turn have told how shitty their assignment was for another, so basically everyone in the military. We don’t threaten to send people to Thule, Greenland or Antarctica because they’re hidden gems […]

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House appropriators fund Hawaii missile defense radar, but Guam, you’re F***ed

| July 13, 2021 | 16 Comments
House appropriators fund Hawaii missile defense radar, but Guam, you’re F***ed

As if it wasn’t bad enough that the Navy Department sends enough sailors and Marines there to risk capsizing the island (hat tip to Rep. Hank Johnson [D-GA] for alerting us to the potential for disaster), our far-east island territory is not gonna be getting more missile defense. Hawaii will though. Guam, situated in the […]

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The stupid is strong with this one

| June 4, 2021 | 34 Comments
The stupid is strong with this one

KoB sends in word that Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), the non-voting delegate from DC to the US House of Representatives has introduced legislation of real substance for her constituents. Is this something that’s going to address the issues of homicides in the District? They were up 19% year over year from 2019 to 2020 […]

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Joe Biden to host George Floyd Family on George’s death anniversary

| May 22, 2021 | 50 Comments
Joe Biden to host George Floyd Family on George’s death anniversary

Joe Biden and the White House plan to host George Floyd’s family to mark the first anniversary of his death. They planned to have this coincide with passage of a police reform bill. This bill is named after George Floyd. However, given how things work in Congress, the bill is still going through the review, […]

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A Questionable Act

| April 20, 2021 | 47 Comments
A Questionable Act

Isn’t inciting a riot a punishable offense under the real laws? If so, then why is Maxine Waters (she who has to stir the pot repeatedly) sticking her oar into it? And one should rightfully ask just what she means by the use of “we”, when she is only in that crowd to get in […]

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