Congress sucks
Monday shocker

The column I never thought I would write. No, not my resignation – until Ed tells me to pack my figurative stuff and hit the figurative bricks – well, takes away my login – I’m here until it ain’t fun any more. Nope, this is worse than that. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was right. There, I […]
Ethics group calls out ethically suspect pols

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Back to those paragons of virtue… our legislators. FACT, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, released their annual ethics report – and it ain’t purty. And before you go excoriating just those damn Democrats… remember that Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Justice apparently blind to the optics of HIS […]
Christmas Eve Updates

Start with 81-year old Kay Granger (R- Dallas). She hasn’t cast a vote in Congress since July this year, and according to the Dallas Express, she is living at a care home dealing with dementia issues. And beginning in January 2023 she spent more than a year as the chairperson of the powerful House appropriations […]
Monday updates

Let’s follow up on some stories from the past. First up – thebesig just did a story about some Washington, D.C. area servers and waitstaff who announced their intention to give lousy service to incoming administration people. One laudable result: “I personally would refuse to serve any person in office who I know of as […]
Trump: DO Something! Part 1

Love all the politicians who run for office like they are the best buds of everyone who has ever served. Veterans, privates, officers, Coasties, no matter: they love ’em all, until two nanoseconds after the winner is called. Then the entire military becomes the drunk fat chick they boinked on a dateless Friday after ‘way […]
Trump: DO Something Part 2

Did we mention quarters? I was going to but chow halls ran a bit long and I like to keep the articles somewhat succinct. Let’s talk about that “someplace to live” part. We are seeing far too many articles about substandard housing. Poor maintenance, mold, broken unrepaired windows, broken A/C or heating – the list […]
AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

Well, if you can’t beat ’em, impeach ’em. Seems to be the theme of the Democrats – if they can’t win by the rules, try to change the rules. Disregarding decades of liberal majority on the Supreme Court, the Dems squealed like outraged shoats when the Court became barely conservative-leaning. God knows Roberts and […]
Massie, Trump dissing troops

So little space, so much to discuss. Let’s start with the Iranian bombing of Israel. It isn’t bad enough that we have pro-Palestinian demonstrations occurring on campuses of “institutions of higher learning” but we even have support for Hamas in Congress. As Mr. O’Rourke said, “a parliament of whores” indeed. More than a dozen House […]
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