Gun laws are boring – but not this one
You seriously need to look at HR 1808, the so-called Assault Weapons bill of 2022.
It basically bans a long list of what they are considering ‘assault weapons’ – remember when the weapon had to have multiple banned features to qualify? Now ONE of the following is enough.
(I) A pistol grip. (II) A forward grip. (III) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock, or a stock that is otherwise foldable or adjustable in a manner that operates to reduce the length, size, or any other dimension, or otherwise enhances the concealability, of the weapon. (IV) A grenade launcher. (V) A barrel shroud. (VI) A threaded barrel.
Note that last one? Effectively this bans suppressors. Oh, and III eliminates any folding, collapsable, or adjustable sock. I keep wondering about their obsession with ‘grenade launchers’ – has anyone ever committed a crime with an M203? But, as Ron Popeil said, wait, there’s more!
Here’s a snake in the grass:
“(C) Any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm but not convert the semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun.
This means that any part which some bureaucrat can claim increases the firing rate of a gun, even from 50 rpm to 51 rpm – Timney trigger? Maybe scope sight for faster target acquisistion? Red dot? Gone. Think some Everytown stooge or Brady sockpuppet wouldn’t strain to make the claim?
Now, they’ve done their level best to describe and list for banning seemingly every possible semi-auto ever made, including as they say: copies, duplicates, variants, or altered facsimiles with the capability of any such weapon thereof: (ibid) so there’s no saying “this is not the old one, it is slightly different” as under the old 1994 ban. “Capability” covers a LOT of turf.
This is the heading for the really ugly list, several pages of bolt guns etc. These are the long guns YOU ARE ALLOWED TO OWN. Forget a new gun, new design…if it ain’t on the list, you won’t get it.
Supposedly Pelosi is trying to get this passed in the House this week. Now, everyone knows, it will die in the Senate. But remember, some traditionally reliable folks (cough cough CORNYN) have proven themselves ready, willing, and able to lie down, roll over, and get their stomachs scratched by the gun “compromisers.” Don’t take whatever cheap piece of political scum elected in your discrict for granted, contact your Congress-scum AND both your Slimenators and let them know your feelings.
If you let them weasel this through, it will take forever to correct. There is a ‘severability’ clause which states that should any portion of this be found illegal or void, the rest will stand on its own. Maybe we can depend on the Supremes to do the right thing – eventually (it sometimes takes years or decades to get a case to them. Or, like with Obamacare which many thought was prima facie illegal, surprise! they could invent a new ‘tax’ or ‘legality’.
Don’t take chances. Let your pols feel the pressure.
PS – if perhaps a lack of trust in the entire body politic on the part of the author is sensed, please accept my sympathies. You know where to find sympathy.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Congress sucks, Democrats, Government Incompetence, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns, None
“or otherwise enhances the concealability, of the weapon”
So, camo is outlawed.
It won’t make it through the Senate. They will play up whatever mass shooting is the flavor of the week during the Senate vote but it still won’t pass.
You don’t need a threaded barrel to have a suppressor or even to swap one out. The threaded barrel thing is just more about cowards being scared by inanimate objects.
Grenade launchers aren’t used much in crimes but; when stolen and the recovered are often found in the hands of criminals. Grenade launchers are pretty easy to get. Launchable explosive Grenades not so much. But it sounds so great; “We made Grenade launchers illegal! Go team!”
I do take issue with the forward grip ban (hell, all of this idiocy really). I don’t reccommend forward grips for the most part but for me, or anyone who has an arm injury that prevents them from fully extending their arm with a proper range of motion they are handy.
Like the GOPe isn’t on board with disarming folks? Just perhaps not as much/fast?
1994 ring a bell?
RINOs gonna RINO unless they know they won’t be re-elected if they do.
RINOs belong in zoos, not government.
Concur. GOP turncoats got it passed in the House.
Or do not intend to run again like Susan Collins.
The two (R) house members that voted yea are from NY and PA. Pennsylvania guy really has no excuse.
Sure he does, just like the dems, he’s a tyrant at heart…
Hey, I didn’t say it was a GOOD excuse…
We will know that they are serious about removing firearms from people who should not own them when we see Hunter Biden arrested and prosecuted for illegally obtaining a firearm. If convicted, he will probably get sentenced to one of this veteran diversion programs. He was a Naval Reserve Officer, so that is a mitigating factor.
We will also know they are serious when they roll into some of the known hoods around the country and start taking from them first. You know, the neighborhood where nobody saw anything, but just heard somebody shooting. They have no idea why someone would choose that particular neighborhood to start shooting up the place.
Don’t count on it.
ADAC. All Democrats Are C*cksuckers
When Hunter dropped that last hit of acid at the MEPS he caught the Peeteessdee despite having the vaccine and five booster shots. He needs to be issued a motorcycle vest, dog and a generous pension from the VA with scripts for Xanax, Percoset and Aderall to control his anxiety of facing potential charges of influence pedaling.
It’ is almost like they expect a far different SCOTUS to hear this eventual case.
Packin’ the court with Leftists, yo!
Earlier this week several folks including dems said the gun ban bill was dead. Then at the last minute when the opposition was mostly out of the building pelosi brings is back and passes it. Pretty much like they did with obamacare, remember?
Now that pile of feces has passed the house and we must depend on the senate with all the rino’s showing their true faces.
Left/libtard Democrat treachery again. Pray or hassle your elected folk about not being re-elected– I’m sure Texas folk are ticked off about this if they know.
chris jacobs Rhino R NY, is not running for re election and voted for the ban. He says that he supports the 2A but not the availability to buy the Sturmgewehr rifles. Like the Woke politician Florida brian mass who carries concealed and supports the 2A, both these peeps are against the sale of the above rifle. It shows that these two plus the condo guy on WFTL radio Sunday radio don’t know what the 2A is about and brian being a Vet who lost too legs should know but maybe does know but who knows.
Y’all probably getting tired of me saying this on EVERY Gunz Control Thread we have, but I will say again…It is NOT about the control of the gunz, it is about the control of We, The People. And, again, they would not be wanting to take away the gunz of We, The People, if they were not planning of doing things that would make We, The People want to shoot them. History is replete with examples of despotic tyrants disarming the public in order to control them.
Contact my Senators? Yeah, right. Warlock and Ostenatious we march in lockstep and vote exactly as their Masters tell them to. We are rapidly becoming subjects, not citizens.
The political climate we are in today is exactly the situation that the Founders feared when they put the 2nd A in the Constitution. FAFO!
Ditto on contacting my Senators. Gary Dicks(Peters) and Debbie Stabusnow? Hell, they line up to kiss Schumer’s ass every day.
Sounds like we’re getting to the last of the three boxes that Frederick Douglass referred to in one of his speeches.
No to all.
Second that!
What is it with “barrel shrouds”? You know; “the things on the back that go up”?
A device that protects the shooters hand from being burned like a piece of bacon after 10 rounds go through the barrel is somehow dangerous to the general public, in that it turns the rifle into a fully automatic machine gun, and increases the muzzle velocity and turns the bullets into hollow-points that rip holes big enough to stick your head into??
I mean, if that’s what they do I want one for my Smith and Wesson model 637.
A “barrel shroud” = handguard… even an M1 Garand or M1903 Springfield have one.
Democrats trying to ban anything they can.
Goes back to the Brady Campaign when they gave guns super powers. They wrote a whole imaginary article about a shooting featuring all the evil features that they wanted banned and how they gave people Meningitis and Scabies.
Bad, gun! Bad! Don’t shoot people! /sarc
Democrat want to ban everything that goes bang, folks. Don’t doubt that.
“I want to say one word to you. Just one word”
Neither bows, nor flame throwers go bang… just saying
“…shall not be infringed, motherfucker.”
(italicized words were most likely said, but not written, in the original document)
What? Bayonet lugs are now allowed?
Always laughed my azz off when they came out with that one.
Same, same….barrel shroud.
Effin’ simpletons.
throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks..
“shall not be infringed”
“(VI) A threaded barrel.”
This is so vaguely written that it could outlaw shotgun barrels with changeable choke tubes.
Exactly, comrade, is whole plan!
It’s getting very close to the point where someone starts making available very detailed instructions for how to create IEDs and other field-expedient munitions, including firearms that don’t require a 3D printer or any advanced machining (not nearly as pretty or efficient, but still effective).
I’m not talking about Anarchist’s Cookbook, marshmallows-in-heated-gasoline stuff. Nor simple ammonal-pellet-in-gas initiators or binary stuff like Tannerite. I mean the stuff of EFPs and STEN guns.
Not me, of course. But someone, soon.
Orson Welles once said, “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.”
He didn’t realize it, but he perfectly summed up the role of the modern-day sapper.
This bill probably won’t pass. The next one might, and will come sooner than anticipated.
Quite a few folks running around with those skill sets. “I learned a thing or two from Achmed, don’t you know…”