If You Still Doubt the NYT Is Politically Biased . . .
. . . you need to read this article. It should cure you of that damnfool notion. “All the news that’s fit to print”? Yeah, right. These days, it’s more like, “All the news that supports ‘The Cause’ – truth or completeness be damned”.
New York Times’ latest warning; teens with .50 caliber rifles
The New York Times‘ Editorial Board takes to their typewriters once again to warn the American public about gangs of teenagers who have “super destructive” .50 caliber rifles; Assault weapons were banned for 10 years until Congress, in bipartisan obeisance to the gun lobby, let the law lapse in 2004. As a result, gun manufacturers […]
The Economist explains; Why America doesn’t have universal background checks for gun-buyers
The Economist attempts to disarm Americans with their article “The Economist explains; Why America doesn’t have universal background checks for gun-buyers” which is riddled with errors of fact and misstatements as it explains the issue to a largely European audience; The police bosses are on the president’s side. Their job would be much easier if […]
When the story doesn’t work, make up something
That’s from an article that’s still on Yahoo News from yesterday. I don’t think he ever lied about getting into West Point, did he? I’m also sure that he was never in the military – but that doesn’t stop Getty Images from photoshopping a uniform around his face. They do, however, put this disclaimer after […]
New York Times; How they got their guns
Chief Tango sends us a link to the New York Times which catalogs the last 13 infamous mass shooters and “How they got their guns“. They include pictures of the murderers’ scary black guns, because how do you frighten your readership without pictures of inanimate objects. Also, in each case, the Times mentions the military […]
Thoughts on the WaPo-Graham Brouhaha
Jonn recently wrote an article about Senator Lindsey Graham’s military service, and how the WaPo was questioning same. Ever since, there seems to have be a bit of confusion about Senator Lindsey Graham’s military career. In particular, his service has raised a number of questions here – and has garnered a rather large amount of […]
Sinking CNN refloats the swift boats
In the media kerfuffle regarding Donald Trump’s stupid remarks about John McCain’s Vietnam service, the ratings-sinking CNN noted that while Jeb Bush had condemned Trump’s boorishness, he had long ago defended the swift boat veterans’ attacks against John Kerry. Had CNN been content to leave their news article with a passing reference to political history, […]
San Francisco news crew mugged
I’m sure you remember the story yesterday of the former CNN correspondents who were mugged in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but they were armed and their attacker was pronounced DRT. Well, an NBC news crew was mugged yesterday on a pier in San Francisco and it didn’t end so well for them. They were there to […]
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