New York Times’ latest warning; teens with .50 caliber rifles

| December 12, 2015

Sniper rifles

The New York Times‘ Editorial Board takes to their typewriters once again to warn the American public about gangs of teenagers who have “super destructive” .50 caliber rifles;

Assault weapons were banned for 10 years until Congress, in bipartisan obeisance to the gun lobby, let the law lapse in 2004. As a result, gun manufacturers have been allowed to sell all manner of war weaponry to civilians, including the super destructive .50-caliber sniper rifle, which an 18-year-old can easily buy in many places even where he or she must be 21 to buy a simpler handgun. Why any civilian would need this weapon, designed to pierce concrete bunkers and armored personnel carriers, is a question that should be put to the gun makers who profit from them and the politicians who shamelessly do their bidding.

First of all, most .50 caliber sniper rifles are not semi-automatic action rifles, hence they can’t be classified as “assault rifles” – that phrase which is right up there with “ghost guns” and other descriptors of scary black guns which panic the gun grabbers. Most .50 caliber sniper rifles are bolt action – which means that each round (bullet) must be chambered manually.

Secondly, a .50 caliber sniper rifle goes for about 10 grand – the cost of a used car. I’m not aware of any teenagers who have a spare ten grand laying around to purchase a rifle. In addition, each round of ammunition for the rifle is 3-5 bucks a piece also outside the price range of most teens.

Thirdly, the beasts are hardly concealable, and not easily transported to the prospective scene of a crime. For example, the Barrett M82 is 57 inches long and weighs more than 30 pounds.

Congress has shamelessly become the last to admit what the public senses with each new shooting spree: The nation needs restoration of a federal assault weapons ban — this time minus the loopholes the gun industry exploited to boost sales.

The gun grabbers have been biding their time waiting for a mass shooting involving scary black rifles which have features that don’t enhance the weapons’ efficiency. How many bayonetings have happened, but bayonet studs are one feature that makes a rifle an “assault rifle”, just like a flash suppressor or a barrel shroud. Or “the thing in the back that goes up” – whatever that is. All those things do is frighten anti-gun nuts.

Last weekend, the media were exploiting the scary sounding “bullet button” which is actually a button that requires a tool to drop an empty magazine from a rifle before you can insert a fresh magazine. The use of the “bullet button” is designed to slow the process, but the media was using the term to scare people into thinking that by somehow pressing the “bullet button” increases the rate of fire. The two terrorists had actually disabled the “bullet buttons” on their guns so they could load faster – but not to hear the media tell it.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Media

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Silentium Est Aureum

When was the last time someone used a .50 Cal in a mass shooting?

What? Never? Okay, when’s the last time it was used in ANY shooting?

I’ll be waiting, but not holding my breath.

The Other Whitey

Oh yeah, the bad guy in that stupid-ass “SWAT” movie (95 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back–fuck you very much, Colin Farrell) used a .50 to shoot down a police helicopter from 3 miles away. Holy shit, that’s scary! I mean, Hollywood wouldn’t lie to us, right?


A .50 WAS used in a robbery, or attempted in Denver when I lived in Colorado…the perp. fired a round at a sheriff’s deputy and blew his jaw off, he died instantly….I have always said obama will use either aliens, mexican gangs, blacks or all of the above for his “brown shirts”….no one is going to tell me those 10,000 weapons and the 5.00 a round ammo was not provided to them by this administration….IMHO!


Teenagers can “easily buy” a 50 cal if they just happen to have several thousand dollars on hand.

I suspect that most teens would just buy a car instead.


That was exactly my though when I read that part. and then I thought this story should have come with a duct tape warning since I need it to hold my head together for the amount of stupid oozing from that article. urg!


I disagree. With all of the states moving as fast as they can to legalize marijuana to grab that tax money I’m pretty sure teens will take the money and buy pot instead. I’m also pretty sure I’ve never seen a teen that was high have enough gumption to carry a
50 cal anywhere.

E-6 type, 1 ea

The only crime I’ve ever heard of being committed with a .50 was a drug cartel shot down a Mexican Army helicopter. That Barrett was sold to the cartel as part of Operation Fast and Furious.


I believe I remember that one.


I went to a gun show in Pasadena TX last weekend. There were about ten Barret’s and other makes that fired the .50 cal round.
There were lines of teenager’s lined up out the door to buy them.
Damndest thing I have ever seen !!!
And the line of black teens lining up to buy a Ma Deuce was even longer !!!
I’m telling you folks, it was scary !!!


I go into a lot of gun stores,

I know of exactly two that have a ,50 BMG in stock, those same two rifles have been in stock for years, they have never sold one.

The cost for a Barrett is around what Jonn said. There are some that are cheaper, between 4 and seven grand.

The 50 cal is not legal to own in CA,

They are a massive weapon. you cannot carry one around, they require a bench or prone position to shoot. They are by no means a sniper gun, I do know that some countries have used them as such but they are not intended for that purpose.

I love shooting a 50 BMG, I laugh my ass off every time I pull the trigger. They get attention at the range, are incredible loud, and the back blast from the muzzle brake will clear a shooting bench for 10 feel on either side. I have seen people standing behind the shooter and slightly to the side get a nose bleed from the concussion.

They are expensive to own and shoot, to scope one cost almost as much as the gun itself, there are not many companies that can make one that will take the stress without blowing out the optics.

It is a gun for collectors and enthusiast, Its a conversation piece, I have shot at ranges across the country, the only time I have ever seen one at a range is because I brought it.


I want to add one more thing, unless a person has put in hours of practice and spent thousands on ammo they more than likely wont hit shit with one, They are an absolute bastard to aim and shoot. the be effective at more than 200 yards the shooter must have a level of expertise the far exceeds the average person.

FYI flight time for a 1500 yard shot approaches 3 seconds, the apogee of the bullet is over 200 inches above impact point, temperature, wind and even the rotation of the earth must be taken into account in most cases. putting one in the hands of a regular person would be like asking a person to drive an Formula one car.

That Guy

I know of two stores that have fifty cal rifles. One perpetually gets the same rifle back (an Armalite, no bipod, no optics, no scope rings) from whoever they sold it to because people get sick of having a rifle they can hardly afford to shoot and that they can’t shoot anywhere), and the other has never sold their rifle (an M82 with Leuopold scope and bipod and an additional mag) because it’s over ten thousand dollars and is the most expensive thing that the store sells.

I have seen them at VERY few ranges.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just the cost of the rifle, but ammunition is expensive as well, even the cheap low-end rounds will cost you about five dollars a round! But since when have moonbats let facts, logic and common sense get in the way of a good bawl, screech and rant session?


I have seen SLAP rounds for sale on from the Killeen area. They were $40 ea. as I recall. I bet ATF and CID stomped on ’em hard.


Next up on the fearmongering BAN ALL TEH THINGZ list.. Toddlers in Tanks.


From the description, this sounds like a weapon that can only be used standing up if you’re wearing a harness of some kind to carry it. Otherwise, it’s just an expensive piece of junk that is rather impractical. In this video, it took these guys two minutes to finally hit the target. I’d assume they had some practice ahead of time.


Back about 35 years ago when I was just starting to get into guns, I would occasionally see a Lahti 20mm anti-tank rifle for sale at a gun store or show. Of course, ammo was literally impossible to get but otherwise they were considered rifles like any other. IIRC it was some time in the 90’s that anything over .50 cal was reclassified as a “destructive device.”

Hey, remember all those anti-tank gun crimes in the 1980’s?

Yeah, me neither. 😉


oh what’s next !!!!
the scary black 50 cal. save us Obama and and Dirty Harry from ourselves we can handle anymore of these scary black guns


John D


The well-heeled teeners I know go for Barretts in .338 Lapua

Old Trooper

No one ever accused those bed wetting pussies at the NYT editorial board of being intelligent or knowledgeable. Those dumbasses wouldn’t know a .50 BMG from a fucking squirt gun.


+1 internet points for this comment ^_^

Dave Hardin

I use my 73 cal rifle all the time. It makes a little 50 cal seem like a BB gun. Ammo is really cheap and I can buy it just about anywhere.

I even have extra barrels for it. I can swap it out from 28″ all the way down to 18″. Mine holds 8 +1, and each round can be up to 3″ long.

The Caliber of a gun means very little.


Just one real-world question: where in the blue-eyed world are you supposed to be able to pick up one of these pieces of artillery? The local surplus shop?


If I had to guess, judging from the statement of “18 year olds who can’t buy a handgun”, the New York fish wrapper is confusing .50 cal blackpowder rifles with the Barrett.

Dave Hardin

Here you go, this is the monster 73 Cal. My favorite configuration of it.

This would be a 50 Cal. you can get it in scary black but I kinda like it in Walnut.

charles w

Here is where the media gets their info…..


I have a fifty-caliber pistol!

Flintlock, of course. It takes a patched .490 roundball. The muzzle blast is most impressive, a basso-profundo “kabwomp”.

On a recent range trip, the fellow shooting nearby heard my first shot, and shouted “His gun blew up!!!”

Wait until those teens discover this most dangerous firearm technology! I can hear the wails of the antis: “Oh my word, a fifty caliber handgun! No one needs a handheld antitank assault pistol!”


Actually there really are .50 caliber revolvers out there. A couple years ago a southern teen made the local news by killing a huge boar with one.


I have a violent weapon of war. It’s a 1900 Argentine Remington Rolling Block Black Powder rifle that shoots a 300gr lead bullet and has ladder sights graduated to 1600 meters.

Don’t tell Obama

A Proud Infidel®™

Looking at it that way, I have TWO .58 caliber Combat Rifles, one is an Enfield, the other is a Springfield. They’re reproductions of the Infantry Rifles used in the Civil War.


And because they have bayonet lugs they must be “assault weapons,” right?

A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, according to liberal moonbats, the answer is “YES, CONFISCATE!”
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


I have a pair of Berdan II (Model of 1870) and a pair of GeWehr 71 battle rifles. The first is 10.75x58mmR, the second is 11.15x60mmR; roughly .42-.43.



1600 meters.
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Gun manufacturer conspiracy theories anyone???


I can’t decide to laugh or cry. That entire description is just frikken stupid.

I am sure that there are people here who could demonstrate to them just how stupid they are but (a) if we offered them the chance they probably would not show up because they already have an opinion and actual knowledge would just screw that up and (b) I wouldn’t volunteer because being around people that prejudiced might cause brain damage or give one the heebie-jeebies or something.

The really sad part is that they are telling fairy tales and using a hard-earned reputation for good reporting to sell their story. Most of their readers believe this tripe. The NYT is deliberately lying to their readers and has no shame at all.

Sea Dragon

When I was a young lad, my uncle was a Civil War reenacter. He had a .58 Zouave, original metal, newer wood. Whenever I would visit, we went to a creek where I could shoot at the steep bank on the other side. Blew out chunks of clay the size of basketballs. What fun!


OK, got it figured out now.

From Jonn’s phrase “the thing in the back that goes up” that scares the anti-gun nuts, it’s the qualification scene from FMJ when Private Pyle flips up the hinged shoulder rest on the stock of his M14 named “Charlene.”

Yep, that’s what turned Private Pyle into a qualified expert turned killer psychopath.

Damnit, I call for an immediate ban on all hinged shoulder rests. When will this madness end?


Are you saying we are all going to wind up “unhinged”?


Sounds like another entrepreneurial opportunity – sale of hinges for those missing a few…

jon spencer

I know a few 50 cal. shooters and their least expensive reloaded rounds that they use when someone else shoots their rifle is at a minimum of $5.00 a round.
When they are using their competition rounds the price goes up to around $15.00 per round.
So a $600.00 in ammo for a 40 shot weekend match is not unusual.
And those are just the rounds that count, not practice or sighters.


I confess, I gave my grandson one of those scary .50 caliber rifles… he shoots it well. It’s just a pain in the neck to clean the black powder residue. One of these days we’re going to test the long range potential with those newfangled Minie balls.

That’s about the only teen I know with a .50.