New York Times; How they got their guns
Chief Tango sends us a link to the New York Times which catalogs the last 13 infamous mass shooters and “How they got their guns“. They include pictures of the murderers’ scary black guns, because how do you frighten your readership without pictures of inanimate objects.
Also, in each case, the Times mentions the military service of each, no matter how tangential that relationship might be – for example, Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, pissed hot on an initial urinalysis and couldn’t even get in the Army, but that gets a mention by these clowns at the Times.
In fact, none of the people profiled on this article had successful military careers. Even Nidal Hasan had problems with his supervisors who would have fired anyone else with Hasan’s level of performance if the supervisors hadn’t been subjected to the Army’s politically correct environment.
On the ATF Form 4473, that we all fill out every time we purchase a firearm, down there in question 12g, it asks if the applicant had a dishonorable military discharge;
None of the people listed had dishonorable discharges – except William Page, who simply lied on his ATF 4473. The conclusion that a rational person would arrive at after reading the New York Times piece is that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is broken, but rational people aren’t the target audience of the New York Times. Most of the murderers in the Times article had mental problems that didn’t appear when the FBI ran them through the NICS. If that’s the problem, that’s what legislators need to fix, but that is too difficult to expect prosecutors and legislators to work together on – it’s just much easier to demonize scary black guns and the law abiding owners of scary black guns. For some reason, the Left would prefer to take rights away from law abiding citizens than to restrict criminals. Isn’t that the exact opposite of the traditional meaning of “liberalism”?
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Media
Once again the Scotched up, cigar toking, porch monkey thinks the problem is just paperwork. Next thing we know he is going to appear at some stand off like Bo Gritz wanting to blame the gubbermint for not filing some Gun Nutz paperwork properly.
Those are big shoes to fill.
I demand that you put the proper TM after ‘Gun Nutz’!!
Wouldn’t want someone stealing that trademark
Ya mean like THIS?
Gun Nutz®™
Is he a cousin of DEEZ NUTZ?
2nd Cousin, twice removed.
Got ‘im!!!
Long story short; crazy people legally bought scary guns because calling someone crazy isn’t politically correct. Remedy; disarm the not-crazy people leaving them helpless. Liberal wet-dream remedy; confiscate everyone’s guns regardless of mental capacity. That pretty much covers it.
That ATF gun form is a freaking one seems to understand…they don’t give a ratz but about what is on that form other than the name, address etc….it is a “gun registration form” they use it to know where the guns are!
Correction; The BATFE is a freaking joke…
Didn’t NYT post that chickenshit “how to be a modern man” article the other day that extolled being the biggest pussy possible?
Larry Correia did a fisking of that particular piece of BS
Your comment prompted me to look at the list, “27 Ways to be a Modern Man.” Here’s a representative sampling from the 2015 Pussy List:
1. When the modern man buys shoes for his spouse, he doesn’t have to ask her sister for the size. And he knows which brands run big or small.
20. On occasion, the modern man is the little spoon. Some nights, when he is feeling down or vulnerable, he needs an emotional and physical shield.
25. The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesn’t own one, and he never will.
26. The modern man cries. He cries often.
25. The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesn’t own one, and he never will.
CORRECT! The modern man doesn’t have one gun, he has many. And he has no use for one gun, he has uses for many!!!
The modern man has uses for many guns, as does the modern woman in his life.
28. The Modern Man is a pussy.
Oh hell, no pussies are far tougher than the modern man described by this list. Going through the list, the modern man is apparently Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy.
This is someone else’s response to the article.
26 continued…..and points fingers to assign blame, and probably engages in community shower sausage fests, and has more hair and skin products then his spouse and likes to sashay when he walks and…. is not really manly at all.
Yea that article was something else. If that’s what made the list I wonder what was cut.
I don’t think I want to know what didn’t make that tool’s list. Not sure I could keep breakfast down after reading those.
I’m with you there. Just reads like a list he wrote to re-assure himself. To be, I’d hate to be judged on a random sample of my iTunes library but Wu Tang?
Well, they ain’t nothing to f*** with.
Have you tried their financial service?
Why, yes. Yes, they did. And everything it says is that they prefer sunken-chested, pasty-pale 3-leggers over real men, because the twinkie-sucking slug who write that crap are dithering between being gay or not gay but don’t want to be found out.
If one of those slapdoodles ever shows up at my dinner table at the Ritz, I won’t bother asking any of you guys to throat punch him. I’ll do it myself.
I wonder if those sniveling little Smurf-hugging milquetoasts don’t call their Mommies every day to get their approval for everything they do( Those that don’t live in their parents’ basements anymore)?
API, every time I see one of those wienieless latte slurpers, my gorge rises. I don’t mind opening the door for a guy who’s delivering stuff or has his hands full, but these twinkiesuckers can open their own doors.
Those clueless candyassed 0bamacare pajama boy milquetoasts would be afraid to open a door for a lady for fear of “Perpetrating sexist micro-aggression” or some sniveling PC crap like that, what a bunch of eunuchs!
Please, Ex. If you do, notify us in advance, I, for one, want to watch the take-down.
Oh, it will be in the newspapers or the ‘media’, I’m sure.
Speaking of in the media. Did y’all notice that one of our featured posers, Timothy “Nailer” Foley, was written about in an article by The Daily Mail which was prominently featured on The Drudge Report this morning?
Not trying to beat a dead horse (I put the link up twice this AM), but the article and photo captions are pretty hilarious. I think it must have been written by Piers Morgan.
That’s freakin’ poetry.
Modern. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
He also did an excellent article on the BS that is gun control
Better link for it. Original one has so many comments it doesn’t want to load
The guy knocked it silly. It’s definitely a must read.
In 2012 we had a link on our desktop that led right to that original page. This was on our work computer in the break room @ FOB Airborne.
There are few people better versed in firearms knowledge than Larry Correia. For those of you who haven’t read his books and enjoy pure fun monster fiction, you should definitely look them up.
I hope I’m able to get the point across here that makes sense to most of us that read and comment here regularly.
Many, if not most of us have either military (wide and varied, for sure), law enforcement experience (in my case, both), or just a citizen that is a skilled, experienced shooter. Scores of us have a mindset through experience and training that automatically, by conditioned reflex, we will routinely respond cautiously and tactically towards the gunfire and not in the opposite direction.
It’ll be up to many of us to expect the unexpected at all times….to carry our weapons everywhere we go and react to that guy that walks into the gas station, 7-11 or your bank…..the hairs will go up on the back of your neck and you’ll be focused on that individual – ready to act – looking for the right opening – to use deadly physical force if necessary. Your aim is to kill the SOB and to save the lives of others…..including yours!
Screw this POTUS and all the Marxists that bow to his “change/eliminate the 2nd Amendment” agenda. The only realistic solution to scumbags and nuts like this guy in Oregon is what’s stated above. We, collectively are the savior of the Right to Carry, the Right to Bear Arms.
I swear I mean this…..”From My Cold Dead Hands”….don’t even try!!
Yeah, I’m a Long Island nut.
I think it was the summer of 1983, I was 20. I was working for my uncle in West Texas I owned a rifle but it stayed at home. One late afternoon we pulled up to a convenience store in McCamey. There was a guy talking to the clerk, animated, waving his arms around, etc. Said something about being shot at. I inquired, so he tells me, “Yeah I was just shot at. The crazy old sob pulled his rifle out at the car wash and just started shooting at me,” So he takes me outside, points to the car wash a few blocks away, then shows me the bullet holes in his car. Apparently all this happened right before we pulled up. The next day, I drove from Ft. Stockton to Alpine. In the middle of nowhere I saw a gal standing on the side of the road. When I stopped and asked if I could help her, she ran crying to some college girls that had stopped shortly after I did. They told me she had been raped. I turned around and headed for the sheriff’s office. As I was arriving in Ft. Stockton, I witnesses a hit and run accident. A few weeks later, a deputy was shot in the chest in the middle of the night while responding to a burglary alarm at a hardware store in McCamey. Shot in the chest and killed with a shotgun if I recall correctly. The killers, a father and son team, were killed/apprehended by an alert guy at a remote pump station who had his own shotgun and was ready to use it. Now I’m no grad student, but since that summer, having a weapon nearby has always seemed prudent. It seems to me that having one provides options, and I think options are good. In the 32 intervening years I have never had to reach for a gun to defend myself or others, but I did almost interrupt a bank robbery a couple months ago.
Interrupt is the wrong word above. I tried to walk into the lobby of a bank, only to be told “come back later”. Turns out, they had just been robbed.
Is there any doubt Americans are stupider than ever and that our susceptibility to conditioning is enhanced by that stupidity? We think we are making choices but the choices we make are often superficial ones. Madison Avenue thrives, thanks to this fact. The admen know that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between product X and product Y. You buy X for reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with product content. Look at a bottle of “Equate” anything and compare it to the brand item. The difference in price (and it is great) pays for the brand item’s TV ads. The ingredients are identical. In that regard, what the hell does a gecko have to do with insurance? A Subaru with love? My point is that we have been bombarded with guns bad this and guns bad that for so long that too many people buy into it w/o stopping for a moment and examining the matter. Logically, if they were no guns at all, there would be no shootings. Therefore, the ad-thinking goes, fewer guns means fewer shootings. Stupid, unquestioning dolts don’t examine the issue for themselves, especially when TV and other media repeatedly whack us with the message that gun ownership and possession must be curtailed. Add to that the incessant drum beating by the government and it is no wonder that John and Jane don’t ‘approve’ of guns. I suppose you have noticed that certain fundamental changes have been imposed upon the society in the past several years. Why would anyone think that the 2nd Amendment is safe? It isn’t. When the situation is ripe, I have no doubt that gun possession by private citizens will be illegal. Until then, we will be beaten over the head continually with the anti-gun message. And we will be as unable to stop it as we were obamacare or the redefining of marriage. The only answer is to get the progressives the hell out of office and federal agencies. Well, there is another, but we’re not going there–at least, just now.
2/17, my own thought is that there’s a big difference between being stupid, and being ignorant. Left to their devices, the average person probably has a lot more common sense than the media would normally give them credit for. He might, say, work a day job at the Jiffy Lube but be an expert on antique tractors on the weekend. He might also not give a rusty rat about women’s fashions, or the political environment in Nepal.
A problem is that the New York Times, among other New York media, defines what is important, and for a long time the NYT has been somewhat schizophrenic in that it is both the home-town rag for New York City, and has fallen by default into the position of being the national newspaper of record. If the NYT says hipster performance art in Brooklyn, and the Seventh Avenue rag trade is important, those become topics of debate. And antique tractors do not.
These are also the kind of people who, despite term limits, elected Nanny Bloomberg three times.
I could go off on a long rant about why you’re right about the advertising business, but what would be the point?
A gun is simply as good or as bad as the person holding it. A #2 pencil is as dangerous as an scary black assault rifle if I stab you in the eye with it.
I have an uber-liberal HS classmate whom I have remained friends with since my graduation from that fine institution (emphasis on institution.)
The mere mention of the word “gun” sends him into a case of the vapors. The fact that I own multiple guns (including scary black guns) has more than once threatened our friendship. Fine, dump his ass, you say. While tempting, he remains a study in conditioning.
He’s never owned a weapon. Never fired one, aside from a .22 pistol once. Doesn’t see the need, in any way, shape, or form. Blindly trusts the government–perhaps his employ with the federal government has something to do with that, who knows. But don’t tell him that his fear of guns and those who have them is irrational. (Yes, that was sarcasm.)
The NY Times has a great reach, to be sure, but their reach is not infinite. Other opinions exist, and debate does in fact take place, much to the chagrin of those who would relieve us of our arms. As long as we voice our opinions against those who would so cavalierly relieve us of our rights and DEFEND THEM, then we’ll be good to go in the end. If we don’t, or expect someone else to do it for us? Well, we’ve seen plenty of examples of how that turned out.
“Blindly trusts the government–perhaps his employ with the federal government has something to do with that, who knows.”
With respect, I am retired from the Federal Civil Service, a DAC (Department of the Army Civilian). After I left active duty, it was my honor to have been in continual direct support of active duty soldiers for my entire career.
As I have no trust of the government, and, to my knowledge, no one I worked with trusted the government either, please consider that train of conflation to not be well considered.
Yeah, I think the longer I’ve worked for the Gummint, the less I trust the people who work in it and make it “function” the way they do.
Saying that is rather disturbing.
The vapors? Over mentioning ‘gun’?
Make sure you carry a vinaigrette when you use that word around him. 😉
“Do you have guns in your home?”
“What makes you think I have a home?”
“Well, you provided an address. Are there guns there?”
“What address did I give?”
“Okay. Okay. You don’t want to answer.”
“Answer what?”
“Whether there are guns at your address.”
“What’s the address?”
“Look. Do you own any guns?”
“Are you gay?”
“How dare you! There is no need to pry into my…oh.”
For the record, I don’t own any guns. I gave them all to an anonymous commenter that goes by the made up name of Dave Hardin. He has no credibility, but he has all my guns. I only have fembots now with smokin nipples. To my knowledge, they haven’t been outlawed yet. Thank you and good day sir.
You are not getting them back until Jonn returns all of his Midget porn.
HOBO, or whatever his name is today, has captivated all my girls and Jonn probably won’t sober up till spring, this will be a long lonely winter.
I’ll just clean the guns.
Freaking hilarious!!! You’re all nuts (like me!)
It can’t be proven in court. A kind-of lawyer tried and only succeeded in proving himself nucking futs.
Sorry, I was called away to take care of a few . . . enjoyable but necessary errands.
What did I miss?
Nothing much. Looks like that anonymous guy that posts under the made up name “Dave Hardin” is taking his feminine side out for a walk in the fresh air, but I am not sure. I don’t understand half of the stuff that guy says.
Its the dog, he keeps giving me orders on what to do. He wants to know why everyone wants me to tag this Sarc guy all the time.
He is not on my friends list.
What about the Asian Babes in Leather Pr0n?
I’m becoming more and more tempted to find my way to a place where guns are available, and avail myself of the privilege of ownership. Get thee behind me, Dave! Psh harder, malevolent One!
I also want a Wedgwood stove, fully restored and fully functional.
Something like this, or is that too much over the line?
Ok, as far as a gun goes, there are so many to pic from. But, for you my lady may I recommend the Bersa Thunder.
This is not one of those plastic little palm 380’s. This one packs a punch. Particularly if it is loaded with:
This weapon has multiple safeties, will not fire with the magazine out, a key lock feature built in, and is accurate to the point of being scary.
It is probably the best value/performance weapon on the market. You will hear some bad talk about 380’s being not powerful enough. Not this one. You will love going to the range.
You buy it and I will pay for your training classes. Promise.
I hope you already have the training for this. Pink too much?
I grew up with a stove like that. No pilot light, no induction this and igniter that. Just a gas stove. It would give parents the horrors now. NSFC, but somehow, I made gingerbread, spice cake, icebox cookies, angel food cake, apple pie, pumpkin pie – all from scratch, all out of the BH&G cookbook.
I have the old one and the newest version.
I never once set myself on fire with that old stove.
There is no need to pay for yesterdays, I rejoice in today, for today you chase the my fears away.
Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour.
I will go to the range and rent a gun to find out if it will suit my needs before I pay for classes or buy anything. I appreciate the offer.
The pink Wedgwood stove is nice. The stove I want has several ovens and warming drawers and a griddle in the middle. The color is irrelevant.
Thank you for your very kind offer.
That is a very wise thing to do. Most ranges have all kinds of guns for rent. You might not find the Bersa 380 but you will find one at a quality gun shop.
Hold one in your hand and you will instantly know what I mean.
There is nothing that warms a mans soul on a cold winter day than opening the door to the smell of freshly baked delights. I love to cook and gas is always best. Lobster Bisque or New England Clam Chowder made with real cream. Balsamic Bruschetta on a freshly baked baguette. A pair of warm slippers, cozy amber fire, a Gamey’ Beaujolais and someone to cuddle up to. (380 or other caliber optional)
Well, stoves are now being made with a simmering burner. They used to be made that way. It’s the best way to cook a cheesy bacon potato chowder or an Italian roast beef.
What goes around comes back.
I like the Bersa, but if owned ANY guns of any sort I might have a Ruger LPC.
I’d call mine The Stinger.
Great weapon. The micro frames are great and I have nothing against them. The fixed barrel of the Bersa Thunder makes it easy to clean and scary accurate.
I dont think most people realize the 380 is the same caliber as a 9mm/38 just a bit shorter. With the +p ammo and a 3.5″ barrel Bersa easily exceeds 1300fps.
I have tried probably 12 different loads and it always exceeds the mfg’s specs. Barrel length and being fixed really seems to make a difference at this caliber.
I just picked up an older one for $200 in mint condition. It really is an impressive weapon. Not a micro frame but that is its strength.
There have been many discussions (even here) about pistol calibers.
I’d argue that practice can make the difference between a .45 center of mass and a .22 in the eye mean little. The .380 seems to offer a nice balance when the ease of deployment is considered.
But I don’t have any of them evil gun things.
No argument from me. TOT makes all the difference, particularly after the first shot.
Here you go (shhhh…I dont personally own any guns of course)
My ankle gun is an AMT DA Backup, .380 with 90 gr. Federal Hydra-Shoks – a nice personal defense round. Keep in mind that the average gunfight takes place within 12 feet. So, a well-placed round will cause an immediate DRT situation.
I have an LCP. Handed it to my dad at the range one time. He put three rounds, head shots with a 1″ pattern at 25 yards.
Handed it back and said “Not bad.”
My dad is scary with a firearm.
Damn snotnosed jello-spined liberal milquetoasts, they always bawl for everyone else to show “tolerance”, how’s about them tolerating and accepting OUR ways? Fuck ’em one and all.
You silly man! Why on earth would you expect reciprocity from soulless cyborgs?
They’re myrmidons as well, WTF WAS I THINKING?
Myrmidons? the PJ flap-wearers? I don’t think so. The Myrmidons were not vanilla ice cream cone lickers.
St. Crispin’s Day
If President Obama wants to stop the indiscriminate killing of people by firearms, he can start by stop shipping weapons to Middle East “freedom fighters”.
AND stop funneling arms to drug cartels, remember “Fast & Furious”?
I’m sure the rebels’ weapons command a premium at the bazaar. Never used, dropped only once.
Sounds Frenchie to me.
My sister in law posted to my FB page, “If Guns Were As Regulated As Cars”, by Moms Demand Action (a George Soros and Mikey Bloomin’Idiot funded group).
I proceeded to rip her a new one. She responded that basically, I was a meanie that likes to see children killed at college. I proceeded to continue ripping her a new one. Funny, I haven’t any more from her since (and that’s a good thing. she’s an overeducated control freaque).
I still believe that when a person becomes overeducated (and your mileage may vary), they turn Libtard.
Must watch video. Watch it all.
Where in the blue-eyed world is Comoros?
I still haven’t figured out why the hell they care if I’m a hispanic or not. What’s that got to do with it?
In other news 189,999,999 other firearms were not used in a crime today