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Surprise! Iran Exposed for Faking U.S. Warship Surveillance Footage

| May 5, 2019 | 8 Comments
Surprise! Iran Exposed for Faking U.S. Warship Surveillance Footage

Rafael Figueroa Medina/U.S. Navy via Getty Well, well, seems our suspicions were well placed. Remember? Iran Guards Claim Drone Overflight of U.S. Carrier The whole thing was scraped together from other video clips, or at least the French think so. I have no reason to not believe them. The video was so choppy, and if […]

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Beto needs some gender-bending

| April 25, 2019 | 28 Comments
Beto needs some gender-bending

It can be a challenge, editing Poe’s work. He freely admits to pushing the envelope, and on occasion he likes to find the corners in mine. I’ve had to spike a couple of his more outrageous posts, but I explain why and there’s no animosity either way. This one is on my edge, enjoy. A […]

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Eric Swalwell Pushes Jail Time for Americans Who Won’t Hand over ‘Assault Weapons’

| April 16, 2019 | 32 Comments
Eric Swalwell Pushes Jail Time for Americans Who Won’t Hand over ‘Assault Weapons’

Remember our pal Eric, a Democrat Congress-Critter from California? His claim to fame, other then being Eric Swalwell, was to suggest on a tweet last Autumn, responding to a gun rights enthusiast who said the Democrats’ proposal to confiscate or buy semi-automatic rifles would result in “war” due to resistance from the gun owners. Eric […]

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Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded, slams ‘treasonous’ FBI

| March 27, 2019 | 39 Comments
Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded, slams ‘treasonous’ FBI

Hillary’s Official Sec State Portrait I suppose someone’s chickens are coming home to roost. It might be a good time for several folks over at the Justice Department and the FBI to suddenly have a need to terminate their government positions in order to ‘..spend more time with the family.’ It won’t help. In a […]

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Run, Joe, Run!

| February 27, 2019 | 94 Comments
Run, Joe, Run!

Family Clears Joe Biden to Run for President in 2020 Former Senator and Vice President and twice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden said Tuesday his family voted in support of another run for president in 2020. By: Charlie Spiering “From being pushed, prodded by my son Hunter, and my wife Jill, and my daughter, we just […]

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Trump Racist?

| February 26, 2019 | 54 Comments
Trump Racist?

Seems so, if one listens to the Main Stream Media and any number of Hollywood personalities and lefty politicians. The outcry after the Jussie Smollette incident- before the facts came out, painted Trump with that brush. At the Oscars the other evening, where Spike Lee, picking up his golden doll for his movie, “BlackKklansman” mentioned […]

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Goodness gracious, great walls of ire!

| February 21, 2019 | 19 Comments
Goodness gracious, great walls of ire!

Here’s our Poe again, opining on walls, the de-evolution of the Democratic Party, and the usual suspects who pontificate from the coasts and inside the Beltway on how We The People should live, while ignoring those very things in their own lives. Poetrooper As if it weren’t bad enough for the Democrats to be in […]

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Leftist loon Rieckhoff stepping down from IAVA top job.

| January 31, 2019 | 28 Comments
Leftist loon Rieckhoff stepping down from IAVA top job.

Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, will step away from his leadership role at the group next month, a massive shake-up for one of the most prominent national veterans advocacy groups. Rieckhoff said he’s making the move for personal reasons, including the birth of his second child. He is working on […]

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