Goodness gracious, great walls of ire!

| February 21, 2019


Here’s our Poe again, opining on walls, the de-evolution of the Democratic Party, and the usual suspects who pontificate from the coasts and inside the Beltway on how We The People should live, while ignoring those very things in their own lives.

As if it weren’t bad enough for the Democrats to be in solid opposition to constructing a wall on our southern border when they were enthusiastic supporters of the same wall under their own Democrat president, they’re now taking their wall-high hypocrisy a step farther, demanding that America tear down what limited barriers now exist between this country and Mexico. Yep, that’s the newest demand emerging from the party that seems to have been swept through with a fevered form of political psychosis since 2016. Their condition is generally considered to have been induced by a particularly virulent Trump bug lodged far up their fannies, but some pundits consider it to have been lying dormant in the Petri dishes of organized labor and leftist academia for generations.

A cardinal symptom of this politically induced psychosis is the ability to look straight into a television news camera with a perfectly straight face and condemn something you were previously captured on camera defending — hypocrisy taken to Space-Age elevations, delivered with only the minimal lying lip twitch or eye blink of sanctimonious duplicity. The most glaring example of this hypocrisy in the current political debate is the Democrats’ disparagement of any wall construction that could reduce the endless flood of illegal border incursions now occurring from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California. Not only do Dems deny the physical effectiveness of such barriers, but they attempt to cloak these inanimate obstacles in a mantle of evil, depicting them as malevolent symbols of America’s immoral refusal to open her borders to all comers, even harking back to the Berlin Wall in this age of such burning moral issues as their Green Nude Eel leader stamping out cow flatulence.

Mind you, now, these propagators of this far-leftist propaganda are mostly people in the upper echelons of American societal structure, many possessing great wealth and social privilege that shelters them from much of the reality that the rest of America must deal with daily. This is especially true of Hollywood and media liberals, all of whom live so walled off from reality that they must fake violence in their lives like Jussie Smollett. Members of Congress, wealthy or not, enjoy special protections unavailable to ordinary citizens, us who make up the unwashed mass of deplorables residing in flyover country. Even when not behind physical safeguards, pols have special legal protections created by prior politicians, so all of them live behind walls of various kinds, material and technological, all affording a sense of relief from the criminal depredations of ordinary life, a comfort simply not available to the rest of us.

These hypocrite Democrats wish to angrily deny the protections that ease their lives, lending them existences virtually free of violent crime, to this country and its ordinary citizens. They pontificate from behind their high walls of bricks, mortar, and hypocrisy that we deplorables are immoral for seeking to enjoy a similar sense of security by closing our southern border to lawless invaders; drunk drivers; deadly criminals; and infectious, sometimes fatal diseases. It takes hyper-hypocrisy to deny to the American people the same level of protections Democrats and their families enjoy.

Goodness gracious, great walls of ire…

Another great op/ed, Poe. Keep ’em coming!

Category: Guest Post, Politics, Usual Suspects

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“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

George Orwell
“Animal Farm”


I will never forget that book I was required to read in junior high school for one of my classes. It is the perfect example of the model of communism and a totalitarian society run by a cruel indoctrinated morality free elite.


One of the best books ever written.

It was required reading for alot of us as well, rgr769….just as you, I think it was in Junior High School.

Have this feeling it is not part of a curriculum in today’s school system. Am speculating that after the Cold War “ended”, schools abandon “Animal Farm”. Good example of this is the thought process of some elected officials who lean toward socialism…or others, such as the West Point LT who is now out of the Army (communism)..

“Animal Farm”. I still enjoy it….

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”


Yes, the “man” in the form of the farmer was portrayed as the ultimate oppressor of the animals who rose up to defeat his supposed tyranny over the animals. And once they succeeded, they created a society much worse for every animal but the pigs (the farm’s political elite).


They think they are immortal. They are not. The “t” should be removed. They are also stupid, addicted to power and willing to do whatever is necessary to be the top of the manure pile they’ve built.

The more they rattle on, the more crazy they sound.

5th/77th FA

^This^ and what the other lioness said.

Oh, and you too, Poe; Spot on. Keep ’em coming, they’ve increased my BP Meds.

Perry Gaskill

One of the things I’ve had a hard time wrapping my head around is the strange phenomenon of the Progressive left being able to buy into the nebulous issue of climate change, and at the same time deny there is any crisis at all at the border. What might be driving such crisis denial, aside from wishful thinking, is a mainstream media which now sees migrant caravans as old news and therefore something to be ignored. Those paying attention, on the other hand, might have noticed some interesting recent developments along the border: As of Monday, Mexican immigration authorities were attacked with rocks and bottles when they attempted to turn back a group of some 500 migrants who had forced the border with Guatemala. They were reportedly part of a larger group which marks the third major caravan since October. The attack was despite the fact Mexico has apparently adopted a new free-passage visa policy which requires only that the migrants register for the visas. Those following the migrant caravan issue have also apparently noticed a few additional curious trends. One is that it’s starting to become more difficult to do a size estimate of the caravans because they’ve morphed into a continuous flow. What also seems evident is that the evident final destination on the U.S. border is now being coordinated to target those places where the Border Patrol is least likely to have a large presence. There have also been reports that Mexican drug cartels have been involved in providing bus transportation for the caravans to the border. Apparently the idea is that if you can overwhelm U.S. immigration resources in one place, the distraction makes it easier to smuggle drugs someplace else. In addition, an interesting sidebar to the border issue, amounting to looming unintended consequences, is now happening in California. Last month, newly-elected Governor Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom made it a central policy goal to provide the state with 3.5 million mostly “affordable” new housing units by the year 2025. A big problem, according to Newsom, is that housing costs have meant California has effectively the… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself am ALL FOR letting California exit from the US of A. If not that I say let San Foo-foo,LA and Sacrudmento do so at the very least!


Perry, I saw recently a conservative California news site that was reporting that due to all the official hurdles that must be overcome to build public housing for the homeless in LA, each unit now carries a price tag of a half million dollars.

They could buy ’em some really nice tents and put ’em out in the Mojave for a lot less than that–real Sheikh of Araby stuff, you know?

Only in California…

Perry Gaskill

Poe, just so you know, I didn’t mean to somehow intrude on your original post with my long-ass comment. It almost wrote itself.


Perry, your insights and observations are always welcome. Over the years you have opened my eyes to any number of realities that I had simply been missing.

In spite of what some here may think, this ol’ dog is capable of learning new tricks. I thank the Internet every day for its ability to provide new knowledge and connect me with those wiser than I am–it’s like earning a new degree every few months.

I count you among those wiser folks, Perry.

Wilted Willy

I really appreciate the both of you, your comments and posts are always insightful and well thought out. They always leave me thinking, I wish I would have said that!
Keep up the great work guys!!


If these clowns actually do get into office, do you realize the crap that will be coming out of the shithole DC ???
America will not survive it, there is no doubt in my mind that it won’t survive it.
It’s not something I want to happen, but please think about the ramifications of their taking offices all over America…
They are all insane, literally, insane…


Lars will be by soon to get you all squared away. Just wait one.

A Proud Infidel®™️

PLEASE DO NOT conjure the goblin!!!


Veritas Omnia Vincit

These folks looking to take down the wall as you say Poe are often the very same crowd that lives behind the safety and security of gated communities in their own personal lives…

They remind me of the countless wealthy or well-to-do folks who were always telling me when I was working my way up through my career that “money doesn’t buy you happiness” to which I often responded, “well I can assure you that no money buys you nothing”…

Now that I have a few nickels I can rub together I can honestly tell you one thing, money indeed does not buy happiness but it does allow for a far better brand of discomfort.

Being here illegally is a crime, a wall addresses a large portion of the land border. Even if it doesn’t address the rest of the border by securing this component of the border it allows the resources currently spent patrolling the open sections to better utilized at other ports of entry or illegal sea based access points.

Those concerned about spending should consider that something when completed that will cost a half of a percent of the overall budget and yield additional resources through re-allocation of current staff levels is quite possibly one of the more reliable ROI projects the government has ever undertaken.


Well stated, as usual, Poe.

Nothing irritates me as much as hypocrisy. When it’s as blatant as that directed towards “the wall,” it is particularly frustrating. But, arguing with the insane always is.

Kenneth Taylor

The Socialist Green Slim is slowly taking over the world.