Surprise! Iran Exposed for Faking U.S. Warship Surveillance Footage

| May 5, 2019

Rafael Figueroa Medina/U.S. Navy via Getty

Well, well, seems our suspicions were well placed. Remember? Iran Guards Claim Drone Overflight of U.S. Carrier
The whole thing was scraped together from other video clips, or at least the French think so. I have no reason to not believe them. The video was so choppy, and if true the ship’s lookouts, who are paid to do just that, would have picked up on it well before the “fly-by.”

By Simon Kent

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGG) faked an entire video claiming to show American warships transiting disputed waters in the Persian Gulf by piecing together old scraps of unrelated footage, French analysis confirms.

The original video, published by the IRGC on April 28, allegedly showed the flight deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and was used to advance the claim that Iran was spying on the American military. It went public just weeks after Washington placed the IRGC on its list of terrorist organisations.

As Breitbart News reported, Iran’s Tasnim news agency claimed a camera-equipped Iran Revolutionary Guards’ spy drone captured the footage.

A week after the film was first made public, it was dismissed by the U.S. Navy as “several years old.”

Now France 24 has used Google Earth satellite images to determine the video was taken prior to December 2017, when work was undertaken to extend the landing strip used to show the drone’s original takeoff.

Photos taken after that date show that the surface area of the landing strip is increasing, while the one seen in the video resembles the strip before work began.

For other anomalies the French picked up on, and the rest of the article, go here: Breitbart

Category: Iran, Navy, Usual Suspects

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

What a joke from the iranian clowns. I’ll just sit here and Groan over the drone joke.


So that’s the “Drone Groan” then? Just asking….


Wait…US navy admit this is original video from Iran UAV,so how it is fake?It is from 2016 but everyone know this already,that is time when US carrier was in P.Gulf last time..So your news is fake…Iran didn’t say when surveillance occurred, they never do…US navy said “that video is from 2016″… So how it is fake?You are making idiots of yourself…everything Iran showed proved to be Truth…


Barack was so proud of them. What a let down for him.

Hack Stone

A bit of less than creative photoshopping. Maybe we can call it an Honorary Spy Drone.

Just An Old Dog

The entire mentality behind this is to try to keep their armed forces and population amped up in the belief that Iran is a true power that can stand up to the might of the US.
Iraq and Iran both played the game during their war in 1988.
You saw how in the first Gulf War Iraq claimed to have shot down more aircraft han the US even had in theater,