Leftist loon Rieckhoff stepping down from IAVA top job.

| January 31, 2019

Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, will step away from his leadership role at the group next month, a massive shake-up for one of the most prominent national veterans advocacy groups.

Rieckhoff said he’s making the move for personal reasons, including the birth of his second child. He is working on a new book, a new podcast and “other to-be-announced media projects” in the near future.

He’ll continue to serve on IAVA’s board. Jeremy Butler, who has led IAVA internal operations for the last year and held several other leadership posts since 2015, will take over as the new head of the advocacy group.

Rieckhoff, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, has been one of the most visible post-9/11 veterans on the national stage, appearing frequently on news programs and congressional hearings.

Jonn posted about Rieckhoff so many times its hard to pick which links to include in this article.  We posted about his embellishments HERE.

The DD214 does clearly say he has a Bronze Star Medal, but how did he get it? I asked him for orders, but he sent me the DD214 that I already had and then he claimed he never received the citation, but he doesn’t mention the orders. So did someone call him and tell him he had one, and he just pinned it on? And how did it get on his DD214 without orders or a citation? And he physically signed his DD214, so they didn’t have him digitally sign it from a distance. He was right there in the room with the clerk.

In his letter, he writes; “Since the photo in question, I have not worn or claimed the BSM—as you have noted.” Yeah, that’s the only photo I could find of him with the BSM, so if he’s so sure that he earned a BSM, why did he stop wearing it after that picture? See what I mean by more questions?

Rieckhoff and the IAVA could not seem to shed that Valor Vulture Megan Morse or whatever name she is hiding behind these days.   Not that we can tell if they even tried to shed her, it seems to me that they spent most of their effort embracing her.

If you are unfamiliar with this liar and embellishing disgrace to veterans everywhere, please prepare yourself before  you click on the links.  The original post made by militaryphony.com is available HERE.  Before you watch the video, remove any sharp objects near you and be prepared to see the most despicable display of embellishment and outright lies you can imagine.  The comment section is filled with people who actually served with her and a family member that are disgusted with her nonsense.

Paul Rieckhoff seems to be just fine giving this Valor Vulture a safe haven.  He has been sent information about Megan Morse many times.  The IAVA is no stranger to TAH.  I was going to list the  links Jonn, TSO and others have posted about Paul Rieckhoff and IAVA but the list is very long.  If you would like to read more about them at TAH just search them in the box at the top of this page.

I don’t buy him stepping aside in a humble manner.  I believe something is up behind the scenes but that is purely speculation on my part.  There are people who can not resist the spotlight and they never seem to STFU and quietly go away.

Source: IAVA founder Rieckhoff stepping down from group’s top job

Category: Politics, Usual Suspects, Valor Vultures

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Sorry he wasn’t stepping off a cliff.


I’m hoping he was pushed.

2/17 Air Cav

“I don’t buy him stepping aside in a humble manner.” Me neither. It’s hard to accept that he is freely giving up the only reason the media would consult with him and he loves him the spotlight–all of the spotlight. As for the book, there will be more free copies than purchased ones and the podcast better not have a fee attached to it.


put it to music:



I’ll just leave this here…


Reminds me of VVoA.
Inexhaustable supply of future members.

2/17 Air Cav

Are you TRYING to trigger me? I need to go to my safe space now. Thanks, pal.


Dual membership? /sarc


I haven’t heard much lately about safe spaces on college campuses. Did those butterflies suddenly develop a set and they are no longer needed?

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard they did away with them because the kids kept eating all the Play-Doh!


The kids are locked in their dorm rooms, it’s cold outside. If they’re required to attend a class when it’s cold outside, they’ll need pacifiers, blankies and safe spaces.

Non Cedo Ferio

Full. Disclosure. I’m a member of IAVA. But I want to explain. When I got out I found out about this .org that was trying to help Iraq / Afghanistan vets. I wasn’t aware of any SV on the part of anyone in leadership there. So I joined and the interesting part was at that time. Your word that you were an OIF /OEF vet was good enough for membership. Which I thought was odd. Never got any follow up never got a tShirt. A few years pass and I call up to ask why no emails follow up or anything. They said that policy had changed and now they need DD214 verification for membership which I gave them. I’ve never been active in the org. Why should I give them my time if they don’t seem interested in anything about me and this SV stuff is prompting me to withdraw my membership. I’m not the only one who’s felt left out by them. I was looking for an advocate for vets like me. And got nothing. Also I looked at ms Morse’s 214 and 215. So she got an AFEM. And a GWOTSM. But I was there pre and post invasion 2003 and got a GWOTEM and ICM. Wonder why she didn’t get those as well or maybe I missed something.


“Never got any follow up never got a tShirt”

My FEB issue of American Rifleman came with a serial numbered ballot package marked in bold type:
“You are a Voting Member”

NRA members pick their leaders.
Who else does that?

Non Cedo Ferio

Seems to me there are some organizations that could learn a thing or too about democracy from the NRA. Ya know the last thing you want to get from a veterans advocacy group is to feel like you don’t matter. It’s counter to what they should be doing. The funny thing is that I’ve felt more welcomed and allowed to have my voice heard and questions answered here at TAH than any veterans org I’ve belonged to. I don’t always agree with everything commented or article posted. But that’s ok. It’s the fact that we get a chance to be heard or let off some steam or enjoy a good laugh. That speaks volumes


Hell, I just upgraded to Benefactor and I got a jacket, sticker and certificate. I see IAVA crap everywhere for sale. They couldn’t at least send out a sticker for your car?

Non Cedo Ferio

Nope no bumper sticker. Nothing. Just a membership number


I had a similar situation when I first joined IAVA without knowing much about them. Went to one gathering in the DC area and instantly regretted it. A few good guys, but most of the people that are super involved are far-left egotistical morons.

I listened to a few of them and couldn’t help but feel that there was quite a bit of severe exaggeration, if not outright stolen valor, throughout the organization. And those guys have all kinds of PII on me with my dd214….. bad mistake on my part.

Perry Gaskill

The photo of Rieckhoff with Stephen Colbert and Craig Newmark is pretty much a hoser trifecta…

5th/77th FA

And the other picture with the three pussies makes it a double trifecta, correct?

I’ll be back at the betting window, again, collecting more winnings.

Dave you are right about Miss Thang and a pattern emerging. Every two years, she’s showing back up. (this from the write up from military phonies article. she was ’13,’15,17’and now ’19) Where is IDC SARC, we know he’d hit it.

Oh and the other 3 dippys. They can all ESAD.


Do we know anything about this new guy, Jeremy Butler? Given IAVA’s history of fraudulent claims and liberal lobbying, I’m not confident in who they chose as Rieckhoff’s successor.


I heard they are putting Adam Kokesh on the board./sarc//
They need more poser losers like that assclown.

USMC Steve

Is IAVA the group that was anti war, anti republican administration, etc, and turned out to be significantly laden with frauds who either had never been in the military, or were drastically lying about their military service?

Non Cedo Ferio

I think your referring to the Iraq Veterans against the war IVAW. Adam Kokesh outfit. They did an article on him here that’s worth the read.


The whole lot of them can eat a 5 pound bag of sugar-free gummy dicks.

A Proud Infidel®™

They can take turns bobbing for chicken wings and onion rings in a hot deep fryer for all I care!


Stolen valor is a very despicable act for anyone to do to those that served honorably and they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It not only degrades those that served honorably but is even more dishonorable to those that were KIA defending their rights. That being said what about the flip side of the situation you go to an appointment with the VA and find during that interview that almost 4 years of your life are not on record on top of which any paperwork (DD-214) they show has you enlisting in January and promoted to E-5 in June of same year. No reference as to going to H/S or place of birth, no duty out of states, nada, nothing. Yet at the lower portion of the DD-214 total service is listed as almost 8 years service and no one notices that. Guess one just sits and waits for stolen valor arrest and face the music and call the 8 years wasted and all the trimmings that come with it or dig in and get everything straightened out, About ready to say screw the Government and the VA as to thats what they seem to want to do to those that honorably served.

Green Thumb

IAVA = Losers.


Assclown in the first degree