Run, Joe, Run!

| February 27, 2019

uncle joe

Family Clears Joe Biden to Run for President in 2020

Former Senator and Vice President and twice Presidential Candidate Joe Biden said Tuesday his family voted in support of another run for president in 2020.

By: Charlie Spiering
“From being pushed, prodded by my son Hunter, and my wife Jill, and my daughter, we just had a family meeting with all the grandkids too, and there is a consensus that they, the most important people in my life, want me to run,” Biden said.

This may not be exactly how a serious Presidential Candidate announces his intention to run. Hunter Biden was busy gong through a nasty divorce in 2017 with his wife, was administratively discharged from the Navy after pissing hot for cocaine, and had an affair with his late brother Beau’s widow.

In 2017, Biden’s niece pled guilty in 2017 to a $110,000 credit-account theft at a New York City drugstore and was charged in 2013 for striking a New York City Police officer.

The 76 year old White Christian Male has failed in his presidential ambitions twice, once in 1987 and again in 2007 before running as VP for Barack Obama. He is best remembered for commenting on the passing of Obama Care along party lines as a “…big fucking deal.” Biden has been called a man of “integrity” though his history of lying and plagiarism doesn’t exactly bear that out.

Maybe bringing up his family isn’t such a good idea. That being said, his track record in office is nearly perfect, being wrong on just about every foreign policy decision made:

Biden was wrong on Benghazi.

He was not only wrong on Benhgazi, he didn’t get Iraq and Afghanistan right either.

Biden was very wrong on Turkey.

Biden was very wrong on Syria.

Biden sure hasn’t gotten Iran right.

Ref: Independent Sentinel

“I don’t want this to be a fool’s errand, and I want to make sure that if we do this, and we’re very close to making a decision, that I am fully prepared to do it,” he said.

He admitted that running for president had changed since he and former President Barack Obama ran for president as a result of social media.

“The whole issue of social media and the use of social media has fundamentally changed,” Biden said.

He said that he was currently hosting meetings about whether he could fund a campaign realistically.

“I will not be part of a Super PAC,” Biden said as the crowd applauded.

He said he was also searching whether there was a diverse staff available that he could hire including black, Latino, female, and Asian professionals.

Biden then referenced current polls showing him leading the Democratic primary.

Ahh, invoking the polls again. Leaning on polls didn’t pan out well for the Dems in 2016. Here’s hoping for a repeat.

Read the rest here: Breitbart

Category: Breaking News, Politics, Usual Suspects

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You really prefer Trump to Biden?

Party > Country

Biden is one of the most honest and decent men in politics and unlike other politicians (Trump included) he has not used his office for personal profit.

His net worth is under $400,000

He is a true public servant and one of the rarest things in politics; an honest politician.


“Most honest” does not equal “honest”. One is either honest, or one is not. And $400K net worth? Ol’ Joes house is probably worth more than that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sort of like the lesser of two evils is still an evil.


The figures I am able to find all estimate his net worth between $59,000 – $800,000.

Open Secrets that submits a number of requests for information estimated their Net Worth in 2014 to be NEGATIVE 900,000.

But he signed a book deal and released his memoir in 2017.

Let’s just agree it is under $900,000

We will get more accurate information a few months after he announces as outlets submit information requests, he releases his tax returns, and outlets update their estimates.


Nope. Not agreeing just because you say it’s so. This ain’t my first rodeo.


Under $900,000? Biden’s Delaware home alone is worth almost $3 million.


Whose name is on the deed? Mrs. Biden’s? A family trust?

A Proud Infidel®™️

That’s just a couple of the stunts that politicians and others pull to hide their wealth!


That Biden has your support is good reason to oppose him.


If you will vote for the opposite of who I want to win then you should have voted for Clinton.


You’re just queer on Bernie the Commie.

I mean, I’m somewhat of a bulshitter myself from time to time, but I always love hearing from a professional–do go on!



A Proud Infidel®™️

Once a Bernie-head, always a Bernie-head!

Sgt K

Not a single truth in your comment.

USMC Steve

Biden is one of the stupidest humans in existence, and in the socialist democrat party, he has very serious competition. He also appears to be a potential sex offender. He was a useless vice president to a Obama, who intentionally did substantial damage to this country, particularly regarding race relations and national security. That he would hang around while that went on indicates that he has absolutely -0- integrity. Trump on the other hand, has unfucked almost everything that the Obama/Biden team broke, and has kept his word in nearly everything he has promised to do. You fucking better believe I prefer Trump to that mental midget.

A Proud Infidel®™️



Interesting you say he hasn’t used his office for personal profit, Commie-Czar…..

“Biden charges $2,200 per month to live in the cottage — which is next to his waterfront home — according to The Washington Times, which reported last year that Secret Service agents lived at the cottage and paid rent.”

“In 2010, the Bidens took in $13,200 in rental income from the Secret Service. In 2011, more travel back home meant more money in Joe Biden’s wallet as he took in $20,900 in rental income from the Secret Service. In 2012, an election-year, the Vice President signed a lease with the Secret Service in which the Agency agreed to pay $2,200 per month. The deal meant that the Vice President grossed $26,400 in rental income in 2012, 2013 and 2014.”

“Former President George W. Bush traveled often during his eight years in office to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. During that time Secret Service personnel stayed gratis in guest quarters on the Bush compound. Similarly, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush never charged the Secret Service for staying on their properties in Santa Barbara and Kennebunkport. In fact, a Secret Service spokesperson confirms that Vice President Biden is the first occupant of his office to charge the Agency for protecting him.”


One word on the honesty of Shotgun Joe Biden…plagiarism. If he’s not smart enough to write his own speech without cherry picking from Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kennedy, and JFK, then he’s not smart enough to hold the office.

A Proud Infidel®™

Seriouslym you want me to vote for an IDIOT like Biden who can’t keep his hands off of Women? Remember when he told a Paraplegic Man to stand up during a rally? Trust me, that’s just the tip of the iceberg on his gaffes!
Here’s a small sample:


And you prefer Kirsten Gillibrand(D-NY)? Looks like she has an “ethics” issue to deal with:

She’s a pure as snow, ain’t she Lars? Must have taken shake down lessons from ol’ Cankles McPantsuit?


Remember ole uncle go said the white men was going to enslave the back man
Even better was his comment in Spanish right down the road from me telling
A group of Hispanic voters that republicans were going to enslave them
He’s another fucking leftist nut
I think trump is a moron but no ay in hell would I ever drop a vote for this idiot




Not a fan of Joe, but c’mon, admit it. That “big fuckin’ deal” comment was funny as hell.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Biden and Sanders are also the early favorites. Old white guys seems to be a theme for both parties…

Booker, Harris, et al are already looking like the also rans. Of course much can change over the next 20 months or so. Of course the number of people running on the Dem side who are suddenly tossing around a lot of Bernie’s ideas makes one wonder why pick a sub when you can pick the real deal? If those also rans weren’t so busy kissing Clinton’s ass in 2016 they might have had a better shot winning with Bernie. Clinton was the anointed one, but boring as fuck and simply status quo. She was a terrible campaigner. Bernie energized that party, whether you like his politics or not there was no denying the Dems cheating him changed HRC’s campaign in ways that didn’t help her win. After the election the subsequent purge of Bernie’s supporters by Perez also indicated the corruption of the DNC at the highest level.

Now Bernie’s back and a front runner with Biden…both enjoy double digit recognition while the others run from low to high single digits at best.

Perry Gaskill

What’s the count now for Democrats running for President. 200?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

A little north of a dozen with Uncle Joe in the mix…


Had HRC not fucked over Bernie, we would not have seen candidates like Stein and Johnson get the traction they did (almost 6 percent of the vote).

Then again, had she bothered to campaign amongst the deplorables she would have won as well.

Sucks for her.


A 1975 Quote from Joe Biden:

” I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace—someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right.”



Hahahahaha! And now, we have – er, dTrump!

OK, I’ll quit laughing now.


Another classic from Joe:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.”



Biden on obama:

“the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”


The only reason people don’t remember him as a bumbling, creepy old fool is because he’s a Democrat. If a Republican said half the things this guy said, they’d be vilified.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Just look at when Dan Quayle was crucified for giving the Old English spelling for “potato” which is “potatoe”, but D-rats are always given a free pass by the whorehouse liberal media.


LMAO. He might just have well said, “One of those people.”


He’s a racist. That’s the sort of thing racists say when they’re surprised that all their prejudices are proven wrong.

Like this;

“In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”


“Somalis have made my city of Wilmington, Del. (their home) on a smaller scale. There is a very identifiable Somali community. I might add if you come to the train station with me you’ll notice I have great relationships with them because there’s an awful lot driving cabs and are friends of mine. For real. I’m not being solicitous. I’m being serious.”

Comm Center Rat

Joe Biden was accused of plagiarism while in his first year at Syracuse University Law School (1965). He said he misunderstood the rules of citation and footnoting. He’s been lying for at least 54 years.

As a Syracuse University graduate I find Biden to despicable and loathsome. He only tarnishes my alma mater’s reputation. But, I welcome his entry into the Democratic presidential race because it will strengthen Trump’s re-election prospects.


The irony of dredging up a 1975 accusation that went nowhere.

But Trump has been caught lying about substantive things continuously and some of his lies compromised him with a foreign power (such as lying about the timeline business negotiations with a foreign power)…

But you are fine with that.

I mean the guy even lied about NK no longer being a nuclear threat.

He lied to deployed troops about their getting the biggest pay raise ever and the first in 10 years.

How far does ones head have to be up ones own ass for it to make sense that a 1975 accusation makes Biden a lifetime liar and Trump is your man?


Ummm…even if you discount everything about Biden, you can’t disregard the ring in this circus he favors and the sheer displacement of the dumbfukkery that comprises it.

No…hellz to the NO


I heard his son Beau had big balls. Any truth to that?

Party > Country accusation is pretty rich coming from a Bernie supporter.


His other son Hunter made it a solid month in the USNR before being booted for using cocaine. As a 44 year old lawyer.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yep, and just HOW did he get a waiver to join at that age, hmmmmm…

Comm Center Rat

Commissar: The “accusation” as you term it, was a matter of record according to minutes from Dec. 1, 1965, when the Syracuse law school faculty found Biden had, “without quotation or citation,” lifted five pages from a published law review article and used them in his 15-page paper for a legal-methods course. The professor who taught the course five or six times previously recalled the Biden plagiarism was the first ever occurrence he encountered.

The faculty recommended he receive an “F” for the course and be allowed to repeat it the following year. Biden did repeat, receiving an 80.

Biden is also on the record stating “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship.” That claim was false, as was another claim, that he graduated in the top half of his law-school class (he actually finished in the bottom 20%). Biden wrongly stated, too, that he had earned three undergraduate degrees, when in fact he had earned one—a double major in history and political science from the University of Delaware.

Lesson learned: Biden’s deceit and dishonesty has continued unabated for the past 54 years.

Class dismissed!


Comm Center Rat, don’t confuse our
Commie-Czar with facts, he just may huff & puff and take his sorry ass from this blog and spew his vomit over on the Berkley Bullshit Blog.


Don’t forget, he stole parts of a UK politician’s speech when he was running for the presidential nomination in 1988.

So college was not an isolated incident, but apparently a decades long pattern.

John Wright


2 Bgen items

Back in approx 1997, when one could walk on the Capitol steps, we, as a family were standing there. Our Mom says: “There goes Senator Biden”. My Dad, probably the most tolerant guy on the face of the Earth says “He’s an idiot”.

Fast forward: Our Mom was the classic fear of flying, so they took Amtrak everywhere. Train Washington to Boston, the Secret Service throws everyone out of “VP Biden’s Car” for his publicity stunt “Green” commute from DC to Delaware. So much for egalitarianism, fairness, etc.

The guy and his entourage crapped on my parents. He deserves a miserable end.


5th/77th FA

Run Joe Run; right off a cliff and take Larsie Boi with you.

Or better yet, you and Larsie Boi run for Pres & VP, then run off a cliff together, after you lose.

Be the best thing that either of you could do for our country.


Whatever. Biden has more support than Trump. So keep telling yourselves you hope he runs.

Some of you are in a bubble and have no idea him much the rest of the country hates Trump and how motivated people are to vote against him.

The fact that Biden is a man that few hate except the most rabidly anti-lib and has no dark secrets or major controversies makes him a real threat to Trump.

But Trumps presidency is hanging by a thread anyway.

My bet is by next year we will be wondering if Biden can beat Pence. Or whoever the GOP primaries Pence with.

Wilted Willy

Lars, to back to wetting your bed, true story, my father had to try and teach this dumbass how to fish, he couldn’t even comprehend putting a worm on the hook, not the guy I want for a president or anything else!

Perry Gaskill

Pot meet kettle. Just because the majority of people on Planet Berkeley don’t like Trump doesn’t mean they speak for “the rest of the country.” Such exaggeration and hyperbole are exactly the kind of falsehoods you constantly accuse Trump of using. This represents not only a double-standard, but also makes you a liar by your own apparent criteria, Lars.


Exactly. Lars lives in a buuble where he is apt to believe almost anything that confirms his bias. Death threats to Obama were up 400% more than any previous president and we (us dickweeds) are all racists because of it is just one example.


Biden has more support than Trump my ass…go blow Bernie you socialist fuck…


People think Biden’s an idiot. I’d wager at least half the country wouldn’t even know who he is if you show them a picture.

He’s never even had much support from his own party for crying out loud. The only reason they’re trying to get him in the game now is because all the younger Democrats are stark raving mad socialists.


“Some of you are in a bubble and have no idea him much the rest of the country hates Trump and how motivated people are to vote against him.”

So we now went from being “Deplor-Ables”
to “Deplora-Bubbles”?

Since we seem to moving alphabetically, what’s next?


The following statement coming from a socialist who went BALLS DEEP for Bernie when he ran, and then went JILLING FOR JILL STEIN when Cankles won the D-rat nomination.

LARSIE…Commissar of the FREE SHIT ARMY!

USMC Steve

What is the case here is that Der Communistar desperately WANTS Biden to run and win. And he is very scared that this will not happen. Thus he is projecting that we are all not wanting it to happen.


“Run Joe, Run”…. The only time I ever wanted to beat my TV with a baseball bat was when that stupid f’n commercial came on..


“Run Joe, Run” was a Saturday morning TV show when I was a kid. Kind of a canine A-team.


Some of you all should be paying attention to Cohen’s testimony. Most of the rest of the country is.


Trump allies in the house are desperately trying to stop it you can see the desperation and panic in their faces.

What Cohen is saying is damning. Mr Jordan got his assed handed to him when he tried to discredit Cohen for being just a disgruntled ex employee.


Larsie loves a liar – Biden plagiarizing a Neil Kinnock speech (from 2008 from the Telegraph):

Go ahead, Larsie… fill that ballot out for Slow Joe Biden… he’ll give you all the free shit you want!

A Proud Infidel®™️

He’s balls-deep for Bernie and/or Biden, will he blame the Russians when President Trump gets re-elected?



based on the numbers, “most” of America is not watching. I’m sure all of your unwashed “friends” are watching, but that is not “most” of America.

Bottom line: this is a man who lied to congress, so nothing he says is of value in any event. He is playing you for his ends. It is his well established MO.

This is another example of the fail army at work.

The bottom line; the only candidate who actively collaborated with Putin was Hillary Clinton.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Cohen’s testimony is shit. His attempt to paint himself as a good guy going to prison over his misdirected loyalty is absurd.

Smoke and mirrors, Lars.

Cohen is embarrassed he got caught and will say anything to cast himself in a good light with hopes to win favor with someone.

He’s a liar. He wasn’t convicted for being “loyal” to Trump. He was convicted for breaking the law, and his own greed and quest for power set the stage.


Some of us can multitask…so far his comments are shite. I liked the opening from Jordan tho.


Miller bitchlapped him and the fukkers he rode in on.


Yes, I’ll pay attention to an admitted and convicted repeat liar. His testimony isn’t even worth using as toilet paper. His testimony, at best, is a good space heater for the chamber.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Cohen, you mean the convicted perjurer who starts his prison sentence very soon?


Creepy Uncle Joe.

Look, I do not recommended watching this, NSFW or anyone really:


Lars, to quote a certain character, “Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder!”

Yeah, you.


I love that picture of the cop and Plugs, no matter how many times I see it. A blast from the past.


Looks like Joe is about to get an ass whoopin’ from W.C. Fields.


There appears to be a lot of hubris concerning one Ttump’s chances…

“Run Joe, Run” is reflecting that hubris that Ttump could beat Biden easily.

Just a reminder, Trump barely won in 2016. And he ran again one of the least popular party nominees in any of our lifetimes.

She won the popular vote and lost the electoral because of relatively small margins in the Midwest.

However, Hillary alienated 1/3 of her base. Outright being hostile and dismissive of Bernie supporters. Unapologetically so. And when Debbie Wassserman Schultz was found to have violated DNC rules to help Hillary in the primaries and had to resign from the chair of the DNC just before the DNC convention, Hillary and DWS not only did not apologize they flaunted their win and Hillary appointed her to her campaign as a reward.

The party convention is designed to unify a party behind the candidate moving forward to the election.

Instead she is had a fractured party with a “never Hillary” wing that was more than enough votes to give her the win.

He hubris and arrogance cost her the election. She did not even go to Wisconsin, a critical swing state, out of hubris.

Trump is less popular and the left is far more motivated than two years ago.

The economy will also be faltering by then.

So celebrate his victory while you can. Because there will be no time for celebration in 2020.

I more than once warned friends that Trump might beat Hillary and it will be the fault of her suppprters for ignoring those warnings and assuming she could win without anything but her base.

A Proud Infidel®™


Commissioner Wretched

Lars, you might want to ask Berkeley to give you your tuition money back.

“Barely won” in 2016? Barely winning would be something like 271 electoral votes to 267. That would qualify as “barely” winning. But your professors should have taught you that.

Unless you’re referring to the TOTALLY MEANINGLESS popular vote. And in that case, your professors should have told you what that really means in a presidential election, too.



Trump could beat Biden easily. Nobody thinks otherwise. Dukakis beat Biden. Obama beat Biden. Hillary beat Biden.

That Trump was an unpopular candidate is without doubt. Many people here will say they voted for him less out of believing in his success than not wanting Hillary. The problem is that in 2020 he’ll have a track record of great successes. Putting up someone like Biden, who is a perennial loser, against these victories is idiotic. At least if they put one of the new faces like “Spartacus” Booker or “I Sleep My Way Up” Harris gives you some sense of hope for future possibilities.

A Proud Infidel®™️

All President Trump will have to ask people is the same thing Ronald Reagan asked during his 1984 campaign when he steamrollered Mondale, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” . So far he has enjoyed more success in his first two years of Office than his last four predecessors combined!


Where did you go to school?

Trump beat the pants (no pun intended) off Hillary.

Don’t you know what the electrical collage is?


Note: Above pun was intended and no polyester was harmed in crafting post.





USMC Steve

She did not win the popular vote. Several subsequent investigations show that voter fraud in CA alone accounted for over 1 million bogus votes from felons and wetbacks. Other states bring the total up to over 2 million. NPR, hardly a conservative anything did one of those investigations over a period of six months. Bitch could not even win an election she tried to steal.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s see, primary process rigged for her via Superdelegates – CHECK.
Mainstream media in her pocket cheerleading her all the way – CHECK.
D-rat voter fraud in every major city going full throttle for her – CHECK.
CALIFORNIA, where former Governor Moonbat signed a bill allowing illegal aliens to vote – CHECK.
Bogus polls from the mainstream mess media outlets showing her in a constant lead against President Trump – CHECK.
She couldn’t even win with all of the D-rat election rigging machinery going full throttle for her!!!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

CNN, MSNBC, NPR, George Clooney and a cast of other Hollywood douchebags predicted Trump would never win and convinced themselves he wouldn’t.

Then the results came in and everyone lost their shit.


“Run Joe, Run”

Ole Joe can run, but unlike Forest Gumps, he will never finish a race.

“I more than once warned friends that Trump might beat Hillary and it will be the fault of her supporters for ignoring those warnings and assuming she could win without anything but her base.”

So now Commie-Czar is a soothsayer?
What a waste with so much talent. /sarc


My personal opinion is, Joe (“No dates till you’re thirty”) Biden is a sexual predator, especially towards young girls. I’ve seen video after video where he made inappropriate contact with young girls but was, hiding in the plain sight of a photo op. Girls who looked uncomfortable and often pulled away. Telling one girl in a whisper caught by the mics, “If I was young…”. The guy is loose with his hands and innuendos with young girls.

A compilation can be seen here. You watch it and decide for yourself. Is he legit in doing these things or, are you a dad or mother who have knocked his teeth out if he touched your daughter like some of these girls?

If he thinks this behavior won’t come out in a Presidential run, then he’s as dumb as I believe he is.


I want Joe to run in a big way.

I will support his run.

Up to Election Day of course.

AOC in 2020! She is in charge!


What is going to be -entertaining-, is watching HRC backstab anyone on the Left who either opposed her, embarrassed her, or otherwise fails to sufficiently kiss her ass.

She has been “consulting with” potential candidates. She is still as crooked as a back-alley craps game, so the graft will be fast and furious. And even then, her epic temper and grudge-keeping will lead to fraternal fraggings. Because she will be told “you blew your chance, twice” , and she is -not- going to react well. Not at all.

This is gonna be -epic-

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve already stocked up on popcorn, nachos and beer, let the show begin!!! Let’s not forget that Das Hildebeast has spent her life gathering dirt on people, let’s see what she does with it, there are no shortages of accounts of her being a venomous, acidic and vengeful bitch.


I thought she was busy on the speaking tour to nowhere that no one was attending.


I wouldn’t trust him to run a local gun shop much less the country. But funny? Oh yeah.