Beto needs some gender-bending

| April 25, 2019


It can be a challenge, editing Poe’s work. He freely admits to pushing the envelope, and on occasion he likes to find the corners in mine. I’ve had to spike a couple of his more outrageous posts, but I explain why and there’s no animosity either way. This one is on my edge, enjoy.

A bit of whimsy

Beto needs some gender-bending
Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, the phony Latino from El Paso, who Kerry-married the necessary money to finance his political aspirations, has a mucho grande problem: His supposed rock star, Kennedyesque, Mexican-American persona has proved insufficient to sustain his presidential ambitions in the totally bat-poop crazy world of Democrat identity politics. Quite simply, Beto has been beaten at his own game because, to paraphrase the fictional herald to the real-life Democrat party, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, “Some identities are more equal than others.

There are identities and then there are identities as embattled Beto is learning. A deceptive bi-cultural affectation such as O’Rourke has employed may serve one well when competing with half-Jamaican former prosecutors or faux Indians but it is simply insufficient to go up against a candidate from the Democrat identity group that is unquestionably more equal than all the other Democrat identity groups: Gays.

And why is this one has to wonder? Why are gays a favored identity group? What’s that old saw that can be applied to virtually any political mystery? How about, “Follow the money.” Think about something for a moment—what other Democrat identity group has so many members, largely white, who are tech or entertainment billionaires? Or influential movie stars? Or TV media personalities? Or creative directors in TV advertising? Do blacks or Hispanics have that kind of presence across those domains? Of course they don’t, which explains the phenomenal initial fundraising success of the first openly gay candidate to jump into the Democrats’ shark pond.

So Beto boy’s falso Hombre de Mexico persona simply isn’t going to be enough to keep him in the contest—he needs to boot things up, spur his deserting followers with a broader appeal to that cohort so recently enamored of the Democrats’ openly gay presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, who has totally eclipsed the formerly favored O’Rourke with the big-money sources in the gay community. Beto needs a gay epiphany—perhaps a sudden recollection of a long repressed and secretive homosexual period in his life—or maybe a simple confession of his recognition of his long suppressed desires for male love brought to the surface when he saw Brokeback Mountain? What about an admission of furtive crossdressing in soft lingerie and confused feelings of femininity?

We’ve seen that Beto is ready and willing to demean and toss his white heritage overboard when it appears to hinder his political ambitions.

Will he do the same with his manhood?

Category: Diversity, Guest Post, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Beto is over as fast as he got started…Once Mayor Butt announced the Dirt eater was finished…


Ha! Good one, Poetrooper

A Proud Infidel®™

Well there ARE pics of him wearing a dress back in h is college days, maybe he could parade himself as “transgender” to upgrade his act and counter that sausage-gargler. I’ve stocked up on nachos, popcorn and beer because I think this is gonna be one helluva show watching them try to out-LGBTQWEERTYUIOP, out-socialist and out-whatever each other, I’m sure we’ll see some AOC and Maxine Waters level of batshit crazy!


probably pics of him in black face as well…that seems to be a lefty trend…


Beto’s presidential run will be as successful as his attempt to flee his DWI accident.

5th/77th FA

Seems as if the demon rats want every demographic except folks that work for a living…and have a brain.


Idiot. Idiot, idiot, idiot!

Has he ever, ever, ever done anything besides run his mouth in the “LOOK AT ME!!!” agenda? No?

It may be that the days of pretty boys who stir the air when they’re running their mouths are over… so OVER.

I’m guessing, but I would not be a bit surprised if it’s Biden + Bernie this time.

The Other Whitey

Does the fake Mexican Robert Francis O’Rourke want it bad enough to suck a dick in front of a camera?


Man, can you imagine a “debate” on CNN, featuring Beta male, Buttplug the mayor, and a few more dems moderated by Anderson Pooper and Don Lemonbutt?

The Other Whitey

That would escalate quickly in all the worst ways.


There would be enough of them for a double dutch rudder or even a circle jerk.

A Proud Infidel®™

Beto O’Rourke would livecam a Lemon Party with him in it if he thought it would get him votes!


I realize it’s the Onion News Network but Beto may want this General as a spokesperson or VP:


An Obama appointee…


That rack, tho…

Slow Joe


That was awesome!

I have become so enthralled with your work that I can read exactly what you mean, even when you self[edit] or get [edited].

Keep up the good work.
Cheers and a beer.


Thanks, Joe. It’s hard to express myself adequately when all my submissions are ruthlessly, mercilessly, and may I add, prudishly, edited by that power-obsessed master of my literary fate, AW1Ed.

If only I could ever reveal to the readers at TAH my unfettered thoughts.


Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

Demean and toss his manhood? He’d have to have some first.


Doesn’t that pic of the phony Hispanic need a caption?

RGR 4-78

Beato’s on the ropes.


Personally, I always considered him a potential pirate of the butt. Except, that toothy grin has to be a little off putting for the gay caballeros. But I agree he has to up his game if he wants to compete with Buttplug.


I want to hear more from Mrs. Beto.

Just An Old Dog

The Dems are falling over themselves to elect everyone but a straight white Male, damn the leadership ability.
Trump was EVERYTHING they despised, who had no real support from his own party. In 2016 they got tossed a hanging slow pitch right down the middle for Their Candidate to knock out of the park yet Trump won.
In 2020 the Dems will have to convince people who have been living better and in a more prosperous country to support what ever rainbow minority socialist duo of ass hamsters they put up against him.
With the exception of Jimmy Carter and Ford No sitting president who was not running on a split ticket has lost reelection since FDR


What about Bush? The old man, not W.

Bill R.

And MAyor Butthurt isn’t going to go very far either, cause all he’s got is, well, gay!


He’s no longer the Flavor of the Month…



The guy is gay, ok I get it.
What qualifications does he have to be President of the United States?
He was the mayor of a small city.
That has a murder rate equal to Chicago,and much higher than the rest of Indiana.
It is suffering white flight,gang violence, and a high and rising poverty rate.
They have a lead poisoning problem.
Did I say there was a lot of violence in South Bend?
His record as a mayor is awful.
That is what the Repubs should run on if he becomes the candidate