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They’re paying attention now

| August 22, 2008 | 1 Comment
They’re paying attention now

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan, in an opinion piece entitled “They’re paying attention now” explains why John McCain has suddenly surged ahead of Barack Obama in the polls; There are many answers, but here I think is an essential one: The American people have begun paying attention. Despite the year-and-a-half of the media […]

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Reality sets in

| August 21, 2008 | 1 Comment
Reality sets in

Through the primary season, we were treated to stories of women swooning during Obama speeches, the media couldn’t help themselves from running photo layouts of a haloed Obama speaking to the multitudes, the nearly daily announcement of some other celebrity-type who had been struck with an epiphany about the Barack. We were treated to photos […]

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That didn’t take long

| August 18, 2008 | 3 Comments
That didn’t take long

Richard Nixon was a shifty-eyed crook, Ronald Reagan was a doddering old fool, George HW Bush was a wimp, George W Bush is an idiot. And now John McCain is a cheater. Last night I first read on Ace of Spades that Andrea Mitchell-Greenspan was accusing John McCain of cheating in the Saddleback non-debate. From […]

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A peek into the future

| August 14, 2008 | 7 Comments
A peek into the future

The Georgia crisis has given us a peek into the future and a glimpse of what President McCain and President Obama would do in a crisis. An AFP story reports;  “During an international crisis when bipartisanship is needed most, it’s disappointing that the Obama campaign has chosen to launch inflammatory and baseless political attacks,” said […]

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Obama losing his grip

| August 11, 2008 | 1 Comment
Obama losing his grip

Being a big Obama supporter, I always get these personal emails from the campaign which understands me so well. Today’s gem you can believe in (I hate ending a sentence with a preposition); Friend — John McCain and the Republican National Committee are trying to convince you that you’ve been swept up and tricked into […]

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The race tightens, Obama slipping

| August 11, 2008 | 1 Comment
The race tightens, Obama slipping

The Washington Times warns that centrist Democrats, the Reagan Democrats, are leaning away from Obama;  Sen. Barack Obama is doing what Republicans once thought only a presidential candidacy by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton could do – uniting the right and center.

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The Change we still don’t believe

| August 10, 2008 | 1 Comment
The Change we still don’t believe

Ace of Spades‘ s Purple Avenger picked up a story buried in the Washington Post political blogs last week about Obama outpacing McCain in contributions from bundled donors in the oil industry; Turns out, the biggest recipient of contributions from Exxon executives and employees during this campaign is not McCain. It’s Obama. The non-partisan center […]

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McCain in his element

| August 5, 2008 | 2 Comments
McCain in his element

John McCain stopped by the Sturgis motorcycle rally this week. Don Surber caught being their typical elitist selves; The lefty site mocked this story as “John McCain is set to capture that key ‘bikers who like REO Speedwagon’ demographic at Sturgis this week.” ‘Tis another reminder that as hip as they pretend they […]

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