Reality sets in

| August 21, 2008

Through the primary season, we were treated to stories of women swooning during Obama speeches, the media couldn’t help themselves from running photo layouts of a haloed Obama speaking to the multitudes, the nearly daily announcement of some other celebrity-type who had been struck with an epiphany about the Barack. We were treated to photos of Euro-wienies praying at the altar of the Barack. (My daughter, living in Germany says no one over there knows who McCain is).

But the scales are falling from our collective eyes, the race pulls up even to within the margin of error. So what happens to “hope” and “change”? Under the proverbial bus, apparently. (Breitbart link)

Barack Obama savaged his Republican rival John McCain Wednesday for running a dishonorable campaign that aides to the Democrat said smacked of “reckless” desperation.

In some of the most vehement attacks yet heaped on the Arizona senator by the Obama camp during this White House campaign, the Illinois senator said he honored McCain’s public service but not the manner of his electioneering.

Coinciding with a new poll suggesting McCain has overhauled Obama among voters nationally, Obama’s senior foreign policy adviser Susan Rice portrayed the Republican as a hot-head who could not be trusted to stay cool under fire.

McCain’s “tendency is to shoot first and to ask questions later,” she said on a conference call alongside former White House anti-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke, who called the Republican “trigger-happy” and “reckless.”

So much for the new kind of politics – apparently they didn’t learn that their constant whining is what drove support for Obama down in the first place.

Of course, the whining and complaining didn’t end at the McCain campaign (Politico link);

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) personally went on the attack Wednesday on a best-selling new book that falsely describes him as a closet Muslim.

Talking about “The Obama Nation,” Obama said author Jerome Corsi was just making “stuff up.”

“But it gets a lot of play on Fox News,” he said to loud boos.

Damn Fox News. I guess it couldn’t be those Obama supporters that could be driving voters from the Obama juggernaut, could it? For example, James Taranto’s Best of the Web carried portions of a HuffPo post called “Fear of a Black President” in which Seth Grahame-Smith expresses what he believes to be Obama’s greatest weakness – white people;

It’s been easy believing in equality, because part of me — the part that’s suddenly afraid — didn’t really think we’d ever achieve it.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt secure as a white person. Secure in the unspoken belief that no matter how much social progress we made in America — no matter how many blacks and Latinos graduated Magna Cum Laude or how many trophies Tiger won — that we’d always be the ruling class from sea to shining sea.

That belief was so ingrained in my DNA that nothing could shake it loose. Not the first billionaires of color, not the surging growth of the Latino population, not the Congressional Black Caucus…not even Oprah.

For though my better angels usually won the day, and though I was happy with the strides America was making, I was also — deep down in that DNA — gratified by the knowledge that mine was still the easiest color in America to be.

But a black president? That’s different.

Of course, he projects this insecurity off on the rest of us, too. Think real Americans don’t hear Grahame-Smith calling us bitter racists? How about the shenanigans in Denver? All of the talk about how Democrats care “for the least of us” as Obama said the other day at Saddleback, police are rounding up the “least of us” in Denver (CBS4Denver link);

One week before the Democratic National Convention, CBS4 cameras were rolling as police moved in on a group of homeless people. Some of the homeless believe police are cracking down because of the convention.

One of the areas homeless believe they are being targeted is Park Avenue West and Broadway. With two large homeless shelters, the area is sometimes considered the epicenter of the homeless community in Denver.

A businessman came up to CBS4’s Rick Sallinger and suggested doing a story on how police are now cracking down on the homeless in the Park Avenue area. A minute later several squad cars drove up and began questioning people. One man was handcuffed, but later released.

And then sit them down in front of a big screen TV and give ’em a haircut. Do the Democrats think that a couple of ads on TV paid for by John McCain’s campaign has more impact than the Democrats action themselves? No, sorry, but reality is starting to set for America…we’ve seen Obama without his carefully-scripted events, “I want more white people” audiences and they’ve seen him avoid answering politically-charged questions by blaming God and the Supreme Court.

He’ll get a bump coming out of the Convention (and I’ll get to read more ignorant blather from this forum’s trolls), but the poll that counts is the one in November. Obama will lose and all of us white people will be blamed for it, but the truth is; the Democrats did it to themselves in their rush to elect a Black man…any Black man..

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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Hey Richard Clarke, there are thousands, no millions of people who wish you would have been a little more “trigger happy” and “reckless” when you had SIX seperate shots at greasing bin Laden. This is the “new kind of politics” Barack is going to bring to Washington. We’re doomed.