RSSIraq Veterans Against the War

IVAW in your school

| December 13, 2010 | 16 Comments
IVAW in your school

Their tentacles are extending. That’s Iraq Veterans Against the War member Hart Viges representing a Texas organization called Sustainable Options for Youths, a rather benign title for another anti-recruiter organization. I’d rather see Hart, a combat veteran, in classrooms rather than others we’ve seen. But since the theme was International Human Rights Day, I wonder […]

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Matthis comforts Ethan

| December 9, 2010 | 13 Comments
Matthis comforts Ethan

I just thought this was hilarious that Matthis is telling McCord to ignore us, that we’re harmless. “I’m still here”. Barely. You’ve lost all of your friends, everyone thinks you’re a perv and dope addict. Everyone knows you can’t tell the truth, and no one can depend on you. Yeah, you’ve fallen a long way […]

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The McCord crowd caught us

| December 8, 2010 | 35 Comments
The McCord crowd caught us

Oh, noes, someone actually reads TAH and caught us reading Ethan McCord’s Facebook screen shots. The ONLY reason I posted those comments yesterday was to demonstrate what a lying POS Ward Reilly is…if Ethan and his pals still want to associate themselves with Mr. Tiger Stripes and his phony Ranger Tab, then I guess they […]

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Ward Reilly is still a lying POS

| December 7, 2010 | 41 Comments
Ward Reilly is still a lying POS

Someone sent me some screen shots from a discussion Ethan McCord had on Facebook over an email he got from one of the guys he served with in Iraq during the “Collateral Murder” incident. Yeah, it goes on like that “Ethan, you’re so brave”, “Ethan you’re so smart”, “Ethan, everyone who doesn’t think like you […]

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How hungry do you have to be to pay to eat a meal with Michael Moore?

| December 5, 2010 | 25 Comments
How hungry do you have to be to pay to eat a meal with Michael Moore?

Ya know there are hundreds of ways to give money that would help the troops, whether you want to help them live in a house made to the specifications which allow them to live a normal life in their own home, or buy laptops that keep them connected to the world despite their injuries. Now, […]

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How IVAW can change you

| December 3, 2010 | 32 Comments
How IVAW can change you

Here’s a study on how being a member of the Iraq Veterans Against the War can change you from an average veteran proud of your service into a blubbering idiot. Our buddy, Rochester Veteran, posted this article about three ladies who manned machine guns on their teams’ Hummers back in 2004-2005 in Iraq. One in […]

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Matthis at Tufts; the final chapter

| November 29, 2010 | 10 Comments
Matthis at Tufts; the final chapter

Some of you may remember the article that was written for Veterans’ Day at Tufts Daily which was a cry-fest for poor little Matthis. You may also remember the letter his father sent in response to the article. Today, to their credit, the editorial staff of Tufts Daily published a response from a Vijay Saraswat, […]

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Response to Tuft’s article

| November 22, 2010 | 14 Comments
Response to Tuft’s article

Apparently, not everyone was taken by the article in Tuft’s Daily in which Matthis was interviewed. His father, Dr Chiroux, and a student took issue with the author’s inclusion of the interview with a Vietnam veteran. I’m also aware of another student who is writing an article for Tuft’s Daily largely drawn from TAH archives. […]

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