Ward Reilly is still a lying POS

| December 7, 2010

Someone sent me some screen shots from a discussion Ethan McCord had on Facebook over an email he got from one of the guys he served with in Iraq during the “Collateral Murder” incident.

Yeah, it goes on like that “Ethan, you’re so brave”, “Ethan you’re so smart”, “Ethan, everyone who doesn’t think like you are idiots”. Typical kneejerk bullshit. While they complain they can’t have their own opinions in public, they deny everyone else’s right to think they’re wrong. Blah, blah, blah, who cares.

But, as in everything anti-war, Ward Reilly shows up in the discussion like Herbert the Pervert. I really don’t know what his interest could be in hanging out on Facebook with people half his age (Ward and I are almost the same age).

Yeah, veterans in the anti-war movement are so truthful. Like Ward wearing a Ranger tab he didn’t earn;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (73)a

And claiming he’s a Ranger because his company, a leg infantry company in Germany, called themselves Rangers;

If you read that last paragragh of the last post Ward made, you’d think he’s a Vietnam veteran, but he spent the last few months of the Vietnam War in Germany. He enlisted in October 1971 and combat forces were withdrawn from Vietnam a few months later.

Reilly “resisted” in May and June of 1973 when he went AWOL for 30 days while stationed in Bavaria ten months after combat forces left Vietnam – not in 1972 like he wrote. You can see the actual dates of his AWOL on his Form 2-1. He was barely in desertion status – he was AWOL from May 2 – June 2 and he was returned to duty on June 15th, so he was a deserter for a whopping 13 days. By the way, his AWOL episode came five months after the Paris Peace Accords were signed, so what exactly was he resisting?

He continues that the infantry made him a hippie. The infantry would have made him a man if he’d paid the least bit of attention.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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No one’s using Ethan McCord. He made the choice to distort the truth and cast his lot with lying whiners all on his own.


Ethan McCord sounds like in 2 years he’ll be wearing E-9 stripes and every ribbon known to mankind and Ward Reilly to get some college yenta trim.


Hello long time reader first time poster.
I always wonder about these people; as in whats their angle. It seems that these aren’t the type of people who care about other people out of the goodness of their hearts. It makes me sad that people like this exist but on the other I am happy that there are people out there who don’t give a crap what these losers say and continue on with the mission.


“Brother”? Reilly has the balls to call someone, other than an IVAW or VFP dipshit his brother?
The infantry didn’t make Reilly a hippy, losing the better part of his DNA down his daddy’s leg made him a hippy.


I love how the anti-war dipshits STILL can’t break themselves from using a long-discredited “study”, as if repeating it will 1–make it true, 2–make their talking points any less bullshit.

Memo to Ward–it won’t. You’re still a loser fuckstick.

Old Trooper

The stupid is strong in this one. I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of morons screamed out all at once; then silence.


Maybe he was resisting the *free* government healthcare,lodging, clothing, pay and food he gladly consumed?


I do believe this is little Ward in this video!

Old Trooper

I’m still trying to figure out why Ward is wearing tiger stripe cammies? He wasn’t “in country” and they weren’t issued to anyone outside of Rangers and SF “in country”. Does he think that makes him look badass, or something?

Trigger Mike

McCord is a fool if he thinks he’s not being used by the anti-war types. What’s worse is that it seems he is just another one of the pack now. Why would you disrespect your friend like that since it’s clear he’s only looking out for you? McCord may not see it yet, and he may not choose too, but if he discovers he is surrounded my strangers he thought where his friends he’ll be in for a wake up call. It’s not that he’s against the war in Iraq, hell, I don’t think it’s right, but he needs to ask himself why so many actual Vets have left the anti-war crowd.

Riley is a fool, a liar, and a clown.


My two cents, and one can exchange “Joe” for any name you know.

Anti-war crowd must be pretty seductive, using a tried & true formula during each war. Find one former Joe who is on the outs with his service. Perhaps an Article 15 held him accountable for the first time in his life; or perhaps because he was a private and the Battalion Commander didn’t listen to him about how to conduct a movement to contact Joe’s nose is out of joint. He becomes a Joe with a bad attitude.

Accept Joe. Agree with him that he’s a tactical genius. Sympathize with how the Army beat him down. Let him you really care for him: liquor, ladies (or gents), and cash to flash when bail is required.
Now Joe wants to be part of the group. He’ll say whatever you recommend – he’ll even go beyond one-upping you and suggest an over-the-top tactic that he once saw watching that History Channel documentary on the SDS in Chicago during the Democratic Party’s Convention.
Joe is now truly a foot-soldier. He is committed to ensuring the success of any anti-war operation. If the op is illegal, Joe is a cut-out. Just don’t tell him. He won’t understand that his new-found friends have actually thrown him on a legal grenade, that he hasn’t really sacrificed himself.
And forty years from now where do we find Joe? Trying desperately to recapture that special high of his youth: acceptance. Because he was never accepted by the anti-war crowd – he was a prop. And by being a prop, he was rejected by his battle-buddies too.

The only hope for this fellow McCord has to escape the cycle represented by Reilly is to marry a fabulously wealthy woman who’ll buy him a seat as Congressman or Senator in a deep deep blue state. Kerry anyone?


I was the one antagonizing Ward. Had I known what I liar he is I wouldn’t have bothered keeping the conversation cordial and outright called him an outright traitor for wearing a ranger tab he didn’t earn. Also I do believe he said he was an “occupying soldier” for “32” months straight. The nerve of this guy for being stationed in Germany of all places. LOL I’d KILL to go to Germany on the Army’s dime.

Doc Bailey

yeah I sent that to Mccord, but apparently he thinks very little of me. How sad I was trying to look out for him.

16th IN are called “rangers” because of the assault at pointe Du Hoc, 16th and 75th soldiers got mixed intogether and fought seemlessly, a lot of Germans surrendered to “Rangers” that were actually from The 16th Infantry. As a memeber of B co 2-16, I have a certian pride in that history, but only tab I ever earned is my “smart ass” tab.

Doc Bailey

GOD DAMMIT!!! I can’t believe he’d go blue falcon like that. I was trying to look out for a battle buddy.


Okay. So aren’t you doing the SAME thing you’re accusing Ethan and his “followers” of? You have your opinions, we have ours. Sorry you’re butthurt.


Yes, you all have it right. There are anti-war liberals out there, hiding in the shadows to steal and lure all you patriotic troops away from the noble cause!

Come on guys, really? Ethan made up his own mind based on what he saw and experienced, just as you all have done the same. You both have come to different conclusions, but for either side to claim that someone is being used with no factual basis whatsoever is counterproductive.

If any of you have actually watched and learned about Ethan’s story over the past several months, perhaps you would see that although the anti-war crowd has embraced him, he has come to his conclusions and opinions on his own, and receives support from those who agree. Much in the same way he receives hostility from those who disagree. What do you expect, him to run with your crowd when you compare him to a brainwashed dupe who doesn’t have enough of a brain to make up his own opinion based on his own experiences? Who could turn down a chance like that?

Anonymous in Jax

**rolling eyes at Doc Bailey**

Anonymous in Jax

Amen to Jdesigns


Being a Gulf War Veteran, I must state that Ethan is not being “USED” by any anti-war types. Look at the video. And, if you don’t know Ethan, you don’t know what having a heart for humanity on this earth. BIG UPS ETHAN!!!! Bring the troops home… It’s over.


I know Ethan McCord personally. And let me tell you about the problems he has had to deal with by doing this. He has had death threats from people he knows. He has suffered terribly from PTSD, and because of this his marriage ended. He has suffered and lost so much because of what he went through. This has not been an easy process for him to go through. He does not judge anyone that does not agree with him. He knows that is a great thing about this country, that you can speak your mind. He is doing this to better this country and open people’s eyes to what happens in wars.If you haven’t been in th military and fought in a war i don’t think you have any right to sit there and judge him so easily. Maybe you should get to know the whole story and then make your descion if you believe in what he believe’s in.

Trigger Mike

I have no problem with him being against the war. I’m not for it. I’ve served and been deployed more than once. I also watched the unedited gun camera video and do not agree with wikileaks manipulation of that video. I do find it wrong that the commander did not bring the kids back to the fob.

McCord is not evil, but i know that no matter how you view the fight the anti-war types run have run off so many who did not toe the line. He can speak out, fine he has the right. But to join ivaw? That group is full of liars and people who have never deployed. also to post that e-mail in public like that is just a slap in the face to that friend. while people here may not like it when someone disagrees with them you can read the comments posted after his facebook posting and see that they react just the same. McCord should speak the truth just don’t drink the koolaid.

Old Trooper

My my, what a broad brush you chuckleheads are using to paint us all. Do you mean that others, who have stories that differ from Ethan’s are lying? If you will notice the FB exchange, where a bunch of bimbos that are all gooing over this are disparaging the person that sent the email, yet you come on here and state that if a person wasn’t in the military and war, then they have any right to judge, yet these little darlings probably never left the FOB, if they were even in the military to begin with, yet the person that sent the email was actually there. So take your fucked up self-righteous indignation elsewhere, because we ain’t buying.

Anonymous in Jax

To post an email is a slap in the face? What about the many so-called friends who feed Jonn Lilyea screen shots, which he promptly puts up on this site?

Anonymous in Jax

I said it on Ethan’s thread and I’ll say it here…I am a member of both IAVA and IVAW and have felt way more support from my fellow IVAW members. IAVA members have never contacted me (not a single one), but I have had numerous IVAW members call and email me just for simple stuff like to say hi and see what I’d been up to.


@ #24 – Um Jax? That would be because you are dealing with two vastly different styles of communism. Either way, you come up on the short end of the stick.

Anonymous in Jax

I respectfully disagree with you on that one. I wholeheartedly admit that IVAW has some bad apples in it (people I choose not to communicate with) and yet, I also recognize that there are a lot of organizations that have bad apples in them. I don’t distance myself from the overall message just because of a few bad apples.


If you’re supposedly fighting for our freedoms then why do you have such a problem with someone speaking freely? If you’re not fighting for the right of Americans to be free to disagree, then is it just that you are killing for pay?


IVAW has a message? Beyond get what you can, any way you can, while you can? Coulda fooled me. Or is it, do anything you can for publicity?

Doc Bailey

What bothers me about Mccord, is that I NEVER turned my back on him. I was always talking to him when he got moved to WTB. Hell I sought him out to talk.

JAX, IVAW has its head stuck so far up its ass it thinks the world is shitty.

Yes, I think IVAW will absolutely use Ethan. They will use him like a $2 whore, and his tale of woe, they will have him tell it again and again which will do him NO good and will probably be worse for him in the long run. And when people get tired of it or some other big “evil” happen, they will toss him like a broken toy.

My senior medic saw the same things, hell he was in the Brad trying to save the kids and it really tore him up cuz he just had a daughter. I had my hands in at least two Iraqi guts that day, at least one was in the group that was actively firing up Mortar platoon (Hotel 2 elements in the video). I saw things during that deployment that shook me to the core. So why am I different? Make your own judgments. I’ll deal with it on my own thank you very much.

Doc Bailey

Cheryl: do you really give a crap about his “freedoms” or is it because he’s against the war?

LAWLZ: I don’t mind opinions. They’re kind of like assholes (everybody’s got one and they all stink) what I mind is that I was showing concern for him and he threw it back in my face.

Old Trooper: thanks for having my back.

For the record I’m not 100% on the war, but why we were there doesn’t matter ITS OVER! So everyone can spin in circles and scream to their heart’s content about the wrongness of it all but it doesn’t change that it is done with. Iraq is (more or less) stable. We won. Sucks it took so long and if you all want to debate the mistakes made fine, I actually think that would be a good debate to have. BUT IT’S OVER!!!


My take on this is simply you lie with dogs, you’re going to get fleas. IVAW has no credibility based on their lax standards, which perpetuated the image of being a foundry for liars, flag burners and sycophants. So when exposed frauds such as Ward Reilly come to the defense as collegues, and are embraced as such, then yes, this Mccord guy starts off without the benefit of the doubt regardless of his message.

Old Trooper

Doc: great post in #30.

For the chuckleheads:
For the record, and which I have stated many times before, I wasn’t a fan of the Iraq theater. I didn’t agree with it for many reasons, however, once the shooting starts, you do the job and attain victory. You support the troops that are there doing the civilian government’s bidding. The whole “I support the troops but not the war” bullshit is getting old, because the anti-war types haven’t separated the two, ever. If you have a problem with it, you don’t prance around in front of a military base and you don’t stand in front of WRAMC with signs that disparage the troops who have paid the price. That’s just fucked up. No one is telling Ethan he can’t talk, yet I find it interesting that those on the anti-war side that claim Ethan is being denied his right to talk have been doing a whole lotta talkin themselves and claim that we need to STFU. Hello pot, this is kettle. Plus, having Ward Reilly on your side isn’t a bonus, it’s a detriment, just like Matthis and a few others. Every comment I made, prior to my last post, was against Ward, not Ethan and even in my last post, it wasn’t directed at Ethan, but rather you screeching chuckleheads.


#31: Yep.

Wonder what ever happend to Cindy Sheehan? A mom who grieved deeply over her son, and a few years later when she’d fulfilled her puropose – dumped into the waste bin. Oh, she’s still trying to protest the war. The fact is, she’s just no longer useful since her benefactors took control in January 2009.

Expect to see her dusted off, trotted out in front of the press, and given a fresh voice after January 2011, same as many other anti-war activists.


And I was commenting on Ward and Ward only. Well done Doc, CPT and OT. Dave O? I expect you are correct, we shall see. 😉 Take care everybody 🙂

Anonymous in Jax

#30- “Iraq is (more or less) stable. We won.” All I have to say is WOW!

#32- disparaging the troops? I really don’t understand how & why you think that. But I find it laughable that you think that. Also, to my knowledge, no one is saying that Ethan can’t talk. I just find it funny that people warn him that they think he is being used. If he was on the news saying “Go USA! We killed innocent Iraqis and I am proud of it cause I followed orders” do you think that friend would have warned him that he was being used?


You seem to have a great head on your shoulders, good for you. It seems that many others do not have the same tools you do to continue on and they have distorted things to make it mean something different.

Oh well. I think it would suck to be them.

Thank you for your service. Around here there isn’t a whole lotta buddy fucking going on and when there is, Jonn calls it like he sees it. That’s what they don’t like. The truth hurts them but it will never set them free, instead they find a new tool and a new story to peddle, like a “two dollar whore”.


Ward Reilly’s latest endeavor is the defense of Julian Assange’s creeper rapist activity, while himself claiming to be a victim of rape and pedophilia. If it is true, I think it explains a lot.

Old Trooper

#35: Which situation are you talking about when mentioning killing innocent Iraqis? I don’t recall anyone on this milblog, or any other milblog, celebrating the killing of innocents. You think what I say is laughable? Try looking in the mirror the next time you use that phrase. What I personally think is that your a dumbass leftist that thinks they are privy to use a broad brush to paint everyone else, that doesn’t agree with you as pro-killing innocent people. I will wait for you to bring evidence of anyone, including myself, that celebrates the killing of innocents. Yeah, I’m calling you out. Put up or shut up. I will bet you $25 dollars, donated to the winners favorite Veterans charity, that you cannot show a single message where the killing of innocents was celbrated either here, B5, or the Burnpit.

I await your evidence. You have exactly 1 day.

Old Tanker

“Go USA! We killed innocent Iraqis and I am proud of it cause I followed orders” do you think that friend would have warned him that he was being used?

Used by whom? Like Trooper said, who the hell would celebrate that? That is one hell of a straw man you got yourself there…

Old Tanker

….and yes, If Ethan had been saying that I would like to believe Doc would have written and asked him what the hell he was doing…


So the craphat joins up by choice, doesn’t like the idea he may actually have to do the fucking job so does one down the road instead of downrange.
Reality check, innocent people die in wars, it happens, we don’t have to like it but it happens.
It’s about doing what’s right, not what we like or what is easy.

#27, no it’s not about killing for pay or the right to free speech….it’s about the rights of the free to survive, if it were not for those with a set that pick up a rifle when they get asked you would be writing your post in German or not at all if you were Jewish.
Keep your opinions close to you and value them, they have been paid for in blood by far better people than you will ever be.