Daily FGS
1 injured in east Tulsa shooting
TULSA, Okla. — The Tulsa Police Department said a man was injured during a shooting at the Plaza Hills East Apartments on Sunday.
Police said officers were called to the apartment complex near South 129th East Avenue and East 21st Street at 7:24 p.m.
Officers found a man with multiple gun shot wounds and immediately began life saving measures until medical personnel arrived. The victim was transported to the hospital and taken into surgery.
Police said a suspect called and turned himself in. Firearms were found on both individuals.
The suspect was released after multiple interviews as the shooting appeared to be in self defense.
Police say it appears the victim will survive his wounds.
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Fox 23
Suspect/victim inversion once again.
OPD: Man shot during altercation at Churchill Court apartment, later arrested
By John Kirkpatrick
A man who was found with a gunshot wound to his leg was later arrested for assault at a residence on January 19, according to the Owensboro Police Department.According to OPD, police responded to a disturbance on January 19 just after midnight in the 2100 block of Churchill Court. Upon officers’ arrival, an adult male was located in a parking lot with a gunshot wound to his leg.
The man, identified by OPD as 41-year-old Joshua Karriem, of Owensboro, was treated at the scene by AMR and taken to Owensboro Health Regional Hospital.
A detective with the Criminal Investigation Division assisted officers in gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, authorities said. According to the release, the investigation determined that Karriem was involved in a verbal argument inside a nearby apartment occupied by a resident, her daughter, and her grandchildren.
According to the release, Karriem refused to leave when told to do so and became physically violent, assaulting and choking the resident. OPD stated that when the resident’s adult child intervened, Karriem began assaulting her as well, including choking her.
The resident retrieved a firearm and shot Karriem as he continued the assault and refused to leave the apartment, according to OPD.
Karriem was discharged from medical care and transported to the Daviess County Detention Center, the release says. OPD said he was charged with:
• First-degree burglary
• First-degree strangulation (domestic violence-related)
• First-degree strangulation (non-domestic violence)
• Fourth-degree assault (dating violence, minor injury)
• Fourth-degree assault (minor injury)
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Owensboro Times
Mama Bear takes care of business. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.
A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.
— James Madison
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
Citizens taking care of business that the po-po would arrive too late for.
And your enlightened solution to not having a Police Officer present at every crime scene is?
Stay aware…stay armed…stay…Prepared!
Pro tip to reporters…The “victim” is the one that has had a crime done to them. The “suspect” is the one that did the crime. Try to keep up. Too bad the real victim in this case didn’t deliver the TSS to the suspect.
Go Granny, Go Granny, Go Granny…GO! Pro tip to dirtbags. Senior Citizens are too old to fight and too tired to run. We will shoot yore azz…’specially to defend our cubs.
Mr. Madison speaks truth to power. Unlike those that have used that phrase a little too loosely lately.
“Aristocrat of Automatics.” A firearm fit for a King…or a King of Battle! Be still my beating heart. Anyone else notice a trend in the Gun Pr0n over the last day or so? Could it be leading up to something? Will we have the proof that Our Beloved AW1Ed loves his Gun Bunny and wants him to be happy. Can we anticipate a cause for celebration?
An unprecedented winter wonderland of very rare snow here @ Fire Base Magnolia. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 inches deep. Now I know to the d’weeded and Adorable Deplorables well North of the Gnat Line that is no big deal but to us Good Ol’ Boys it’s time to sit by the fire with another cup of Irish Coffee. The Coco Puffy Puppy was going nuts running and playing in it.
Juss’ sayin’…
Never had an aching back from shoveling heat.
The Florida state hymm
Don’t like or want that 4″ of snow? Send it our way. We need to stack it tall and deep in the mountains to have water melt for our desert summer.
I have a feeling that this one is going to hurt.
MSNBC set for high-stakes defamation trial in ‘uterus collector’ lawsuit
Speaking of Feel Good Stories, where is the thread commemorating the passing of the Chairman of The Board of Stolen Valor, Daniel Bernath? Seven years gone, and no one worthy of carrying on his legacy has stepped up to fill the void. It’s just no fun without bad photoshop skills, internet stalking, threats of lawsuits and bodily assaults. Those were the golden age of posers. Rest in feces, Daniel, rest in feces.