Matthis at Tufts; the final chapter

| November 29, 2010

Some of you may remember the article that was written for Veterans’ Day at Tufts Daily which was a cry-fest for poor little Matthis. You may also remember the letter his father sent in response to the article. Today, to their credit, the editorial staff of Tufts Daily published a response from a Vijay Saraswat, veteran, a former marine and a student at Tufts.

The Daily could have interviewed any number of veterans at Tufts and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy who would have given a balanced and reasoned account of military culture.


That the Daily’s editors gave Matthis Chiroux a solitary platform in the first place is nothing short of outrageous. Even cursory research would have revealed fundamental inconsistencies between his statements, actions and service record which should have immediately tabled any consideration of a profile piece. And while Matthis Chiroux’s actual tour of duty deserves acknowledgement, his recent shameful actions and disingenuousness dishonor the legacy of service and sacrifice embodied by past and present members of the Armed Forces.

Vijay wrote us last week and asked permission to use some of the research we’ve done in the nearly 3 years Matthis has held the spotlight on himself and he sent us a draft of this article before Thanksgiving. We heartily applaud his efforts. You should read “Setting the record straight on Matthis Chiroux“.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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Old Tanker

Outstanding Marine!!!


I dunno whether laugh or whine. According to Anon over there Jonn, Matthis’ father, and a newspaper (or two), are lousy fact checkers.


Kudos to Vijay Saraswat for writing this. Matthis has been riding this plastic horse for way too long.


+1 to what Kanani said above, a great rebuttal to Matthis’ lies. Good job Marine!


Vijay Saraswat sounds like one hell of a Marine, A Stand Up Joe


Yeah, that was really well written, good job Marine


Well done Marine! Outstanding!


A very well written piece,Vijay. Very well done. It’s a shame that Matthis’ protectors are still wearing RCG’s, however. Some of the comments there made me laugh out loud. And they were Matthis’ own words, yet they still deny.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have to say that the one thing the Army does and did for my brother and I, was to teach us that every challenge can be won. You just have to want, and you have to have the guts to fight for the team even when you can save your own ass before everyone else.

I never felt dehumanized, or any of that other tripe spewed by Chiroux. The Army was my home, and I liked it that way. Most of us do and those who didn’t-left.


Thank you, Vijay!