Tuesday follies

| January 21, 2025 | 11 Comments

Let’s have a cheerful start to a new administration…and like all good vets, we start with a little schadenfreude. (Taking joy in the misfortunes of someone else, roughly.) You think WE have supply problems? Consider Poland’s  former logistics Maj. Gen. Artur K?pczy?ski, who was fired January 9th. Seems he not only misplaced supplies, he lied on inventories and receipts about them. Yeah, stuff goes missing or is mis-shipped sometimes… but six months? Better, the inventory was anti-tank mines? Shipped to the wrong ammo depot? Even better, no – but to an IKEA warehouse.

In June 2024, a train carrying more than 1,000 tons of explosives was improperly unloaded by Polish troops, the report said, who mistakenly left the anti-tank mines to continue their rail-bound journey around the country until they were eventually offloaded in the furniture behemoth’s warehouse.

K?pczy?ski, meanwhile, reportedly kept the mishap from his superiors while furnishing subsequent supply reports that featured false numbers.

That approach appeared to have worked — at least until an Ikea warehouse representative telephoned military officials and inquired about “when they would collect their mines,” according to one report.  Military Times

Whether he will face further punishment is not determined. Sure hope someone at NSA is still rolling on the floor after hearing THAT call. Could have been worse…someone could have tried to open those crates with a hammer.

Hat tip to Jeff LPH for this one!


Quick update – those Assumption University students who targeted a serviceman in a pseudo “Want to Catch a Predator” trap were arraigned, and unsurprisingly pled Not Guilty to conspiracy and kidnapping charges. It is now known the servicemember is an Army soldier, currently stationed in the Middle East. Seems he was just trying to find some sympathetic company after his grandmother’s funeral, and was sitting on a couch watching TV with the honey trap girl involved.

A “mass” of 25 to 30 people emerged just minutes after the victim met Brainard, calling him a “pedophile” who “liked having sex with 17-year-old girls.” Before he was surrounded, the victim was sitting beside Brainard watching a game in a student lounge, and surveillance footage showed that they had “ample personal space between them,” and Brainard was “laughing and smiling.”

Surveillance footage showed the group encircling the victim and preventing him from leaving around 10:30 p.m., police wrote. The victim was able to break free, but he was chased by the “crowd that can clearly be seen using their phones to record the pursuit.”  Fox News

In a perfect world, that would mean loads of photo evidence to expel 25-30 students…but you know that isn’t gonna happen. Kidnapping, however, is serious… and Federal. Hopefully these charges stick.

And… just so show Democrats gotta Democrat, at least in Congress:

More than 140 Democrats voted against a House bill to deport illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes on Thursday.

The legislation passed along bipartisan lines in a 274 to 145 vote. All present Republicans supported the bill, while the opposition was all made up of Democratic lawmakers.

In addition to deporting immigrants convicted of sex crimes, the legislation would also deem illegal immigrants who admit to domestic violence or sex-related charges — or are convicted of them — to be inadmissible in the U.S.

However, Democrats argued the bill would harm domestic abuse victims who fight back against their partners and broaden the definition of domestic violence to the detriment of survivors.

During debate on the bill Thursday morning, progressive Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said the bill “does absolutely nothing to address the needs of the American people” and “widens the highway to Donald Trump’s mass deportation plans.”

Jayapal said it would “create a chilling effect for reporting future crimes” and “empower abusers to go after immigrant women and children.”

Mace wrote on X during debate on the bill, “The Left justifying why they are against deporting r*pists, p*deophiles, and m*rderers who are here ILLEGALLY, never ceases to amaze me.”

How often does a sexual or domestic abuse sufferer get charged as the offender? Versus how many illegals have we seen charged with BEING abusers, kidnappers, rapists, etc? The anecdotal few do not cancel the problems caused by the  many…and the many guilty need to go away, rapidly. Good, legal immigrants – doubt there is a reader here who opposes them (disclosure – my mother was a legal immigrant.) But the illegals who commit crimes? If Trump does nothing else, if he fast-tracks send them somewhere else (I still like via plane and a HANO drop) he will go down in history.



Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Democrats

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And some critter named “Vindman” or such is whining he was “betrayed” by the prior pres, or such. Maybe it was whined cautiously through his wife, instead of straight-up.


Proves his cowardice if so. Man up or shut up.


Vindman was a tool of the left. And, as so often happens, once a tool loses its usefulness, it is discarded. Relegated to the dustbin of history. See also: “Cindy Sheehan”. David Hogg is in the on-deck circle, soon to be followed by 98% of the Biden administration.


Maybe Hogg can send Vindman a complimentary BiteMyPillow

Wrench Turner

IKEA: slow, difficult, frustrating assembly.
Anti-tank mine: rapid dis-assembly.

A perfect combination!


So it’s true in Poland as here: it’s not the crime it’s the cover up.


The war has made corruption of the entire region the #1 growth market.


Had me a “Deja Vu” all over again moment on the IKEA post. You know a story is newsworthy when it makes the SPoTW and a Follies Thread. Never been in an IKEA store, but iffen I’d of knowed that had an inventory of things that go KA-BOOOM, I mighta stopped by. Did have a kinda sorta IKEA moment yesterday. Didn’t notice that the new sofa that I ordered (free delivery) came with those three (3) dreaded words…”some assembly required”. Oh well, it’s together and the Coco Puffy Puppy has hisself a new “Pleather” Perch to lay around on and continue his Ruling of The Roost. Easier to keep clean, so there is that.

Slap on the wrist for the “kids being kids” in A serious trip to the woodshed would be more in order.

Saw the chart of the demonrats that voted against this bill, and naturally some of the “usual suspects” in Georgia were on the list. One in particular that caught my eye (not my district) was Sanford Bishop. This past fall’s (s)election had him all over the TeeVee talking about his strong support for “American Values” and Fort Benning (sorry Gnrl Moore, it’ll always be Fort Benning to me). Another career Kongress Klown Kritter that is stuck on the Demonrat Plantation as does exactly as his handlers tell him to do. *spits* I say deport all the kritters that voted against this bill.

Skivvy Stacker

I kinda wondered what happened.
I was putting together a new book case and the fucking thing blew up in my face…


Fake news. East Carolina is not a state. I speak from experience as a citizen of West Carolina.

Additionally, the mines at IKEA?

Everyone is commenting like they never sent ammunition to a Target or Wally World.

Get off your High Horses.