Matthis comforts Ethan

| December 9, 2010

I just thought this was hilarious that Matthis is telling McCord to ignore us, that we’re harmless.

“I’m still here”. Barely. You’ve lost all of your friends, everyone thinks you’re a perv and dope addict. Everyone knows you can’t tell the truth, and no one can depend on you. Yeah, you’ve fallen a long way since that little speech in the hall way of the Congressional offices. Heh, IVAW doesn’t even want anything to do with you. Yeah, you did a bang-up job Matthis.

I think Doc Bailey was warning McCord about leeches like Matthis. He was only trying to help a friend. If McCord can’t see through the intentions of Matthis, he needs more friends.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Just A Grunt

Yeah you are harmless in that Wookie kinda of way.

What was that quote abut Wookies and poker games?


McCord doesn’t need MORE friends. Just better ones. Or more importantly, he needs to exercise better judgement, because so far his judgement is for shit.

Old Tanker

Does he still not get that you were going after Reilly in that original post?


Watch out Ethan. Matthis may confuse you for a Filipina and we all know what happens then.

Brokeback Bullshitters, cue 70’s porn music

Old Trooper

OT; I think the issue was glossed over to make it more about Ethan and less about his circle of groupies, when in reality, it was more about one of his groupies and less about him. That’s why the only reason anyone mentioned Ethan at all was concern over who he associates with.

I sincerely hope that Ethan finds what he’s looking for. Matthis, et al. are hoping he doesn’t any time soon, so they can continue to hang on his coattails and use him to their own devices.


Seriously? “Dude”? Matthis is spending way too much time hanging out at middle schools. But then, that seems to be what he’s all about these days.

Doc Bailey

Ok, for the record I was not mad that he threw ME out into the public for fodder. I’m mad that he threw my concern for his well being back at my face.

If I needed anymore proof that he is in a BAD circle, Matthis is all the proof I need. I fear this will take a pattern that I have seen, and by the end I am convinced he will be more alone than he was before, a lot angrier, and really its a road I’d not wish on any man.

Previous to this exchange I had asked another soldier that I consider a friend and in IVAW about it. I was truly disturbed by the anti-war crowd, and some of the things they say. He has been interview about the incident as well, and despite not being on the ground at the time he knew what happened.

Any X as we shall call him, said that he was willing to address my concerns, if I could provide examples. I argued that the goals (if peace truly is their goal) is laudable but their methods are worrying. Winter Soldier II, was proved to be bunkus, but it was taken for fact. Matthis. . . well there’s a whole essay there. I was going to have a decent debate with him, but finals came up, and well this did as well. But if IVAW is really the upright and noble organization they claim, why then is it they can not simply state their position. Why must there always be these “Gotchya” moments? Why must they inject the debate with the kind of strife and discord that’s guaranteed to turn a civil debate into a brawl.

we complain about the politics of this country, why can’t fellow Veterans of all people agree that war sucks and find a solution? We’re AMERICAN! We’re on the same side. Aren’t we?

Anonymous in Jax

Matthis is no longer in IVAW so maybe you should all stop talking as if he is. Like Jonn said, the majority of us want nothing to do with Matthis– myself included.

Doc Bailey

Jax Matthis is a symptom not a disease. I again repeat, the discord and divisiveness is abhorrent to me. The manner, tone, and methods of debate are appalling and I am sickened that people in these type of Orgs are trying to bring back the Vietnam era. I try to divorce my emotions from this debate, but I can not help the feeling that this is just WRONG. I can not discount the very real fears I had on my second deployment that, JUST like Vietnam, soldiers would be called Baby Killers. IVAW did not call to remove the “General Betray-us” add, nor did they try to publicly denounce Code Pink for trying to make a mockery of the US Senate and House of Representatives. I watched that LIVE. IN BAGHDAD! What does IVAW advocate? the immediate removal of all troops? that would cause a blood bath that would make the fall of Saigon look like a picnic with Girl Scouts! You don’t like the war? Fine. I didn’t like it either. FIX IT! You have a whole bunch of Privates talking about “free fire zones” but do you EVER talk about opening hospitals clinics, and schools? No one mentions the little league in Altun Kopri that 2/11 started. Do you know how amazing it is that Turkmon and Kurd kids played BASEBALL TOGETHER? Does ANYONE there care that, for the first time in God knows how longs the Kurds are not being actively wiped out by someone? I take serious issue with the fact that Haditha was held up as the My Lai of our time and you said NOTHING! hell you encouraged it. I take issue with the fact that when that helicopter gunship footage came out and that deranged site run by a meglomaniac promised more there were many that were gleefully rubbing their hands together, clicking their heels and laughing in a victorious “AH-HA”. And lastly you don’t give a shit whose reputation you destroy so long as people smile and nod along with you. If you’re all Veterans then you should know WHY its… Read more »


Amen Doc, well said.


+1 Doc.


#4 Sean — funny. I chuckled.


Ethan I think you’ve told the same lie for so long you believe. We use to be best friends. You ruined it by telling false tells of what we did that day and that 7 months out of the 15 you were their for. I can’t believe you would only includ the two kids out of the 8 or 10 you have in your story. I’ve lost every bit of respect for you because you want your 15 min of fame. Your ex has told me plenty of what you did to get out on top of what I all ready know. I just can’t go with it anymore. I hope your happy with everything you’ve become even if it’s a lie. Good luck to you and I hope your children never have to learn the real truth about you.