IVAW in your school

| December 13, 2010

Their tentacles are extending. That’s Iraq Veterans Against the War member Hart Viges representing a Texas organization called Sustainable Options for Youths, a rather benign title for another anti-recruiter organization. I’d rather see Hart, a combat veteran, in classrooms rather than others we’ve seen. But since the theme was International Human Rights Day, I wonder how much time he spent discussing human rights under the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, or even Castro. Just wondering.

In regards to the bit I wrote last week about teachers’ reactions to World Can’t Wait’s “We Are Not Your Soldiers” program, some of you called the schools and got angry replies from administrators, but you’ll also notice that the videos have been taken down. Someone told me that the whole organization’s channel has been taken down. So I guess you evil repuglicans are having an effect. Most importantly, you’ve’ve proven that “We’re Not Your Soldiers” can’t withstand a little scrutiny.

One of you who called told me that one of those teachers, David Strausbaugh, the teacher at Worthington Kilbourne High School Columbus, OH, teaches something called “Radical Politics”. His students can’t speak or write in sentences of more than three words, but he’s wasting the taxpayers’ money by teaching something that doesn’t even exist at most colleges. I hope he chokes on his Noam Chomsky primer.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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One of his former students must have made that sign…nlisting? is that comparable to Kathy Griffins DList?

Old Trooper

I don’t know what kind of message they were attempting to send with that sign, or who actually made it, but the epic fail wasn’t just in the message, but also in the lack of quality education in the first place. Spelling that bad isn’t even seen in elementary school.


It’s texting shorthand, the manner in which teens use IM program’s like Yahoo! or Winderz or AOL Messenger. Nice sign there Hart Viges, it only figures an operation like his would resort to using that. Guess I better find out if he’s hanging around at schools around here.

Old Trooper

Another thing I want to know is if there’s a requirement to look like a dirtbag when you join one of these organizations? I’m sure there are some members of IVAW that don’t dress like they shop exlusively at ragstock, but the ones we see standing in front of our chuildren sure could dress a little more professionally.

Old Trooper



“Sustainable Options for Youths”? Really?

I’d much rather have real meat than some flavored SOY. What’s the matter, IVAW, couldn’t come up with a meaning for TOFU?

Doc Bailey

“I am we todd did. Sofa King, we Todd did”

Spelling is important ya jack ass. look at me, my dyslexic ass always makes mistakes, but its important to at least TRY to get it right.

Kudos John for sticking it to WCW. that slack jawed fagotry is really annoying.

Hart VIges

Thank you for sharing what we do.

peace, hart


No prob, Hart–just shining the bright disinfecting light on the roaches of the anti-war “movement” where possible.



Serious question… How would someone like me join with your group to provide all perspectives of the full story? I’m a combat vet of Iraq and would like to explain how I came from nothing, never and still don’t consider myself either “conservative” or a mindless robot, joined the service after 9/11 so knew I was getting deployed, but used the benefits to pay off my college loans, obtain an advanced degree from a top school based on the ability to pay via military, and transfer GI Bill benefits to my wife so she can pursue a doctorate. I believe that students should be presented with all perspectives from another person who experienced the best and worst of war. This is particularly true when such perspectives are much more nuanced among the individuals and biased groups involved.


Dang CPT Me, You’ve overwhelmed Hart’s thought process


I’m sorry that you pushed all your friends away for this; it looks like you could use our help about now.

This is a great cause, It’s just a shame that it is executed so poorly. You can’t deny the benefits the military brings. If you want to keep kids out of the military find a way to offer them the same benefits or at least don’t rely on fallacious straw man arguments, dramatic generalizations, and mis-spellings…ew…

Old Trooper

Hart; what is it, exactly, that you do? The way I interpret it, your group is against the war, or that’s the reason given for the founding of the group, but by looking at what you folks are doing in the classroom is basically against the military. True?

Come back and talk to us, Hart, because we are trying to figure out what your message is. This is not a snide reply, I’m really interested, as is CPT Me, and a few others. We can be civil, ask Army Sergeant, but we want to know what the purpose of your going to schools is.

Junior AG

“If yr thnking abt nlistng, ask us 1st”

1.kuz dey wont lt u smok pot.
2.u kant mek luv 2 yr sheep.
3.dey wont lt u perc urself w/ pwr tls.
4.dey mak u spl prprly wen u rite.


Junior AG, that was classic! I needed a laugh this morning; thanks!!


This teacher brings a Neo-Nazi, John Taylor Bowles, a convicted felon, to his class each year. In addition to being a fleon for a crime of violence, Bowles has been accused of les then proper behavior with young males. He is joke among his fellow neo-nazis.

Why does this teacher bring this dangerous person around young people.