The McCord crowd caught us

| December 8, 2010

Oh, noes, someone actually reads TAH and caught us reading Ethan McCord’s Facebook screen shots.

The ONLY reason I posted those comments yesterday was to demonstrate what a lying POS Ward Reilly is…if Ethan and his pals still want to associate themselves with Mr. Tiger Stripes and his phony Ranger Tab, then I guess they care more about what he says than they are with what he is. The same reason they crowd around Matthis. I see Matthis’ fiance` in the latest discussion so I guess that’s at least partially true.

It’s kind of hypocritical of McCord to reprint a personal email from a friend and then complain because I published his Facebook conversation, isn’t it? Ooops, I almost forgot to mention IVAW so this post shows up in their paranoia feeds.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Old Trooper

Yeah, I noticed that from the other thread, as well; all the screeching chuckleheads think you were going after Ethan, when in fact, you were going after Ward, as was I. But, you can’t fix stupid and here is another fine example.

Old Trooper

Ok, I’m a little perplexed with one of the people posting on Ethan’s FB thread.

Hey Carolyn: I noticed that you talk a good game, yet you failed at reading comprehension, also, which doesn’t really surprise me. See, the difference here is that most everyone was talking about Ward, not Ethan, yet you failed to grasp that little snippet. Plus, you really aren’t that bright, since there are a lot of us that can separate this blog from our daily lives. In fact, many of us are known by members of your crowd by our real names. Doc Bailey, for example, didn’t have his name posted by Ethan, which means that Ethan has more class than you. My real name is known by at least one person in that circle of people in this latest screen shot. I’m not going to name that person, because that wouldn’t be right and as paranoid as you are, you might think that that person was the “mole” you are all so worried about (they’re not, but that wouldn’t stop you from persecuting them), however, I did send that person Thanksgiving wishes and am a little hurt I didn’t receive a reply. So, in the interest of full disclosure, I give Jonn permission to give you my personal email address, which has my name in it, if you feel a little froggy. Just send the staff here at TAH an email and they will provide it to you. Just a warning, I keep it civil outside of here, so don’t expect any profanity riddled tirades in response to anything you say.

So, I guess that solves your little issue with us being “trembling boys”. I just want to know; how much time did you spend in the military?

Old Trooper

Actually, Carolyn, I will go one further. If you care to look at the FB followers on the side of the page, you will see me (I’m the one with my back to the camera, sitting on a motorcycle wearing a American Legion Riders vest. All you have to do is look me up that way, if you want. See, nothing to hide, everything out in the open. Take care and I know I won’t be hearing from you, although you claim I’m the “gutless fuck”.


I notice Carolyn doesn’t use a picture of herself for her profile. “Gutless fuck” or ugly? We could get a pool going.


Spade–why does it have to be either/or? Can’t be both?

Oh, and McCord–how’s it feel to be used like a prison ho? Cause in a couple of years when you’re cast aside like so much rotten produce with about as much thought, you’re going to realize that you sacrificed the one thing you’ll NEVER get back.

And if you don’t know what that is, it’s not worth me wasting my time trying to explain it to you.

Old Trooper

Spade, I noticed that several of them said that they came on here and commented, yet I don’t see any names associated with any of the posts that match their FB names; so I wonder why they would bitch that we do not use our real names on here and call us gutless fucks?

I’m still waiting to be taken up on my challenge to dear Carolyn. I guess she’s still sleeping. I’m waiting for any of them to come on here and take me up on my challenge, but I guess it doesn’t fit well when you get called out and can’t deliver, but we’re the gutless fucks. Riiiiiiiight.

Doc Bailey

Yeah I took it personally. I’ll take the heat for that. But I was REALLY shocked to see what I thought as a friendly intervention thrown in my face and even more so that it became fodder for fruits and nuts. I don’t know what happened that a battle buddy could go so far afield, but I really do feel sorry for him. That whole crowd is so fickle. I stand by my assessment. They will use him and discard him and he will be worse off for it. But then Chaplin hall was right, you can’t save everyone.

Anonymous in Jax

Yeah, that would be me….I am the one who reads This Ain’t Hell. I consider TAH and Fox News to be my daily dose of bullshit. But I can only tolerate a few minutes of it before I have to go live in the real world again 🙂


I know it was Ward…but wth is Ethan’s deal? I notice AS is telling him how to hide, too. If you are a convicted person, no reason to hide, right?

Old Trooper

Anonymous is Jax; you wouldn’t know what the fuck the real world is if it jumped up and dick slapped you. Talk about bullshit. Everything you screeching monkies were saying on that fb thread was a demonstration in back patting in a circle jerk formation. Ooooo, you’re all so fucking brave and courageous. My challenge still stands.

Anonymous in Jax

No, she is not telling him how to hide. She is simply telling him that if he doesn’t like his profile being aired on a website such as TAH, he may want to check his privacy settings. But seeing as how one of his “friends” probably sent the screen shot to Jonn, it really doesn’t matter now does it? And plus, as Ethan says, he has a thick skin and doesn’t care.

Anonymous in Jax

Well I am not dear Carolyn, so I’m sorry, but I cannot help you out on your challenge. As far as the dick-slapping, I enjoy a thorough dick-slapping every once in a while. But what the hell do you expect…most of those people on Ethan’s FB are probably Ethan’s FRIENDS….it usually works that way, or so I am told. So of course most are going to voice their support for him. And if not, I always go by the old saying, “those who matter don’t mind and those you mind don’t matter.” Why do I need to surround myself with friends and family who aren’t going to at least say to me, “Well I may not agree with you, but I love you anyway and respect your right to have your own opinion.”

Anonymous in Jax

@ Old Trooper- You said, “Everything you screeching monkies were saying on that fb thread was a demonstration in back patting in a circle jerk formation.”

Interesting you point out the back patting that goes on on Ethan’s FB thread, but don’t seem to notice when it goes on here. How about the most recent post (#36) on the “Ward is still a lying POS” thread….and I quote…

“You seem to have a great head on your shoulders, good for you……Jonn calls it like he sees it. That’s what they don’t like. The truth hurts them but it will never set them free…”

Is this not the same thing? Do you not care when it goes on within TAH? Perhaps because you agree with everything your fellow TAH-ers are saying? Smells a little hypocritical to me.


It would help if you answer why Rielly tries to pretend to be a ranger, while evidence proves otherwise.

Anonymous in Jax

I can’t answer that question because I’m not Ward & I’ve never asked him. Perhaps the better person to ask that question to is Ward himself.


“Stealing my wall shots”? Really, you put something out on a public site, and then cry because it got “stolen”?
Don’t forget, most employers, especially in the public sector will ask for access to your “wall shot” among other things, if you ever think about getting a job somewhere in the pay scale above sandwich maker at Subway.

Anonymous in Jax

The link you posted to a 2-1 has no name on it. Why is Ward’s name not on the sheet ???

I’ve never really talked to Ward Reilly. I have met him once and said hello in passing….not much time to get a story of any kind from him. I’ve never seen or heard him claim to be a Ranger or say he was in Vietnam, but maybe it’s just because of my very limited contact with him. Does he claim to have his Ranger tab, or is it simply him going by the nickname of his unit?

Now Jonn, with that being said, I do agree with you on Matthis.

Old Trooper

Well, Jax re: #13

The truth is Ward is lying and that is what would be set free. Now; what is hypocritical about that? Now, Ethan can say whatever he wants, I don’t care, however, since you folks still miss the point; you have a known liar backing you up and that’s ok? Riiiiiiight. As for what Ethan says; his is based on his personal perception since a certain person, that was actually there, says different, yet you want to rag him out and basically call him names because he doesn’t agree with you? As I said before; hello pot, this is kettle. I guess we’re both hypocrites, by you and your friends standard, eh?

Anonymous in Jax

#19- I assume you’re referring to Doc Bailey as the guy who was also there. When did I ever call him names? I don’t believe in calling names just because someone doesn’t agree with me. People say things out of anger, but I’d hope that people would call me out if I did stoop to name-calling, as it is not constructive. If other people called him names, I can understand not being appreciative of that, but each person is responsible for their own actions. And while we’re on the subject, didn’t Jonn once mock and name-call Ethan right after the release of the Collateral Murder video? Perhaps I am mistaken, but I seem to recall that.

And to Jonn- email it to me. But I don’t really want my email made public on here so how do I go about getting my email address to you??

Doc Bailey

FYI. TECHNICALLY Ward was a “Ranger”. although 1/16 are known as “Iron Rangers” and 2/16 as just “Rangers”.

To repeat, during D-day 75th, and 16th Inf Regiments got mixed together and fought seamlessly together, Germans surrendered to “Rangers” who were really from the Big Red One. BUT it’s important to note that by this point they’d already been through North Africa and Sicily, and had seen some of the worst fighting Americans had seen thus far.

its one thing to take pride in unit history. But he was not a PART of that history. I (and Mccord as well) have written another chapter in that proud history with our blood sweat and tears. Ward did not. So he can just fuck off.

Old Trooper

Well, Doc, he has the Ranger tab on his hat, which signifies attending and graduating from Ranger school. Plus, he never served in the 75th, so just saying his unit was called “Rangers” doesn’t make it so. I did training missions with the 1/75 and some of my friends were in the battalion, but that doesn’t mean I can call myself a Ranger. Hell, Ward didn’t even serve with the Rangers in Vietnam, where a lot of them didn’t have the tab, but were still had the scroll. I’m just sayin……..

As for Jax….whatever, I’m tired of talking to you on this subject. You don’t get it and probably never will.

Anonymous in Jax

Awww Old Trooper, sorry you feel that way. The feeling is pretty mutual if it makes you feel any better.

Doc Bailey

Trooper, I’m not saying he’s right, and lord knows I rolled my eyes about the whole “Ranger” moniker. I don’t go around telling I was In the rangers, and if someone asks I say “not THOSE Rangers” we’re kinda like the other white meet, not as good a little cheaper but still pretty good.


It goes back that Ward wore a ranger tab and him saying that he was more then he was. Yet people do not think of asking if he lied about this, what else is he lying about. Like our conduct in Iraq when he never went to a combat zone ever.


Hey anon…quit wussing will you? It’s getting old. I was the one who said that Doc has a good head on his shoulders, not OTr. Your pettiness is getting boring.

Anonymous in Jax

I’m simply pointing out that people on this site engage in plenty of back patting of their own.

Old Tanker


Question, are the 16th authorized to wear a Ranger tab or did they just earn a well deserved nickname?

Doc Bailey

The Ranger tab is an individual award. I do believe 16th might’ve had a LRP team or two, in which case they would have been authorized to wear the black beret (until recently the symbol of the Rangers). AGAIN I was saying his terminology was TECHNICALLY correct, but his tab damn sure wasn’t. Jax for the record STOP CALLING IT COLLATERAL MURDER. If you want to call it something call it “Apache guncam footage from 12Jul07 Incident”. I don’t care what that deranged site calls it, they have no more right to call us murders than I do to add ventilation holes to their chest (without orders to the same) Sporkmaster. . . conduct in Iraq. . . well Bravo company were a group of characters. We played past and loose and got the job done. I don’t know how 3rd platoon (Mccord’s) operated but I can tell you 2nd always had to play a delicate balance. You can’t be too soft or they’ll walk all over you. Can’t be too hard or you’ll drive them away. How do you get people to talk with out beating the ever loving shit out of them? Mind games, logic traps, and things like that. No sleep dep, water, or anything like that. Looking real mean at one time, or being sunny at another, 2-7 was a master at it. it was a tight platoon and I was lucky to have spent time with them. Mccord’s major gripe is that after 12 Jul, things starting going down hill. I’m not going to get into details because I’m going to respect his privacy, but we was alienated from his platoon. He holds all of 2/16 in contempt, and weather he got “death threats” or not I can not say. I can say that we talked after almost every formation I saw him when we were at the WTB at IACH. I might be remembering incorrectly but I tried to tell him to keep his chin up. that maybe they didn’t REALLY hate him. He was glad to get out and I don’t blame him.… Read more »

Doc Bailey

he would set the record strait. I talked to David Finkle about it, my old CO, and several others from the company. If you ask them you’d have an account of someone that literally lost their shit. having said that, I do appreciate Ethan setting the record strait at first. But once the media left the story I did not want to hear about this ever again. I was contacted by a film maker about it, I was hesitant, and since i wasn’t in his area i can only assume the reason he did not interview me is because of fiances like he said. I DO NOT LIKE SEEING MY PICTURE FROM THAT DAY. In a private forum maybe, but not in public. I damn near got pulled from the line, cuz inside of a month I lost two guys, had four more injured and was starting to have somatic fear responses. Layman’s terms, I was literally being scared shitless (among other things) my PSG had to smoke the shit out of me to get my head back in the game. It was that bad. But, I’d do it again. Why? they were MY guys! I couldn’t leave them. Sadly i din’t have a choice in the matter. I got sick and had to be MEDEVAC’d out. “no general i didn’t earn a purple heart i just got sick” in the end I got chartered out. I’m sure some of you out there are automatically saying shitbag, but, well long story but my PA basically said I’d just seen too much, and it was time to sit this one out. “condition other than disability” Its a cop out on their part. After fighting a Medboard for the better part of a year though, I was tired of fighting the Army in all its infinite wisdom. Why am I giving you a Bio? so that you see I know wehreof I speak. Ladies and gentleman (and whatever else you hippies choose to be) I have just as much reason to hate the army. I have MORE reason to hate the mission.… Read more »


Doc Bailey

Thank you for writing that. I am sure that it was not easy. Also I do not think that you have anything to be ashamed of in any of it.

I am a medic and have been too Iraq from May 2008 to June 2009. I lost count at over 165 missions. Nothing too crazy but a lot of work in taking care of my unit. So I can only imagine what you had to go through.

The reason that I bring up conduct is that despite everything, I believe that our efforts are made in honest faith of improving the future for the people that live in Iraq. That those that are so quick to call everything that we do as evil. More then not the people that are making these comments have never been to a combat zone and never been without.

Old Trooper

Jax in #25: You want to know what would make me feel better? No, not that, although it would be a bonus if you did. What would make me feel better is if you put your money where your piehole is. I want you to donate $25 to your local area Fisher House. If you really give a shit about our troops, then prove it. Otherwise, you’re just another typical leftist whinetit that is neither worthy, nor deserving of our continued attention. Or, if you want, Soldiers Angels is always looking for donations, as are several other worthy military/Veterans charities. It’s the holiday season, so instead of buying that really cool Noam Chomsky box set; help those Veterans you claim to care about.

Old Trooper

Doc: That’s some serious and compelling shit right there. The military isn’t perfect and never has been, or claimed to be. Every person that served had their ups and downs, their hatred and pride towards the military; that’s being human. There were times when I hated the Army, but other times when I was proud to be there. Everyone has their own version of what happened in a particular situation, that’s normal and psychologists perform that exercise on groups of people all the time. They have a group of people sitting in an area and have something take place. They then ask each person what they saw and you would be surprised that no one saw the exact same thing. I call it situational compression. I don’t know what the psycho types call it, but everyone does it to some extent. It’s part of being human. That’s why I kept my comments away from Ethan and more towards the subject of the post, which was Ward. That’s, also, why I got whipped up about the comments going after you, because they were doing exactly what they were accusing others of doing. Plus, none of them were there, shit, most of them have never laced up a pair of Corcoran’s, yet they felt qualified to disparage someone who was actually there.

BTW No need to thank me for having your back, it’s the least I could do and never let it be said that I didn’t do the least I could. 😀