“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Man tagged for flying Old Glory in front of his business. Village president calls the flag flying “disgraceful”
It seems a small business owner in McHenry County, Illinois has run afoul of local authorities. His crime? Flying the American Flag in front of his business. The Village says that the illegal flags are too close to the street and could cause a traffic hazard. Pictured above are the 3×5 or 4×6, standard sized, […]
Haze Grey and Underway- Almost
U.S. Navy’s USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) underway in the Atlantic Ocean USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the largest warship ever constructed in terms of displacement, is also twenty-seven percent over its original budget and years behind schedule. USS Ford is the lead ship of a new and more […]
Fort Hood: More Than 100 Night Vision Goggles Missing
An investigation is underway after more than 100 night vision monocles disappeared from a maintenance facility at Fort Hood military base, officials confirmed. How much the missing goggles are worth was left unstated. Commercially available NVGs range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars each. One hundred lost NVGs at Fort Hood triggers investigation […]
Home health aide in Port St. Lucie faces multiple charges after Purple Heart stolen from veteran
ninja sends in this sad story. WPTV reports; A home health care aide in Port St. Lucie is accused of stealing property from four patients, including a former serviceman’s Purple Heart, and attempting to pawn it. Detectives said last month they obtained warrants for the arrest of 22-year-old Vanessa Smith. Sgt. Keith Boham said they […]
Sailors say Navy leaders failing to prepare for war
A recently released report from two retired Flag Officers paints the US Navy as not ready for war- it has apparently become “captive to bureaucratic excess.” The report, prepared for members of Congress paints a portrait of the Navy as a service adrift. The report, commissioned by Sen. Tom Cotton, Reps. Mike Gallagher, Dan Crenshaw […]
House appropriators fund Hawaii missile defense radar, but Guam, you’re F***ed
As if it wasn’t bad enough that the Navy Department sends enough sailors and Marines there to risk capsizing the island (hat tip to Rep. Hank Johnson [D-GA] for alerting us to the potential for disaster), our far-east island territory is not gonna be getting more missile defense. Hawaii will though. Guam, situated in the […]
You thought your doctor asking if you had guns was bad…
Looks like House Democrats want the VA to combat “extremist views and conspiracy theories among the veteran community.” Apparently veterans are too stupid to think for themselves, because of the “the unique vulnerabilities that veterans face online.” How’s that now? You complete your service honorably and they still want to tell you what to think […]
Vaccine Door-To-Door?
Biden announced that his administration would step up efforts to get Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, stating, “We need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oft times, door to door, literally knocking on doors” to encourage acceptance of the vaccination. Maybe a bit hyperbolic, you think? Biden admin launching ‘door-to-door’ push to vaccinate […]
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