Holiday Open Thread

| January 20, 2025 | 242 Comments

Today is Martin Luther King, jr. Day. It has also been a Monday that many have actually been looking forward to over the weekend… And since November 2024. Based on what Donald Trump and members of his administration posted on social media, things are about to get “exiting”. Enjoy your holiday!

Category: Open thread

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A string of HOT FIRSTs for The Gun Bunny…not that I really celebrate this particular Holiday. I did celebrate on yesterday past a Gentleman that used to have a (States) Holiday and was well deserving of the Honor. And there are two (2) more days during this upcoming week that I will celebrate two (2) more gentlemen that are deserving of Holidays. (IYKYK). Kinda of a bummer that there’s no mail today, I keep looking for a Love Letter from a specific Adorable Deplorable.

I will be celebrating the inauguration of The Bad Orange Man and lift a glass to his success. Today’s Safety Brief includes a warning to stay strapped, avoid crowds, and…Prepare.

The Reverend Doctor Mr. King weeps at the lack of character that’s so common today.

Last edited 29 days ago by KoB

Has anyone done a Welfare Check on The Commissar? Maybe he’s standing in line for a pardon? No Dem should ever pretend to hold the moral high ground after Biden pardons everybody. BTW, according to same Biden Admin states that accepting “A pardon is a confession of guilt”.


Now do Hunter’s crimes.


Meanwhile today:

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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

Back to the streets, you punk!


He’s tanned, rested and pre-gamed already…
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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

The tighty whiteys say it all


Got a napkin stuffed in there to look bigger.

Forest Bondurant

Ready to take it in the squeak hole, no doubt.


Has anybody checked on Zelinski? He has to know by now he will be responsible for meeting pension obligations to his government employees.


Sure got plenty.
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Forest Bondurant

Jill wears a dress made from that couch upholstery pattern. Classic.


Speaking of pardons…ya’ll have to pardon me for this chubby I’m sporting. Not sure if it’s coming from the words that President Donald J. Trump is saying or from watching the despotic scumbags that nearly destroyed our Republic squirm in their seats. I may need a cigarette and some cuddling soon.


Here is few minutes of Diddycrats telling you preemptive family pardons are done to protect criminals…


You might have to go to another website for the cuddling portion.


It’s not an admission when applied to D’s. It’s a “protective measure”. C’mon man, pay attention to the you know, the thing!


Is that protective measure ribbed?


It is. But they turn it inside out. Ribbed on the inside, for their pleasure.


He’s overdosed on this and Captain Morgan:

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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

Naw, these last minute pardons were for family and high level coconspirators.


No pardon for him. He is smallpotatoes.


So the same goes for alllllllll of Biden’s pardonees, no? Idiots.


Aren’t you worried about Mark L. too?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Screw him, he needs to get back to doing Police Call!


Yeah, he can scream all he wants…

Amateur Historian

I thought that was a chick (though, nowadays with the libs, it’s kinda hard to tell).

(Edit: Crap! Didn’t scroll up.)

Last edited 28 days ago by Amateur Historian

I found Waldo


Raking the dirt outside the barracks? lol


Nice pretty straight lines lol

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(SHHHHH!!! Damn it! Ya had to speak “his” name, and wake “him” up)
Look to the very bottom of the page, he came on and posted something totally OT, but meant to attempt to impugn and insult PDJT47.

Last edited 29 days ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So, SOP for Lars then.


These ain’t dogs…and they WILL hunt.

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Ewww. Semiautos? Next you’ll be telling me that’s a Chevy.

They’d be able to win me over to their side if’n they slide into aprons and heat up some breasts and bacon.

(note: doves on tailgate)

Last edited 28 days ago by Roh-Dog

Their breasts are already hot, and I’ll bring ’em home some bacon to wrap them doves in…

She was standin’ in the kitchen with nothin’ but her apron on…” (ht2 GB Somewhere Other Than The Night)




Turd, third.


Present! Happy Trump day!


It feels like Christmas morning.


It’s morning in America.


Indeed, it is. 🙂


Not First but free at last, free at last.

Old tanker

I’m glad that the wait is over and in just a few hours we will be unburdened by what has been the last 4 years.

Last edited 29 days ago by Old tanker

It’s over. They’re out.
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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

Annnnnnndddd… You’re outta here!


It’s official, Jimmy Carter is no longer our worst president!


A few weeks ago I was in the grocery store and passed an elderly couple in the isle. The husband had on a Trump hat and I said to him as I typically do to anyone wearing Trump garb, “Nice Hat!” He replied “Thanks” and then said, “We lucked out on this one didn’t we?” And his wife replied, “Luck, no, God had a hand in this!” Amen to that!


Amen and Amen.

My prayer has been that God would “break the bow of the wicked” – based on:

The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, [and] to slay such as be of upright conversation. – Psalm 37:14 KJV

Now we must follow, continue to follow, Paul’s injunction:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and [for] all that are in authority;

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; – 1 Timothy 2:1-3 KJV

Whatever happens, Jesus is still Lord of All.




OK, OK motherfuckers let’s go.

I’m calling it now. I’m not gonna be the first one first first first first to laugh. I can’t even I’m trying to voice text this and I can’t even do it.
I’m laughing, my ass off at this, Sapper 3307


I sent this in last night
I live in this area of Arizona
and I’m stunned at who’s hauling this ammo


The last week and a half have been crazy around here
now I know why


Looks like we’re gonna have to redefine “Load Car”.


That’s a understatement


In five and four and three and two and one….;
Somebody here is gonna come on and say well “that’s a nice start”.
Probably gonna hear something like “well shit, I got that much just sitting in my end table in my nightstand”.
I have about that much at home but most of its 22 LR bought during the pandemic.
I was retarded
Everything else I have I keep anywhere between a few hundred and a few thousand.
I don’t need a shit ton of 50 AE.
Regular ammo like 9 mm 45 ACP and 5.5 &
.223. I have a few.


We shot that and more at the range more than once. Picking up all that brass sucked


It’s people and drugs coming into the US
Cash guns and ammo going into Mexico
365 days a year non stop

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was there any rationale or reason given for the seizure?
What was the citizenship and/or legal status of the dudes hauling the ammo? Citizens? Illegals? Convicted felons?

Other than possibly exceeding the road weight limit, what were the ammo haulers doing wrong?

Last edited 29 days ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Asylum seekers (non citizens) and US citizens. Not much other background given. Did FJB reinstate Fast and Furious?


FJB granted them full pardons this morning
They were members of the Biden crime family


This have been a little crazy up here lately
This isn’t the right place to talk about it
But I think you know what I’m talking about
It’s never a dull moment here

Asylum seekers or has been granted


I’m sure they’re defintely NOT TdA or cartel members..


Guess who’s getting off the hook
and many more


They protect their own.


The corruption is worse than I thought


Sounds like you suffer from a lack of imagination!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A pardon piece of paper won’t stop a determined vigilante.


Pardon schmarden. I’d rather have the medal of freedom…..

Last edited 29 days ago by 26Limabeans

10 box tops from Quaker puffed rice, and you too can have one! Postage not included.


On sale!


All a determined group of them need is some weapons, twenty feet of rope and a tree limb or lamp post.

Amateur Historian

Here’s a article I read from AT that makes a case for those pardons being unconstitutional:


I don’t like this idea of granting pardons for any and all crimes shit. For a known I’m good with but this is a overreach

Amateur Historian

Yep. I agree.


How can you pardon someone for a crime they’ve never been charged with, let alone indicted and convicted.


Mark L and commisar will be by shortly to explain to us rubes how that is possible.


A pardon keeps you from the taking the 5th. If subpoenaed, you have to testify and possibly be jailed for Contempt if you don’t. Sure, your FEDERAL (not local if applicable) crimes will go unpunished, but the truth about the Fed-surrection on J6 must be exposed.


Will kind of put them between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Don’t show up? Arrest for contempt and let them think about it. Better if arrested on a Thursday, right before a judge announces he is going on an extended 3 day weekend and will see them next week, at some point.

Hack Stone

So, aren’t pardons issued to those who committed crimes? Thanks Joe, you just confirmec what already knew.


Here are the pardons


And another


And more


What a shit show


Family business, you know.
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Amateur Historian

Yeah, these pardons need to 100% need to be undone by SCOTUS because Brandon set a very dangerous precedent with these pardons. If you can just pardon members of your administration at the end of your term of their bad behavior/actions, any administration can ignore the Constitution. This has the ability to destroy the Constitution and set up the executive branch’s relationship to the other branches as something akin to the Roman Dictator’s relationship with the Roman Senate.


And since FJB established the fact that the President can declare constitutional amendments, Trump can now rescind the 22nd amendment and run for re election in 4 years.


Not to mention his own comments on preemptive pardons just before his inauguration.. of course that was in reference to outgoing Trump 45, so it’s (D)ifferent when he does it..


I don’t think Nixon had this many crooks in his administration.


For Joe and company:
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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

Here is a better picture of fucci


Spot on


Evil little troll is gonna have a HELL of a conversation with Ole St. Pete…


With today’s Inauguration we can say “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I’m free at last!”

Freeze warnings in the GB Compound AO, possible snow coming. Supplies laid in, firewood on hand if the electricity goes out, plenty of coffee, food, and drink available. A stock of PVC pipe, joints, & glue in the workshed. And Mrs. GB to keep me company. We’re good.

God bless you all, God bless, guide, and use President Trump and Vice President Vance, and God bless and keep the USA and Israel.


The End of an Error




In a meme…


6° and sunny here presently, going for a high of 16. Thankfully, the wind isn’t blowing.

If on a crawl space, I recommend a space heater to protect pipes.


Hoping to get to -1, on the bright side. Biden is gone and that stinky slim of a VP too.


Have you looked into heat lamps?
Locally they are sold to keep chicks warm, but can be used to keep pipes thawed to a point. (6° may be well below that point, but…) With some insulation/ wind barrier it works for pipes and plants.


I have a “newer” house on city water with a heated basement. My fear of frozen pipes would start if we were out of power for an extended time period.


After the big Freeze a few years ago I added extra insulation on the pipes in the attic, and started to block off all the exhaust vents when cold weather hits. In Texas venting hot air in the summer is necessary, but in winter it just lets warm air out. Attic is at least 10 degrees warmer than formerly. Not enough to go up there and sit, but warm enough the pipes don’t freeze and knocked about $50/month off my electric heating bill. Come warmer weather, the vents get opened up again.


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I hear tell weapons work better with sights.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

With that many enemy massed together, just point & pull the trigger


Would make it easier to tap a tree to get the juices flowing.


Nah, no sights needed when in pray and spray mode.


I liked the handle sights on the 16 so I bought a 15
to keep behind the door. Nostalgia doncha know.


Those pleasant maple syrup monkeys are asking for it.


I will be there to help with my militia. Canadians Light Infantry for Trump.
Where ever you go, the CLIT will lead the way! We may not be very large, but you don’t want to rub us the wrong way!

Amateur Historian

Welcome, Donald J. Trump, the 45th and now 47th President of the United States of America!!! You’ve been missed!


Kaching !!!

Call it.
Who wants HEADS?
Who wants TAILS?

  • Melania Trump launches cryptocurrency ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration


Double Kaching !!!

  • Trump Coin crashes, recovers and slumps anew following Melania Coin launch. What’s next, for the incoming first family and the crypto industry.

Slow Joe

America is back, baby!

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

Hack Stone

Okay, time for us to go back to raising our expectations.


Melania looking like Clint Eastwood… bet she’s got a pistol in a thigh holster (that lucky gun) and an AR under that coat…


I’ll bet there’s a Carhartt tag.


Late edit to the above: Greg Gutfeld just said Melania was channeling Lee Van Cleef. Yes.


For a Few Dollars More


She’s got the Eastwood stare down, but it looks better on her. As does anything, including a potato sack.

Army-Air Force Guy

Hey, the Bucks County (PA) Elections Board said I was first, so there! 😄


#BREAKING: With just minutes left in his presidency, former President Biden has just pardoned all members of his immediate family.


Cocksucker. I’ve lived and served under 12 presidents. Some I liked, some I didn’t care for, but I always respected the office. Joe Biden defiled the office of President in manners never before seen. I have no respect for him, his presidency, his administration, family, or the swamp-dwelling deep-state conspirators that put this grifting, influence-peddling demented crook into office. DC is about to get flipped on its collective head. As that great philosopher, The Joker, once declared: “This town needs an enema.” Get ready, folks. Here comes the nozzle.




Reminds me of the Hillary / Monica t-shirts,
sold outside at the 2016 Trump Rallies.

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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

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As someone mentioned earlier, why would you need a pardon if you did nothing wrong.

Many questions to be asked of all who received them, and more being written as we speak. And since they can’t plead the fifth, let’s get this party started.


I think someone needs to challenge the legality of this I have a feeling the SC with throw the pardons out


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Agreed. Let’s get this run up through the courts to see who says what.


A reporter recently asked Pedo Joe if was going to pardon himself and he replied, “No, why would I do that, I didn’t do anything wrong!” Well, ole Pedo Joe, I guess you are then admitting that Hunter and other members of the Biden Crime Family are in fact guilty since you felt the need to pardon them!


Here it is


It’s official, Joe’s outta there!
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Put up Ol` Glory about an hour ago. Full staff.

Let the majority-vote winner be guided by God Almighty to preserve and protect the blessings and prosperity of His grace.

Today we are whole again.


So. Since FJB pardoned Milley, he can’t be prosecuted and/or tried in civil court or court martial. However. My inner E4 mafia member (if such a thing existed) says recall him to active duty, Article 15 his ass under article 134, conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, max him out on extra duty. 90 Days on a buffer in the pentagon.

Last edited 29 days ago by SFC D

I heard on Fox News that Milley’s portrait was removed from the Pentagon hallway honoring past CJCS.

I was thinking strip Milley of his T/S clearance and ban him from the Pentagon. W/ rare exceptions retired generals & admirals seem to practically live at the 5-sided puzzle palace.


Damn. That’s harsh. I like it.


Make him go to the veteran job fair at his nearest post’s Soldier for Life and hand out resumés (and explain how he creates added value) to Cintas, Arby’s, etc. all day.
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Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

Send him to All-Points Logistics.


Too bad Bernath can’t give him a reduced rate scenic overlook flight.


LawnDart Dan’s special day is on the 22nd

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just a buffer, there are latrines to clean!


Getting my street medic bag ready for the burning, looting and mayhem that my “friends” will be committing in the Bay Area!

Army-Air Force Guy

Man, I’m gonna be very disappointed if your comrades up the road don’t burn down at least half of Portland.


Is half of Portland still standing?

Army-Air Force Guy

It is, but the bums, derelict cars, RV’s and taggers have taken it over.


Portland is the city equivalent of a sharps bin.

Army-Air Force Guy

No joke, used syringes are more common in this town than cigarette butts


Vindman was a not so useful tool, but a tool nonetheless. He overestimated his opinion of himself and his importance.


Guess disgusting fatbody don’t get his.
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I wonder if he’ll roll over on anybody. Or if he will beat feet back to Ukraine.

A Proud Infidel®™

My opinion is he’s a BITCH that would turn on his own mother.

Dennis - not chevy

Hmm, I thinking here, one of the pardons reads, “for nonviolent offenses”. Now the thinky part of me is wondering where I’ve heard that before. How similar it sounds to a previous statement concerning the meaning of is. Have our demonratish social betters painted with too big a brush?

I can’t wait until my next turn at jury duty to hear a defendant plead, “I’m being tried because I couldn’t get a pardon!”


Late to the party, not a holiday for me but I’m still celebrating. Saw the setup for the inauguration then got to listen to the whole speech as I was driving. I’m literally getting choked up even now thinking how grateful I am -that Trump lived, that I have lived to see this day.

Reinstatement and back pay for those discharged over the clot shot.

National Emergency declared, allowing for troops to be deployed to secure the border.

Cartels declared terrorist organizations.

Official policy of the United States that recognizes two genders.

And on and on.

Let’s contrast that to Biden’s pardons.

Grateful is all I can say


I got to listen to the speech after I got home from work.

I am disgusted at the prior Presidents refusing to clap or stand for some of President Trumps’ statements. I suppose that is because they oppose those things. Not surprised by most them, but fully disgusted at Bush’s pettiness.


I kinda think Bush is really enjoying retirement and has zero fucks to give about anything Presidential. He walked away and washed his hands of all of it.


I’m not saying anything, but he looked high as fuck. I caught him giggling a number of times. 🙄😬🤭


It was the look of a man watching the beginning of a DC shitstorm, all the while knowing it ain’t his storm and he’s gonna enjoy watching it!


Trying to figure out why his portrait was taken down this morning from the pentagon


Stalin wept…?

Maybe they took it down to prevent Joes drawing dicks were they fucking belong?


Could be. Had a Bde Cdr once who had to have the frames holding his stuff screwed to the wall because folk kept taking out and burning it.


Here is a before and after


And there’s already a protective glass pane on there, too…


So the un-Select non-Committee and all the Capitol Police get pardoned for…?

Guess what, all their testimony is now without threat of law.

Good job, Joe. You played yourself.

I say J6ers don’t need pardons at this point, since now that is “an admission of guilt” to receive a pardon and they have zero legal recourse against their accusers.

Just free them. All of them.

Fucking unAmerican Acts require Justice-seeking uber alles.

Last edited 29 days ago by Roh-Dog

And some mother fucker owes Bannon bigly.

Forgot he got thrown in jail for not wasting his time by pleading the 5th in a fake ass deposition?

I’m not going to be preached at by these people any longer.


I’ve had nothing but contempt for Kongress Klown Kritters for well over a half a century now…almost 3/4 of a century now that I do the maff.


Anybody recognize any names under secretary of Defense/Army/Air Force/Navy/Marine?


Not even one name looks familiar. That’s probably a good sign. It would be helpful to know a bit about them and their respective credentials, experience and what recommends them for the various positions.

Something ain’t right about Sec of Education, from what I have gleaned. Here’s hoping that Trump learned his lesson the first time.


I wonder if Trump has canceled John Fonda-Kerry’s passport and access to all classified documents? Sure hope so, Kerry will be trying to subvert the administration and sell America down the river just to make himself feel good.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

HAPPY MAGA DAY as well, as I award myself yet another Honorary First!



Genuinely curious how you all would feel if Biden wouldn’t put his hand on the Bible while taking the Oath of office.

Trump wouldn’t do it.

He has a strange relationship with the Bible.

Couldn’t come up with a biblical quote he liked when asked.

Held a Bible upside down during a political stunt.

Sold blasphemous Bibles he had made in China to his followers at 509% margin. (You would think a devout billionaire would give away bibles or at least sell them at cost).

What is it with him and bibles?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And yet you had no problem with O’Bozo putting “his” hand on the Quoran. I’m surprised you acknowledge any religion at all outside of self worship, other then to use it as a bludgeon against those of faith.


“What is it with him and bibles?”

He secretly wants to ban them from public libraries.
You could tell just by listening to to his speech.
Thanks for the heads up.


It means nothing, he’s still your President. Do 15 seconds of research on why there was no bible. Try again, cry harder. You’re not up to your usual fraud game. You may go now, you’re dismissed.

Last edited 29 days ago by SFC D

From what I saw, Roberts started administering the oath before Mrs. Trump got into position with the two bibles. Trump was obviously concentrating on repeating the oath, not whether he had his other hand on a bible. It is irrelevant to the validity of that oath, as we all know when we took the our oaths with no bibles.


Really? He pardons to all his criminal cohorts despite all the panty twisting Diddycrats did when is was rumored DJT would do so in 2020. His family, Fauci, the traitor Milley, and all J6 conspirators get a pardon when his own administration says “accepting a pardon is a confession of guilt”, and all you got is hand on the bible? Read the notorious right-wing outlet Newsweek where they tell you that Roberts rushed to oath. Good, good…late the hate flow through you.


Those quotes of the dims and biden himself should be broadcast far and wide, made into billboards, whatever it takes to make sure that their hypocrisy, lies and crimes remain front and center.

Green Thumb

Kinda like Biden and kids…..


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Maybe pack gear, medical supplies and present yourself to local authorities and offer some help to the victims of the fires your jackassy governor and local governments allowed to happen and be of some use to your fellow Californians instead of coming here to shit and run with your trash commentary.. useless, jobless fucking loser.


I like you.


You go girl!

A Proud Infidel®™

AWWWW, look who’s here, out favorite snowflake craving attention. How’s it going Major Moonbat, and just curious, what does a commie moonbat like you know about the Holy Bible? Anyway, it’s MORNING in America once again, you take yourself a deep breath and have a TRUMP Day, MAGA!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh, and JESUS loves you, but I and nearly everybody else thinks you’re a smelly unwashed sphincter. 😁😁


Stealing that.


Tell me I’m wrong.

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You’re assuming he pays rent.


I thought he lived in his parents’ basement.


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Your pick are you on this chart


The Bible doesn’t mean anything until it does. Osmosis does not work. I don’t think that Trump could even name the books in the New Testament… and I am not real sure that you could, either.

If you want to learn something about the Bible, look up J. Vernon McGhee and listen to his various explanations of how things work.

Meanwhile, Commissar, let’s hear your exposition on what made those Bibles blasphemous.


Lars doesn’t have a clue about what blasphemy is (unless he Google’s the definition) and sure couldn’t defend a charge of blasphemy since he doesn’t know what the Bible says in the first place, outside some “proof texts” he has taken out of context.


Yo Fuck Boi.


Hell yeah!


And what made them blasphemous?


Way to go, Lars.
Proving yet again you’re nothing more than a retarded shit-flinging howler monkey with Internet access.


Like you are an offended Christian. Riddle me this bat man, did you put your hand on a bible when you took the oath? I think not. I have taken that oath at least four times; no bible. No one even suggested we put our hands on a bible for the oath.


How about commenting on the preemptive pardons? You know, ones like biden, before his inauguration said would be concerning, set a bad precedent, and weaken us in the eyes of the world… or is it just different because it was your boy joey that did it???

As has been said here many times, you’re a fraud!

Forest Bondurant

Fuck off and EABOD.


AOD==== Vermont news
We just had a border patrol office killed by an illegal alien.



My condolences to the family and friends of the fallen.


This is bullshit talk about getting it from two ends


Prayers for the border patrol officer’s family – and that the illegal alien gets a TSS quickly.


Yours and my favorite Vietnam-era Veteran, Dick Blumenthal, doesn’t know how bleachers work in 3D space nor why 50 people can’t fit in the space of 3 or 4 tech CEOs.

Asked after the President’s Inaugural speech he sharted this:

Instead, it was replete with grievance and grandiosity – playing to cultural and political divisions. I was struck by the panorama of Big Tech billionaires on a platform raised above Supreme Court Justices, placed ahead of Cabinet members. Governors were relegated to a separate room, including Republican Governors. It was a picture of a government for sale. As always, I wish the President well because his success will be America’s success – and I’ll work with him whenever and wherever possible. But I’m determined to fight if necessary to protect Connecticut and our country. The second half of President Trump’s inauguration speech – delivered moments later downstairs – previewed his plan to pardon the January 6th rioters who stormed the Capitol and assaulted police officers. Pardoning these cop killers would be sickening. Retribution against investigators of the insurrectionists would be equally repugnant.

I agree, pardoning killer cops is sickening.
Oh, I may have misunderstood.

Regardless, Rest In Peace Ashli Babbitt.

Hack Stone

Can we see a list of names of those officers killed on January 6, 2021? Last time we heard, the only person who died of homicide was Ashley Babbitt.


Yes, I would love to see the names of those cops killed by J6 protestors. There were only two people victims of homicide that day. Both were killed by the actions of Capitol police. One shot, the other beaten with a baton and smothered. Officer Sipnicki died of natural causes only, according to the DC medical examiner, on January 7.


If he wants to “protect Connecticut” he could start by protecting us from retards like Gov. Ned Lamont and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.


Isn’t she the one with purple hair?

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet that “Hanoi Jane” Fonda has spent more time in Vietnam than “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal has!


You, sir, are correct!
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Still makes my blood pressure spike.


I’m waiting to piss on her grave. I know it will be a long line.


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P.S. I don’t feel like it, I know that. Kinda disappointed in her health, to tell the truth.

Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous

For all you young’uns who don’t know why she’s disliked:


Giap recollects with a historian on the 40th anniversary of our leaving:
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A Proud Infidel®™

Y’know, I also bet that Daniel Bernath spent more time in Vietnam than “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal did!

Last edited 28 days ago by A Proud Infidel®™

A govt for sale? That along with the pardoning cop killers line MUST mean he’s talking about biden..

A Proud Infidel®™

Y’all know, come to think of it, I bet that the cash value of Hunter Biden’s “art” has suddenly plummeted to less than shit, anyone wanna bet? 😁😀😁😀

Last edited 29 days ago by A Proud Infidel®™

I’ll bet all the coin I have left to my name
.87 cents


Well, since he apparently uses some of his own shit to create his art… I’d say he breaks even there.


Not true.. the insurance claim that was filed for all his “art” that “burned” in the LA fires was listed at what he believed it was worth, and will likely be paid out at that rate..

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Maybe, maybe not, the Biden family’s influence kinda just took a huge nosedive!!! 😀


The comments, as one commenter noted, 100% did not disappoint.

These people are born losers.


An early favorite on DJT’s EOs is the revoking of the security clearances of the 51 former intel officers. Talk about election interference…Diddycrats hyperventilated about election interference for years and speculated about this and that. However, ACTUAL interference eludes them because they are the beneficiary. Its amazing how this whole episode seem to slip the media’s attention…bet they’ll be howling about this on Moron errr Morning Joe.

Hack Stone

Yeah, it’s not like America ever interfered with another country’s elections. 🥴

And where was the screeching when Great Britain sent people to America to campaign against Donald Trump? Whoopi Goldberg would say that it was not “election interference interference”.


And I’m gonna drop this right here


Well, that was fast. Former Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan was terminated by the DHS acting secy. This is just the beginning of a very long list of sackings. Does joint chiefs chairman CQ Brown survive the cut?


Welp…looks like we won’t have a Holiday Open Thread for our Third (3rd) Eligible Contestant for a HOT. And this was a Gentleman that HAD (and still does in some states) a State Holiday, was Revered and Beloved by his men and whose tactics used in his most triumphant battle was the basis of Desert Storm. When questioned by one of his subordinate Commanders…”Gnrl…what do we do when our troops run out of cartridges?” His reply…’Then Sir…we will give them the bayonet!’ Happy Heavenly Birthday to Lt Gnrl Thomas Jonathon Jackson. Rest in Peace, Good Sir.

Ironically, my generation lost another music icon today, Garth Hudson was the last surviving member of “The Band” and passed away peacefully early this morning. He’s got “The Band” back together Up on Cripple Creek.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone hates the term “current status”. All status is current. And don’t get him started on “latest update” and “most complete”.


Heh Heh

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Hack Stone

Currently a chilly 31 degrees in Bethesda, so, if you have a Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business sleeping in his broken down 1980’s vintage Jaguar in your driveway, give him an extra blanket.
