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Wednesday short takes – Mass school buses and rockets

| August 28, 2024 | 21 Comments
Wednesday short takes – Mass school buses and rockets

Let’s get the old blood pressure up, shall we? Fox has an article headlining a license-less woman who is unable to get her kid on a bus to school and can’t afford to Uber him dozensof  times a week. The school district says it is unable to provide busing from more than K-6 grades to […]

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The Navy’s turn

| August 27, 2024 | 27 Comments
The Navy’s turn

Well, my other post today talked about how three Army vessels sent to the Med to support the Hamas pier have to thumb a ride home. Like a clapped out Yugo, seems their craft are not seaworthy enough to be trusted to make it home. Well, might not entirely be the Army’s fault they have […]

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Pier One should be a retailer, not an Army boondoggle

| August 27, 2024 | 20 Comments
Pier One should be a retailer, not an Army boondoggle

Let’s look at the infamous Hamas pier one last time. The pier was announced by President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address in March. Deputy Commander of US Central Command, Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, told reporters in July that the pier helped deliver 19.4 million pounds of aid to the desperate population in Gaza. […]

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KC-46 suffers ED

| August 26, 2024 | 28 Comments
KC-46 suffers ED

Apparently there is a limpness issue in the Air Force. No, not among male airmen per se….but with their newest fleet refueling plane, the KC-46. There have been multiple incidents, the most recent August 21, involving the KC-46 boom. The KC-46 involved in the mishap was from the 931st Air Refueling Wing at McConnell Air […]

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Henyard – Chicago says “Hold My Beer”

| August 14, 2024 | 11 Comments
Henyard – Chicago says “Hold My Beer”

Yesterday we talked a bit about Tiffany Henyard, and her penchant for milking the public cow in Dolton, costing the tax payers over $9 million and counting. Well, seems Chicago has been playing fast and loose with taxpayer moolah as well, and under Lori Lightfoot allegedly has stiffed the folks who run their parking meters. […]

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When Lori Lightfoot sez you’re crooked….

| August 13, 2024 | 44 Comments
When Lori Lightfoot sez you’re crooked….

  Today we are following up on Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard. She’s the mayor of a small Chicago suburb who seemed to think becoming mayor was equivalent to having the town’s assets dumped into her checking account, and in a coup0le of years has run a small town bazillions into debt. The town got […]

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Texas Ranger rehired post Uvalde firing

| August 7, 2024 | 20 Comments
Texas Ranger rehired post Uvalde firing

  Christopher Ryan Kindall was rehired by the Texas Department of Public Safety (that’s our Highway Patrol, y’all) after being let go due to the Uvalde shooting. Kindell was suspended in October 2022 and the department had moved to terminate him in January 2023. “I have decided to alter my preliminary decision based upon a […]

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About time for Sailors who refused Covid shots

| July 27, 2024 | 19 Comments
About time for Sailors who refused Covid shots

Several years later – the Navy has opened a window for sailors who refused Covid shots for religious reasons to have their records cleaned up. Under an agreement in the case announced Wednesday, Navy sailors who refused the vaccine for religious reasons can now have their records corrected and will be protected against discrimination on […]

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