“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Coming to an LZ near you
Sikorsky Lockheed Defiant X The Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program is intended to fly alongside, complement and greatly expand upon the Army’s Black Hawk helicopter, with first fielding in the 2030s and fly well into the second half of the 21st century. It is part of the Future Vertical Lift program intended to […]
A Fustercluck Supreme!!
I’m bored up to my eyebrows with Doc Falsies and his ilk, and the squabbles going on in Congress. Cut their salaries in half, tell them they have to get polio shots or something – oh! and how about inferring that the Plague (which one?) is going to be next?? Hey, if puglosi really retires, […]
Joe’s Very Bad Day
Joe’s Handlers Agenda The tone deaf Biden Administration suffered major, cascading disappointments yesterday. Contrawise, it was a very good day for American Constitutionalists. His major Covid vax mandate using OSHA as a vehicle to force private industry to interfere with some 84 million employee’s medical issues failed SCOTUS review along ideological lines, 6-3. The court […]
Army and Air Force both having recruitment issues
Jeff LPH 3 sends in word that the Air Force is sounding the alarm on falling enlistments. Poetrooper sends in word that the Army is similarly facing recruiting difficulties. First up, the Air Force, as reported by Task & Purpose; etween the COVID-19 pandemic, a low number of eligible recruits and a low unemployment rate, […]
Hey look, we’re throwing more money into Afghanistan, but not to get our allies out
After Biden’s botched pull out of Afghanistan last August, the country has been in more turmoil than…well…sometime in the Third Century maybe? Anywho, while we still have allies among the many people left behind when we just tucked tail, ran, and left behind billions in military equipment for the Taliban, there’s a humanitarian crisis. What does […]
What Goes Around…. Stay Tuned For Our Next Episode at This Station
You remember the 2009 swine flu epidemic, right? It was a mix of swine, bird and human flu viruses that got together and made a lot of people very, very sick. It seems to have been forgotten and that part about how genuinely concerned people were has never been brought up as a comparison to […]
IRS reminds people to report illegal income and gains from property you’ve stolen
We’re mere days away from the start of the 2021 fiscal year tax season. As such, the Internal Revenue Service has released their latest guides to help you navigate the obscenely and needlessly complicated tax system. Here are some of the reminders; Illegal activities. Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, […]
Richmond VA tears down Gen Lee statue and all they get is a lousy couple of books *** UPDATE ***
After removing the statue of Robert E Lee earlier this year, folks in Richmond, Virginia started work on bringing down the plinth on which he formerly stood. Within the plinth was supposed to a copper encased time capsule filled with Confederate artifacts and a rare photo of Lincoln in his coffin. They found a time […]
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