Bin Biden’s bin busy

| January 20, 2025 | 54 Comments

You should be reading this right before the end of Joe Biden’s term – I know there are those on the left desperately praying for some wild-ass last minute maneuver to have the election nullified, Trump not elected, and all the progressive policies set in stone – sorry, folks, from here it looks like the Trump inauguration is a done deal. Even all the expected counter-Trump demonstrations have fallen flat – last time around there were almost a half a million anti-Trump folks, this time – well, it’s cold and uncomfortable in D.C. right now. THAT sure speaks to the depth of their convictions, doesn’t it? “Trump is the Anti-Christ… but it’s really chilly so never mind.”   The Telegraph

But hey, Joe’s still been busy. After determined to be too feebleminded for a trial, nonetheless he is still issuing fatwas executive orders. Remember this?  The “28th Amendment”?

“It is long past time to recognize the will of the American people. In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex,” Biden said in a statement Friday.  CNN

Uh, no, Joe – as discussed earlier, it was not ratified within the time limits specified by Congress, and if you want to allow anything that happened in the 40+ years since, five states rescinded their ratifications. Besides, the 14th Amendment covers the same territory.

At Joe’s last public speech he warned against the oligarchs he says will be running the country. Obviously he thinks billionaires Trump, Musk etc. would endanger the Republic – ignoring a few other names.

George Soros, a left-wing billionaire, investor and philanthropist, sent $250,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in September 2023, filings reviewed by Fox News Digital show.

Former New York City mayor, billionaire entrepreneur and media magnate Michael Bloomberg contributed nearly $20 million to help boost President Biden in his 2024 election rematch with former President Trump, sources confirmed to Fox News last year.

Moritz, a billionaire Democrat mega-donor and venture capitalist, contributed at least $7.8 million to pro-Biden and anti-Trump causes during the last election cycle, according to The New York Times.  Fox News

Think it was during the outcry over Justice Thomas the Dems were screaming that NO ONE gives millions without expecting something in return. Hmm?

And it’s amusing that one of the main factors in Musk’s becoming a kazillionaire is the push – by the Biden administration – to make everyone buy electric cars, a market dominated here by – who? – Tesla.  CNN II  I think Joe is only ticked because he thought Elon Musk would be one of HIS oligarchs.

But just so you don’t think I’m doing nothing but bashing Joe – one of his last acts was actually a GOOD thing. Shocking, I know – but he did.

The Biden administration has reversed a much-criticized policy that required inspectors to revoke the federal firearms sales licenses for gun shops over certain paperwork errors or anomalies as part of a “zero tolerance” approach.

Minor paperwork errors should draw at most a reprimand, not a mandated closure of the business.

The rule was aimed at curbing gun crimes. However, critics say it’s been used to punish gun dealers for minor and honest paperwork mistakes. The TPPF cited random mistakes while filling out forms, such as writing “USA” in the field for “county” on a background check form.

At first glance it looked like ‘country’ in that box on the 4473, and other than the local tax entity, who cares what county you live in? But the 4473 does. Basic training for new gun-store clerks…make sure the customer puts the correct answer to the question.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) voluntarily reversed the rule following a lawsuit by Austin, Texas, gun store owner Michael Cargill, an outspoken proponent of gun rights who argued the policy impeded access to firearms and was a barrier to the right to own firearms.  Fox News II

Okay, they reversed policy when hit with a lawsuit ATF’s lawyers said they wouldn’t win…what the heck, finding something good the government does, for ANY reason, ain’t easy.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Biden

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In Vermont news, today the family of a small-town murder victim found out that FJB gave clemency to the killer/dealer. This might help move some voters red.


And the Scumbag in Chief gave preemptive pardons to Fauci, Milley, and the J6 Committee members.

No words.

But I’m still waiting for the final pardon. His own. Shitbird.


They just broke into the pre inaugeration festivities to announce pardons for the Biden family. FJB, and the media. That news could have waited IMHO.

Slow Joe

What a piece of garbage this Milley Cyrus fella has proved to be.
“Ah, the Generals, they are numerous, but not good for much.”
-Some ancient Greek. Don’t remember which. Thucydides?


Said at the time:
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Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous

He also preemptively pardoned all his family members.


Curious if this has anything to with Beau or
his namesake, estate etc.
I hope not. May the man rest in peace.


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FJB also commuted the death penalty for Marvin Gabrion. Marvin only committed a double murder, in a row boat. Of course he deserves commutation of his death sentence.
Marvin threw a 19 year old woman from his boat, alive, into a lake on federal property, drowning her. It’s unknown whether he threw her 18 month old daughter into the water before or after her mother was tossed into the lake. Knowing Marvin’s history, he probably let mom watch her daughter drown before he tossed her overboard.
Of course he deserved a pardon!


Medal of Freedom even.


I don’t understand. What did the J6 committee do that was illegal other than commit perjury for four solid years? Now I am interested.


Happy inaugeration day. FJB and buh bye.


True to form, Biden pardons Fauci, Milley, J6 committe members and the Das Kapital police.

Trump should declare these pardons invalid due to his mental incapacity.


And you don’t do that unless you know they did something illegal.

If nothing else — this just proves the conspiracy theorists and Biden haters were right all along. I’ll take it as another win, albeit a small one. A pardon doesn’t mean society won’t go on looking down on these people and thinking of them as the scum they are.


It’s a Tom Cruise movie, pardoning people for crimes they have not even been accused of yet.


How that might be a good thing. First EVERY, and I mean EVERY single person the Biden DOJ prosecuted freed immediately. Now, you can haul in the J6 Commissars in for questioning. Without the possibility of prosecution, the 5th Amendment no longer applies. If they refuse, you can be held in contempt and be jailed until they comply. I want the truth of how the FBI/Pelosi/Obama (you know he had his fingers in it) plotted and carried out the attack. Same for Fauci, Milley, and all the other guilty cohorts that operated to torpedo DJT.
The guy who should be shitting his pants is Schiff. He leaked EVERY thing from the SCIF during DJT’s 1st term. I want the truth about Vindman to come out as well. I want the whole world to see the level of corruption during the “Biden Era”, and the fact that everybody BUT Biden was running the show.


If there is any way these assclowns can spend some time in the slammer, I will be a happy man. Plus if they can be taken to court and be forced to pay damages, even better.


Trump should refer to this as their pardons “for crimes against humanity” from now on. Just make it stick.


Pardons cannot clear impeachment. Like for bribery.


Much as I would enjoy a mass impeachment for various high crimes, I much prefer Congress move forward with 47s agenda.

And would not -that- whizz off the prior gang, to be deemed unimportant.

Spend a year fixing the country. Focus on winning midterms. Maybe -then- put Vance on Impeachment duty bringing out all their garbage and ending their careers/legacies.

Perhaps just “truth commission” it. Dump the data publicly. Let the voters decide. No real appeal or legal gripe. heh.


He’s senile, isn’t he? Asking for a friend.


I had planned to take the FJB sticker off my Jeep today. I’m leaving it on till the bumper falls off. Fuck Joe Biden the way he’s fucked the United States.



Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous
Lurker Curt

Same! I got my Jeep in late May, put the FJB sticker on in early June, figured I would take it off when DJT took office again… When that back window gets blown out, I’ll leave the sticker behind


May The Barbed C*ck of Satan torment Joe Biden for all eternity as his worthless, evil soul burns in the hottest fires of Hell.

It is not revenge that We, The People seek…It is a reckoning.


We are judged by men, time and God.

Biden, Pelosi and most of the Pedo-Facist are going to find out the hard way when they are judged by God.

Old tanker

If the AFT (per soon to be ex president dementia) can’t be done away with, I would be happy if they were changed to just be the “at” and no more authority, real or imagined with the F. No more arbitrary rule making by bureaucrats.


President Trump just signed the EO banning rule making by bureaucrats, about 20 minutes ago!!


Pass law with legislative due process, folks! Yes!

Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous

Remember all the smiles from Jill and Joe when they were meeting with Trump? And how everyone took that to mean that they love Trump and voted for him?

Well, I think all their smiles were them thinking, “Just wait for all the shit we’re gonna pull on you to fuck you over, Donny boy!”

These (supposedly) final pardons put the truth to that IMO.


Oh my. Use mass pardons to force Trump and Congress to skip a largely worthless and hugely time consuming impeachment(s).

And instead focus on the 47 agenda, without delay.

Joe effed up, again.


With the pardons on his way out the door, The ‘Biden Era’ is an abject failure and proved that EVERYTHING that was said about the corruption was 100% true. In 2020, the Dems twisted their panties when it was reported DJT might do some preemptive pardons. “You don’t need a pardon if you’re not guilty” they wailed. Well, well, well…


The End of an Error


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Someone said PARDON?

Look who is now expecting a pardon.
This Jan 6 knucklehead bullhorned the crowds “Let’s get their guns”,
then got fingered on photos and videos macing cops.

Later, his charges and trial updates went secret squirrel.
But no one knew why, until articles like this later came out.




If he was naming names and details, that sounds to me like he was part of the operation. And to be sentenced in private just makes me more suspicious.


He was wrapped up and part of multiple 2000 meetings
with BOTH Pennsylvania Proud Boys AND Oath Keepers.

Secret squirrel changes to his own case
coincided with the convictions and heavy sentences for the
(national) leaders of both Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

  • Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years for seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 attack


All these agents provocateur need to be exposed!




Ex President Fucknuts pardoned his brother as his last Fuck You to the USA and Trump. Actually, I’m really surprised he didn’t pardon himself, but then I figure that if he is called to account he will just say “I don’t remember!”


With apologies to Harry Chapin:
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Oh, yes, busy to the last… pardoned his immediate family, too:
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Last edited 29 days ago by Anonymous

“A guilty man runs when no one pursues him.”

So let me get this straight. We ban Tictoc because it is owned by China, a ” foreign adversary.”

But that traitor Milley admitted he told the Chinese military he would warn them before any US military action?

Didn’t we used to hang people for that kind of stuff?”


Didn’t we used to hang people for that kind of stuff?” Yes…indeed we did…by the neck until dead.




Non compos mentis mother fucker didn’t sign shit.




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A Proud Infidel®️™️

HEY,WAIT, Joe Biden was ruled Incompetent to Stand Trial, but he’s all right to sign pardons, yeah, okay, uh-huh, …


Well, …. bye!


No, wait, there’s more!
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