Daily FGS

| January 18, 2025

Staccato P

Suspect critically injured after allegedly attacking maintenance worker, shot by resident

David Warner
SAN ANTONIO – A suspect has been hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after being shot by the resident of a Southside apartment complex.

Around 10:50 a.m. on Wednesday, residents at an apartment complex near the corner of Utopia Lane and Goliad Road allegedly saw an unrecognized suspect peering through the windows of cars in the parking lot.

Residents of the apartment complex quickly reported the suspicious activity to management, and the complex’s manager, alongside two maintenance workers, went to confront the suspect.

When staff told the suspect to leave the property, they allegedly became hostile, shoving one of the maintenance workers to the ground and attacking them before walking off.

A witness to the attack, who is a resident of the apartment complex, approached the suspect. The suspect, in turn, allegedly produced a knife and a ‘taser.’

The resident would then produce a handgun, and the suspect would begin running away. The resident then began to allegedly chase after the suspect.

After a brief pursuit, the suspect would turn around, allegedly posturing like he was about to stab and or attack the pursuing resident with the taser.

The suspect, fearing for his life and safety, would fire a single shot striking the suspect in the abdomen.

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Fox San Antonio

It stopped being self-defense when the resident gave chase; he best lawer up.

Investigation into Fatal Shooting at 7050 Inwood Park Drive

The fatal shooting of a man at 7050 Inwood Park Drive about 2:40 p.m. on Wednesday (January 15) will be referred to a Harris County grand jury.

The identity of the deceased male, 17, is pending verification by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

The male shooter, 19, was not injured in the incident.

HPD Homicide Division Sergeant N. Lazo and Detective M. Providence reported:

HPD patrol officers responded to a shooting call in the parking lot of an apartment complex at the above address and found a male suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was in possession of a firearm. Paramedics pronounced him deceased at the scene.

Officers located the shooter at the scene. He stated that he and his friends were inside a vehicle when they were approached by the armed male, who raised a gun in their direction. The shooter stated he feared for his safety and fired shots toward the armed male, striking him. No one else was injured.

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City of Houston

Two from Texas, thanks Gun Bunny.

The gun gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks.
— Thomas Jefferson

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

What!? KHOU wasn’t there?!

Conspicuous in their absence of late. Click2 and ABC6(?) are the go to for Harris Co. in the search. You did notice in the San Antone story home boi took a knife AND a taser to the gunfight and ended up gut shot. Now we know that had to hurt. The T2NB2AGF binder has had “knife” and “taser” but this may be a FIRST (heh heh) when the perp had both.

Imma gonna go out on a limb here and say the Houston story was the “usual suspects” doing the “usual” things. “…multiple gunshot wounds…” Mag dump much?

If I so much as walk out the door, I have my companion with me. I don’t carry when I walk around inside the house from room to room because…well…you know…

For pert near $2.5K large that piece better be able to make me a sammich too…and not give me any static. It was obvious that the reviewer was, indeed, a fan boi

Old tanker

Re the first story, so far there is no indication the local DA is taking it to the Grand Jury for possible indictment. I do agree however it changes the self defense once the “victim” gives chase to the person he shoots afterwards.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“……multiple gunshot wounds.”
You are a GO at this station.
No further range time needed.


In the San Antone case the pursuer could reasonably argue the he feared for the safety of the apartment complex residents and was seeking to protect them.
This is allowed under Texas law to an extent.
With a non-Soros DA or a good lawyer, he has a decent chance if it comes to charges.