“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Taliban benefiting from funds sent to Afghanistan from the US and from other donors
Every two weeks, approximately $80 million in aid pours into Afghanistan. This aid is intended to support humanitarian purposes. One of the caveats to this humanitarian aid is that the Taliban are not among the beneficiaries. However, the Taliban leverages its control to obtain information from aid groups and to funnel money into their coffers. […]
‘Mentally incompetent ‘ vets?
Look to hear that phrase more in the near future: The Senate has approved a measure that would ease some veterans’ access to guns, brushing aside objections from most Democrats and the Department of Veterans Affairs that doing so could hinder suicide prevention efforts. The legislation would prohibit the VA from reporting veterans who are […]
No more bigotry
Well, we have successfully taken care of the bigotry problem in the US: Robert E. Lee’s controversial statue has been melted down (to be repurposed into other art. Maybe a statue of St. Floyd, whose death united us all in peace and harmony?) The statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was once at […]
Aren’t they good little Nazis?
Reminding me of how much today’s “liberals” remind me of the early ’30s Nazis – Israeli students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say they are “terrified” to be on campus after participants at a campus protest chanted “one solution, intifada, revolution” at a rally supporting the devastating Hamas terrorist attacks that killed hundreds […]
US Ambassador to UN Drafts Sternly Worded Letter
US Pushes UN to Back Israel Self-Defense, Demand Iran Stop Arms to Hamas The United States proposed on Saturday a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that says Israel has a right to defend itself and demands Iran stop exporting arms to “militias and terrorist groups threatening peace and security across the region.” The draft text, […]
Book banning, or prohibiting children from mature content?
Many claim that there is a widespread move to ban books from schools. Being “anti-race” and “anti LGBT” are two of the labels being assigned to those who advocate for wanting to ban these books. However, witnesses at a House hearing said that the books in question were sexually explicit. These books were approved for […]
US supports Hamas
Armed groups need a few things to function effectively, and without them, they just don’t work well at all. We talk about discipline, intelligence, compartmentalization, logistics, arms, etc. but the bottom line is – the bottom line. Money, honey. Moollah, mullah. Without that golden flow (pun intended) nothing happens. Much has been made of the […]
Standing by their principles…or not
Following the various condemnations of Israel by the intellegentsia, it’s interesting to see them loyally stand fast with each other. Until someone objects and they do a 180. In general the “Squad” has come down squarely on the side of Hamas. In view of recent news of masscres and even Hamas-murdered children from […]
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