Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| January 15, 2025

The ease with which he lies

When I’m dying, I only want a fire fighter that looks like me

She’s getting something done alright

California ‘leadership’

Sucks to get an endorsement from such a loser

What this crisis needs is really more government censorship

Democrats keeping it classy

Orange Man Bad

Her smile is like Jack Nicholson’s Joker

Nero fiddles…

We’ll see if Acosta likes White House censorship come 20 Jan

Newsom doing a bit of a heroin dance

Who turned on the idiot’s microphone?

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Granted, the one on the right isn’t “eye candy”, but so long as “she” was able to do her job, and ACTUALLY DID IT, I wouldn’t mind that she’s a lesbo.
But since she can’t, and won’t, and didn’t, then I do mind.

Amateur Historian

Just 5 more days…


I couldn’t care less what the firefighter saving me looks like, that really ain’t the priority! But then again, I’m one of those old-school types that only cares about your ability, who you sleep with or what you identify as doesn’t matter.

RGR 4-78

The only two statements I heard from people after we arrived.

  1. What took you so long?
  2. Thank God you are here.

Sometimes these statements were in Spanish or Vietnamese.


With their gear on out in a parking lot on a sunny day you still can’t tell what they look like anyway. Such a stupid comment from Butch McManhands.

RGR 4-78

How much testosterone is in this picture?”

Slim and none.

Skivvy Stacker

Jim Acosta says the Government should be censoring information and silencing Americans.”

He seems to have forgotten that the Constitution puts a leash on the government, but not the people.
You won’t read anything in there that says, “the people will be prohibited”.


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CA governor looks more and more like a drug ad for treating Tardive Dyskinesia.

Makes you wonder what psychoactives he already takes.

Last edited 1 month ago by 11B-Mailclerk

I stepped in Jim Acosta today. Luckily I didn’t track it in the house.

F*cking turd.
