Incoming border czar proposes hotline for Americans to report criminal illegal alien activity

| January 16, 2025

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump said that he would start a massive deportation move the day he enters office. Tom Homan, the incoming border czar, presented a realistic outlook on how this process would be carried out. The deportation infrastructure has to be in place, funding must be received, and information sharing methods like the proposed hotline must be set up.

From The Western Journal:

Homan said the transition team of President-elect Donald Trump has been considering a “fresh idea” that would create a hotline for Americans to report criminal behavior by illegal immigrants, according to NBC.

“I want a place where American citizens can call and report,” he said.

“We need to take care of the American people. We need to make sure they have an outlet to help report child traffickers, forced labor traffickers. We want to give them an opportunity to be a part of the fix,” he said.

Homan said mass deportations of illegal workers will not take place instantly when Trump takes office next Monday.

“We’re going to do it in a smart way,” he said. “We’re still working on how exactly we want to roll this out, but [work site] operations have to come back again because it’s the No. 1 place we find victims of forced labor being run by many cartels.”

Additional Reading:

Davis, J. (2025, January 13). Border Czar Homan rolling out way for individual Americans to personally help deport illegals. The Western Journal. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Illegal Immigrants, Society

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And offer a bounty.


And fine, into bankruptcy, businesses and colleges who hire them/admit them.


You used to have to prove E-Verify. What the hell happened to all that? Plus, is ole pedo joe going to reimburse us for that fence we built around his house? We all know fences do not work.


If I understand correctly, there is a federal requirement for businesses to have E-Verify capability, but no actual requirement to use it.


A place to start would be the meat packing industry, Tyson IBP, ect.


Not sure where to post this but HEY AW1Ed, apparently this is for you?!?!?


And some of you feared queering of the dotmil…


The thought of a P-3 pulling 6.3 Gs is some funny shit there!


Shots fired? Nah. Chippy done popped a nuke!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nice pipes.

Would’ve been nice to see the pilot. She sounded easy on the ears.


The other thing that came out yesterday and I had to fact check it because I thought 1. It was total BS and then 2. I thought it was again, BS AND AI….but No. Fucking. WAY!!!
This. Goes. SO. Fkcking. HARD.
I mean, seriously think about it. This is gonna be in every government building across the nation. I’m gonna see this at work. I’m gonna see this at the VA.

This just says….” Get them ALL and get them the FUCK OUT!!”

It also screams , ” FUCK. ALL. YA’ALL!!”

Last edited 1 month ago by ChipNASA

Move over Blue Steel…:


Quite the “Big Brother is Watching YOU!” vibe.

Amateur Historian



I really hope that a lot of the illegals will simply self deport.

Amateur Historian

A lot of them are dug in like ticks in our welfare. It may take Trump a bit.


And the demonrats will fight Trump tooth and nail the whole time….

Amateur Historian

The d-rats are either legitimately insane and/or treasonous. I don’t know which is worse.


Embrace the power of AND….


I’m all for deporting EVERY illegal in the country. Just by being here ILLEGALLY they are criminals. That being said, setting up a “Rat Out Line” kinda sorta smacks of a little bit too much “Big Brother” situations that could lead down a path we may not not want to go. YMMV “Press 1 to report an illegal…Press 2 to report firearms…Press 3 to report hate speech…Press 4 to report…”

Take away all the free sh*t and most will leave on their own. And the grubermint should be able to find them from the free sh*t We, The People have given them.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed reminds me a little of the hotline to report your neighbors during COVID…


Sucks when the foot is shod by the shoe of the corresponding yet opposite leg terminus.

Green Thumb


Can see a few personal grudges settled with this plus bullshit calls from ignorant folks who have no clue if the person they see is here legally or illegally.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For the record I’m aware he stated “criminal” illegal alien activity….and that part makes sense…and yes I can see some folks calling on their Hispanic American neighbors they have a dispute with just to be rat bastards…

For me there is a not insignificant difference between calling in a report regarding illegal alien gang bangers versus calling on a guy who mows lawns in the neighborhood and bothers no one…

In a perfect world, as Reagan suggested, those who are here committing no crimes but are working should have some sort of a path to permanence here in the US…we can always use hard workers, and we should adjust our policy to adapt to that, without giving away the house in the process…that stops the exploitation of those illegals…

But the serious criminals gotta go…as the headline of this post indicates.


“ Take away all the free sh*t and most will leave on their own.”

I believe most would leave. A few will stay for the work, like they always have. Not sure how I feel about it. I knew a man that owned his own drywall finishing business. He made an above average income in the 80s-90s. Then, a bunch of illegals came to the area and worked so much cheaper, he couldn’t compete. He had to pay bill and TAXES and they didn’t. He had a family and a house, they were living 10-12 in a cheap and trashy mobile home. To say “they just do the jobs Americans don’t want or won’t, is a false narrative.

Back to not knowing how I feel; I can respect someone who works hard, but not when they are screwing an American and taking away from them.

Slow Joe

Absolutely. Illegals working hard undermine our economic system and keep Americans in poverty.
Send them all back to their countries. There is nothing stopping them from applying for a visa to come here legally as I did.
If we reward law-breaking, more will break our laws.
Hard working my ass. Every time I hear that excuse I lose my cool. Only the very rich benefits from illegal immigration. I got nothing against the rich, but they have to obey our laws too and stop hiring illegals to undercut American labor.

Last edited 1 month ago by Slow Joe
Green Thumb

Or give them a four-year enlistment.


And there is always this game we can play…

comment image



A Proud Infidel®️™️

Bring it, I’m tired of seeing them be a black hole of our tax dollars. THE ONLY THING we owe illegal aliens is deportation!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



Trump’s new pic (4K jpeg) is out:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

He’s back and he’s PISSED!

Slow Joe

That doesn’t look like a official photo…

Slow Joe

This one is better.


Looks like Walter Peck from Ghostbusters


Deportation ships from Elysium. We need a few.

AW1 Rod

B-A-D BAD idea.

– See something, say something
– Red flag laws
– Stop & frisk
– 702 FISA
– Patriot Act
Etc, etc …

It all sound good on the surface, but we all know (or should know) human nature and the nature of government. People will be falsely accused, their rights will be infringed, their privacy invaded. Lives may even be ruined.

We need to be very careful with this kind of stuff.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sounds like a conservative re-invention of “See Something Say Something”.