No more bigotry

| October 31, 2023

Well, we have successfully taken care of the bigotry problem in the US: Robert E. Lee’s controversial statue has been melted down (to be repurposed into other art. Maybe a statue of St. Floyd, whose death united us all in peace and harmony?)

The statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that was once at the center of the deadly 2017 White nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has been melted down.

The statue was rendered into bronze ore Saturday at a foundry in an undisclosed location, according to University of Virginia professor Jalane Schmidt.

Schmidt co-leads “Swords into Plowshares,” a project dedicated to transforming the controversial Lee statue into public art.    MSN

Me, I just want to know what bronze ore is. I just love intelligent journalists.

We already eliminated the picture of Aunt Jemima, cutting off royalties to the Lillian Richards family of Hawkins, TX ( the Pancake Capital of Texas) that has been relying on ’em for three quarters of a century, and that Indian lady on the butter tub, not to mention correcting the oxymoron Uncle Ben’s White rice.  What could be left? Ah… those Dixie-named forts:

The Army on Friday redesignated the last of nine installations that had been named after Civil War-era Confederates, completing a process that began nearly three years ago with an order from Congress.

The final base, previously known as Fort Gordon after a Confederate lieutenant general, was renamed Fort Eisenhower during a ceremony Friday on the base’s parade field.

I know I don’t have to explain who Eisenhower was…geez, Ed has to use one-syllable words to write to me and even I know who Ike was.  Thank Jeff LPH for following list:

  • Fort Barfoot, Virginia, once Fort Pickett, was renamed after Col. Van T. Barfoot on March 24. He received the Medal of Honor during World War II for his actions as a noncommissioned officer in Italy in 1944.
  • Fort Novosel, Alabama, once Fort Rucker, was renamed on April 10 for Chief Warrant Officer Michael Novosel, who fought in three wars and received the Medal of Honor for a Vietnam War medical evacuation mission.
  • Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia, once Fort Lee, was rechristened April 27 for Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg, the Army’s first Black lieutenant general, and Lt. Col. Charity Adams, who commanded the all-Black female 6888th Postal Battalion during World War II
  • Fort Cavazos, Texas, once Fort Hood, was redesignated for infantry Gen. Richard Cavazos, the service’s first Latino four-star, on May 9. Cavazos, who led soldiers in both Korea and Vietnam, twice received the Distinguished Service Cross.
  • Fort Bragg, North Carolina, became Fort Liberty on June 2.
  • Fort Polk, Louisiana, transitioned to Fort Johnson on June 13. Nearly a century after his exploits, Sgt. William Henry Johnson of the World War I “Harlem Hellfighters,” received the Medal of Honor in 2015.
  • Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, transitioned to Fort Walker, named for Civil War surgeon and Medal of Honor recipient Mary Edwards Walker, August 25.
  • Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, was renamed Louisiana National Guard Training Center-Pineville on Oct. 20.   Army Times

So have a happy Halloween, secure in the knowledge that the $50,000,000 we spent to do all this renaming was worth it.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Army, Politics

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Even after all this re-naming and other cuckish appeasements, the crybabies will find new stuff to cry about.


I’ll just bet they keep crying about the same ole stuff too!


Like ol’ freako Kevin Spacey said:
comment image


One thing I must add … credit where it is due … the new names for installations (those named after people) are at least named for legitimate military heroes and not named after “social justice/activist” types.

USMC Steve

You mean the affirmative action hire that ran a postal battalion too?


Educate me … which one is that? I thought these were all legitimate hard-chargers but if I’m wrong I’ll own it.


I’m curious myself.


Fort Lee was renamed Fort Gregg-Adams.

Adams as in LTC Charity Adams Earley, US Army WAC.

She was the Commander of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion during WWII.

My Grandma used to call Fort Lee “Camp Lee”…😉😎

It will always be Fort Lee, Fort Bragg, Fort Gordon, Fort Benning, Fort Hood, AP Hill, Fort Pickett, Fort Rucker, Fort Polk to the ninja family.

We spent alot of time at those Army bases while we were both Army Brats and Active Army Soldiers.

One of these days, the name changing is gonna backfire…


2nd Try…


Third Try..


LTG Gregg served for 36 years in the Army and was responsible for helping desegregate the armed forces. He first enlisted in 1946, completing officer candidate school in 1949. His very first assignment was at Fort Lee in 1950 and he retired in 1981 as “the highest ranking Black officer in the U.S. military” at the time.

LTC Charity Adams served in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps where she later served as command over the famed Six-Triple-Eight Battalion, the first and only unit of Black women to serve overseas during World II.


LTC Charity Adams (Fort Lee)

Also, Fort Liberty is not a hard charging Soldier…😉😎 (Fort Bragg) unless it is named after President Gerald Ford’s Dog..

Mary Walker was a Civilian…🤭

Fort Moore was also named in honor of Mrs Moore…Was she a Hard charger?


Ike has a ship named after him…Gee Whiz, what was that group thinking in renaming Gordan to Ike?

Next thing you know it, Ole Brandon Boy will try to have a Military installation named after Beau. You know…the one who was killed in Iraq…probably by a drunk driver…or Corn Pop..🤣

Oh, wait a minute. Durn. Forgot there IS a Deleware NG place named after Beau..

If I was Hunter, I would be POed at the Big Guy for doing that…after all, money and power and fame and fortune and the name BIDEN “talks..”



Ike already had his foot in the door at Fort Gordon, Eisenhower Army Medical Center. Been there since 1976.




Wait… -mailclerks- ?



Thank you for the info. I stand corrected on my previous “hard chargers” statement. No excuse, sir.

USMC Steve

I was referring to  LTC Charity Adams Earley, US Army WAC. A base was named for her simply because she got to light colonel and was black. No indication of any particular noteworthy actions or service other than she apparently did her job. Affirmative action in action.


So, does this mean that the NFL players can take those stickers off their helmets? You know, since the renaming of the forts takes away all of the hate in this country?


Yes they can.

I’m at camp Atturbury right now and it’s 27 degrees. If it was a little warmer, we would run , hand in hand, through a field of flowers. It’s nothing but love out here now. I’m going to go to Philadelphia next so that I can actually witness some brotherly love!!

Daisy Cutter

After the run, maybe we could break up into groups for team building and talk about our feelings.


Why talk when you just act upon them? Embrace them, be true a friend of Dorthy.


See how much we are all coming together?

Skivvy Stacker

Damn….I just saw a sky writer…or was it a Witch on a broom?…spelling out “Surrender Dorthy”….


It was Hillary.


If only Ben Franklin could see his city of brotherly love now.


Don’t take a nice car, as you will likely get jacked .

USMC Steve

We Marines don’t have too many bases, but at least all of ours were named after the right people. We don’t have enough money to go around renaming bases to kiss leftist ass.


Not only that but the history of Parris Island being too terrible for French colonists to live on is great stuff. They overthrew their military leader and killed him and then built a large raft and tried to sail it back to France where most of them died on the way. Which showed that even back then weak ass men would rather die then stay there. You would never want to change that.


USMC LtGen John A. Lejeune’s father served as a Captain in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, so it’s probably only a matter of time before the DC snowflakes figure that out and start screaming to get the name of Camp Lejeune changed.

I hope that it doesn’t happen, but it’s probably inevitable these days.


Soon to be named for Jim Nabors.



A de-coy!


I think Bronze Ore is a result of all those gamers (i.e. Role Playing Games, Video Games, PC Games)! Bronze is a commodity like Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Electrum and therefore one is able to “mine” it in nature…according to the games


I planted bronze in the field next to my field of fucks. It’s barren as well.


Meanwhile in the puzzle Palace.


I wonder if they plan on giving them back pay when they get all their extra stars when Tubberville either lets go or gets bypassed.


Is that the United States Army Sergeant Major Academy?


So true, but that is a gross depiction. The artist could have left out the brown spots.


One syllable words and primary colors- same protocol I used for Flag briefs.


Fort Ike?
He already has an aircraft carrier named after the former SHAEF Commander & 34th President.
Shit-canning Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworths was supposed to solve racism, but we know the race-grifters will NEVER “solve” the problem.
Renaming the army forts isn’t going to do it either.


They got rid of uncle Ben too. They also got rid of the land o lakes butter Indian, but kept the land.


Already had the FORT GORDON hospital named after him too.


They can’t solve the fake racism because that will end their grift and its inflow of cash.




When are they going to abolish that other Antebellum relic, the Democrat party and all of its adherents? Doing so would solve so many of our problems.


They have to destroy zee ztatues, zo no one blames zee Party.


Came across an article talking about all the lynching in the south. It wasn’t just black people that were lynched, but white people as well trying to get free blacks signed up to vote. Wish now I would have bookmarked it.


Boot Hill in Tombstone has about a dozen lynchees in it, mostly white, a couple Chinese.


Black people were the primary victims of lynching: 3,446, or about 72 percent of the people lynched, were Black. But they weren’t the only victims of lynching. Some white people were lynched for helping Black people or for being anti-lynching. Immigrants from Mexico, China, Australia, and other countries were also lynched.

Of course, It wasn’t just a reconstruction thing either. Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, both N.Y. Jewish activists, and James Chaney were slain by the KKK while trying to register voters in Mississippi in 1964. Their murders completely transformed the civil right movement.


The last lynching in California was in 1933. Two white men kidnapped a well-liked white youth then murdered him.

The San Jose public did not approve.

Skivvy Stacker

Duluth, MN June 15, 1920, police arrest several young Black men accused of raping a white woman. That evening, three of them – Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson, and Issac McGhie– are taken from jail by a mob and lynched.
Mankato, MN December 26, 1862, 38 American Indians of the Dakota Tribe are hanged in public by the Minnesota Militia following the “Dakota War”. A government sanctioned lynching if there ever was one.
It remains the largest mass execution in United States history.


You’re no longer allowed to say “Antebellum” either.


Name changes for Lady Antebellum and the Dixie Chicks sure did help end racism too, didn’t it?


It made them feel better about themselves, that’s all that matters.


I wonder how many “migrants” the Dixie Chicks have opened their mansions too!🤔

Celebrities like to make sure that we know what we should be doing to help the world out. It seems the lead singer for the chicks isn’t missing many meals!


The Chixie Dicks can piss up a rope.


The problems in this country will be cured if we only erase history, destroy American traditions to include marriage, banish God and all His teachings and have an open and inclusive immigration policy.

I don’t think a snark or sarcasm tag needs to be attached.


You left out everyone’s acceptance and celebration of the panoply of sexual deviancy by the “alphabet people.”




Wow. $50M to rename those nine bases?

Hmmmmmm. It’s not like the Army could have used those funds to help rehab their crumbling barracks and ensure that all of their chow halls were brought back up to functioning properly at 100% capability in order to improve Soldiers’ quality of life.

Nah; renaming those bases was correctly determined to be the Army’s top priority for expending that $50M.

Everyone knows that.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Schmidt co-leads “Swords into Plowshares,” a project dedicated to transforming the controversial Lee statue into public art.  “

Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who kept their swords.”
(Benjamin Franklin)
I can’t wait.


If you buy Uncle Ben’s, does that make you a ricist?


Nah, you’re supporting the cause.


I still firmly believe Ft. Liberty(formaly Ft. Bragg) should have been named Ft. Benevidiz. If you don’t know who that is look up MSgt Roy Benevidiz and find out.


One tough sonofabitch right there. I agree 100%.


Tango Mike Mike


I still firmly believe they should have kept it as Ft Bragg… but “Liberty” is a stupid rename and an insult to the legacies of MSgt Benevidiz and countless other American heroes with a connection to that place.

Last edited 10 months ago by Hate_me

“Liberty Biberty”


“Customize Your Insurance..”

Still thinks Fort Liberty was named after President Ford’s Dog, Liberty…🤭

Slow Joe

Me, I just want to know what bronze ore is. I just love intelligent journalists.”

Excellent point. There is no such thing as bronze ore. I would assume she meant a big slab of melted bronze because there is no way they can separate the tin and copper in the bronze alloy, not to mention the small quantities of nickel and zinc.

RGR 4-78

Alloy me to agree with you.


Ore else?


We dig it.


Be careful, lest you end up like Cyrus


There is also no method to return any refined metal to ore. Can’t turn iron back into ore.


Just an idea:


Child support is rayciss yo


That is a totally inaccurate sculpture of a Black male. His Johnson is completely lacking on proper scale. Anyway, according to what I have been told.


I mean, just look at the news. After renaming the dastardly Ft Hood to Ft Cavazos, the missing persons and murder cases on post have dropped to NOTHING! Oh, wait…




Skivvy Stacker

I suddenly feel lighter, as the burden of has been lifted from my shoulders by the elimination of all those southern general’s names from Army forts across the nation. If only I had known this was what was feeding my White Supremacist feelings for all these years I could have lived a life free of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transmissionphobia, breakshoephobia, and hydrolicstearingphobia…


Y’all waiting on me to chime in? Any that have been keeping up around here should know how I feel. May expound a bit more later when these extry BP Meds kick in…IDK. “…adventurous abroad and despotic at home…” Prepare

I’ll just drop this here and everyone can have an opportunity to let others know how you think. Go VOTE


You know how the ninja family feels about all of this…

Oneday, all of this is gonna BACKFIRE…🫡



A bronze statue of -Lee- is almost as funny as a white granite statue of -King-.


I can’t wait until I’m fucking dead.


Welp, I’ve finished my cat herding and “in addition to your other duties” chores, calmed my BP down, polished off a hearty serving of roasted beef beast dressing (made with real SOUTHERN Cornbread), and opened up a frosty Yuengling so I guess I’m ready to REALLY chime in here. Late as it is, not sure how many will see it, but that’s their loss. Too bad I didn’t have any Begoween kids show up, I was gonna take their candy and tell them I was a democrat.

Disgusted to no end with this hate of all things Southern. Yes, physical slavery is a terrible thing and it is still going on today, aided and abetted by the same groups that have done it for 100s of years, Arabs, Black Tribesmen, and Hispanics. The USA did away with physical slavery with the passage of the 13th A, passing in Dec 1865 (Delaware not signing it until 1901). RE Lee was one of the finest Gentlemen and military Commanders the world has ever known, doing more with less. The destruction of his Statue was an illegal act (not that anyone will be charged for it), and had numerous organizations try to buy it to save that work of art. The statues that were placed after the war were paid for by the widows and orphans of dead Confederates, NOT as an act of racism, but as a Memorial to their Sacrifices. The POLITICIANS of both sides started that war and POLITICIANS continue to divide We, The People today. We are ALL their wage and tax slaves and their biggest fear is WE, THE PEOPLE, will finally get fed up with paying 40-60% of our work unto them.

The posts were named for CSA Warriors in order to fill the ranks for WWI and as an act of reconciliation to “bind up the nation’s wounds.” The South has contributed more of their sons and daughters, proportionally, than any other part of the Country.

The enemy is not the South. It is these #s here. Prepare


My take on the hate of all things Southern? The fear that We, The People will actually decide to get rid of the current crop of despots. If the CSA had of wanted to “overthrow” the Union, that could have been done in July of ’61 when the Federal Army was in full retreat and a wild eyed BG named Jackson begged to be allowed to chase them down, destroy the Army and march straight into DC. All he wanted was a fresh Regiment. He was told to stand down, “they learned their lesson, they won’t come back”. Old Abe had to go back, he lost 80% of his tax treasury on the day he was inaugurated.

Another hate comes from jealousy. The South has the best food, the fastest cars, prettiest women, nicest people, unbeatable football teams, the finest Military Installations, best weather, pretties beaches, best music, more equal opportunity to succeed, and the strongest true, American Ideals of Patriotism and Freedom. Prove me wrong, I’ll wait right here.

Anybody ever hear of someone that looked forward to retiring and moving up north? Yeah, me neither.

Not sure which I find more despicable…Carpetbaggers or scalawags. Carpetbaggers brought yanky Jim Crow laws to the South during Reconstruction. Scalawags help to enforce them.


Silly question, but GA v Mizzou should be a good game this Saturday. Who do you pick?

As far as moving south when retired, it’s just as hot and steamy in the summer there as it is in the midwest, so that’s a wash. And if you’re not moving south full time, you’re just a lost tourist impeding the flow of traffic. Everybody knows speed limits in the south are merely suggestions.


Pretty soon, white southerners won’t be able to eat watermelon or fried chicken without being accused of cultural appropriation. History is not an acceptable defense.

That might not be a bad thing for overall health, but that’s beside the point.


Yuengling? How many wars are you gonna let the North win?