Daily FGS

| January 15, 2025


Knife-wielding robber shot dead by St. Clair County store clerk

Story by Carol Robinson

A knife-wielding man was shot to death by a St. Clair County store clerk.

Sheriff’s officials on Monday identified the slain man as Timothy Jones. He was 44 and lived in Hale County.

Sheriff Billy Murray said Jones entered the Shell gas station in Cropwell about 4:30 a.m. Sunday armed with a knife.

In the course of an armed robbery, the suspect was shot and killed by the store clerk.

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Wrong store. Mighty slim pickins of late, thanks Gun Bunny.

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Another knife to a gun fight.
Ho hum.

I have a post-WWII Mahnurin P1 version of the P38. Nice pistol, shoots well, easy to clean & maintain. BUT….shoot only “white box” 9mm through it. Ask me how I know.

Yep…taking a knife to a gunfight generally means one will be referred to in the past (passed) tense. “was” “lived”

slim pickins, indeed. Wasn’t even anything hiding behind a paywall. Odd, that, but we will endeavor…we will persevere.

I freely admit that I am guilty as all hell of being a dangerous citizen.

Several things with the designation of “P-38” are quite useful and perform as useful tools. A can opening device and a fine all around twin engine fighter/close air support aircraft come to mind in addition to the Walther product. I will defer to our very own Graybeard’s opinion on Walther’s current offerings.


I think I have mentioned that I have Dad’s captured P-38, shoots well. Several things well ahead of its time safety-wise. White-box ammo only is a fact – but I never dared to try anything else.

We have beaten that dead horse about the current Walther offerings and “service” (like a bull services a cow) about enough, unless someone needs details.

If these perps could / would read the 3-ring binder they might even be smart enough to not try a life of crime. As it is we can point and laugh.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

As it is we can point and laugh.”
We got’ta take our entertainment where and when we can.


Actually just spent money on a Walther..found a follower/spring combo that makes a P22 into a 14 round .22. Gotta try it.


May your experience be better than mine.


already is, have owned the gun twice, it is dead reliable, and more accurate than a 3.5″er should be. Loaded with Federal Punch .22s. it’s a nice girl’s gun.


That’s sexist.


I like to stay in touch with my feminine side. Such as it is.


You keep touching yourself and you’ll go blind…or at least need glasses.


I never had any issues with running period appropriate loads (i.e. hot) through my 1940 Mauser P38 or 1916 DWM Luger.
White Box wouldn’t cycle properly. I had frequent stovepipes.
Did you swap out your old springs before shooting it?
I always give my guns new Wolff springs since it’s a cheap investment that protects your large investment.
Stripper clips are great for making unobtainium flat springs since they are made from spring steel.
I spent part of Sunday making a new mainspring ( from a M43 x39 clip) for a DA H&R snubbie in .41 Short.
I also picked up an absolutely gorgeous 1894 .44 S&W #3 DA. Almost the ‘ newest ‘ we can still transfer up here 😭


Drop.Dead.Gorgeous! I am pea green with envy.


Thanks! I have been looking for one this nice for years. The bore is still shiny with perfect rifling and it locks up tighter than a nun’s nasty.
Mostly of the ones I looked at before were sloppier than Kamala and had sewer pipe bores.
This one probably spent most of it’s life in a drawer.


It certainly caused a reaction in my “drawers”!

124 grain 9mm NATO is the World War II German load– I’ll bet if ain’t that from Winchester, the thing doesn’t cycle right.


I handload my 9×19 to slightly below NATO specs ( – 75-100 fps) and use Berry’s copper plated 124gn RN.
I find that is the minimum that reliably cycles my P08 and P38.


A belated different kind of FGS,sure to make many here chuckle,
and some of you spit up your coffee.

(Headline) – Hunter Biden artworks worth ‘millions of dollars’ destroyed in LA fires: source


“Avenge not yourselves. Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” thus sayeth the Lord.