US supports Hamas

| October 17, 2023

Armed groups need a few things to function effectively, and without them, they just don’t work well at all. We talk about discipline, intelligence, compartmentalization, logistics, arms, etc. but the bottom line is – the bottom line. Money, honey. Moollah, mullah. Without that golden flow (pun intended) nothing happens.

Much has been made of the $6,000,000,000 the US promised to send back to Iran a while back. However, like any action governmental, we’re told that money hasn’t reached Iran yet, and lately we are reassured that the money has not yet left Qatar and that we have an “understanding ” with Qatar that it will not be released. (If nothing else in the world shows you what the mullahs running Iran are, the fact that these moneys were part of hostage negotiations tells you exactly what we are dealing with: gangsters. That they hide it behind pious readings of surahs and intonations that “Islam is the religion of peace” doesn’t matter: thugs demand ransoms. No one else.) The good part:

Going weak and appeasing to Iran quickly backfired as Iran helped plan an attack with Hamas terrorists that killed over 1,300 innocent civilians, including 29 Americans.

Over 150 people were taken hostage, including possibly 14 Americans who remain missing.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo confirmed to House Democrats that Iran will not be allowed to access the $6 billion.

The money “isn’t going anywhere anytime soon,” according to Democratic aides.

Both Democrat and Republican lawmakers demanded the Biden administration refreeze the $6 billion transfer.  America Insider

I sure am relieved, aren’t you? But then…

The American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief bill pushed through Congress with unanimous Democrat support in the Senate and almost unanimous in the House, allocated $33.7 million to the United Nations Relief & Works Agency through the State Department’s Migration and Refugee Assistance program, according to data from, as part of $500 million that was included in the bill for the State Department to fund migration and refugee assistance.

UNRWA has faced intense scrutiny in recent years from critics who say the group has not done enough to prevent aid from reaching the hands of Hamas terrorists. UNRWA locations have reportedly housed Hamas activities and spread Hamas propaganda in schools.

In 2014, the left-leaning New Republic described UNRWA as “effectively a branch of Hamas.”  Fox News

When a Democrat gets outed by the New Republic, you know there is something to talk about. NR is probably as far left as the Times, WaPo, Mother Jones, and the Daily Worker – combined. (It is not, however, true that New Republic translates into Russian as Pravda West.) May not be $6 very large, but $33 mill buys a lot of AK ammo. Note the dates – the New Republic comment was back in the Obama administration, and Joe’s still giving them money almost a decade later.

So if you were worried that Hamas was being cut off from American governmental cash infusions, fear not. Yet another Covid bit of prestidigitation is keeping them flush.

Aren’t you happy your taxes are being spent so wisely?

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Israel

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Since the conflict started, I have been searching for news in other places the on our corporate controlled media.
Well, I found a place that makes CNN & MSDNC look fair and balance: Al Jazeera in English. They don’t even mention the terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, and the paint Hamas as The Rotary Club or Elks. Its laughable until you read the comments and see how many people agree. This is war Hamas wanted, and they getting it.


That isn’t even the good part. The guys that are really far out there see no difference between CNN and AJ. There are some really radical “news” sites that a lot more ME’s read as the truth that make Stormfront look reasonable.

If you want to read the Iranian version of events, check out Press TV. The Iranian English Language propaganda channel. Looks just like Western TV on the outside. All things Jew hatey on the inside.

For having a “genocidal campaign” going on for 75 years the Israelis are not doing such a great job. There are ten times as many Palestinians today as there were then.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

That is because they breed like rats.


Just waiting to see where Hamas got all those nice M4’s from.

The Zelensky government in Ukraine or the Taliban in Afghanistan? Either way, maybe we should stop giving weapons so freely to every country under the sun.

We keep this up, and we might find ourselves $33 trillion in debt or something.


You aren’t the only one who noticed.


“Mike”, who works for the Department of Agriculture mission in Gaza doesn’t know shit about no M4s.


Interesting side note, Hamas in Hebrew is “Violence” and first used in Gen 6:11-13 just before the flood and 60+ other times in the Bible.
Words do mean things and Evil always reverses good or gives it a good try.


Bullies will not stop being bullies until they get a very bloody nose…that hurts. No doubt in my mind that a whole lot of the “foreign aid” the American Taxpayer has squandered all over the world found its way into the hands of bad guys…AND Kongress Kritters. The MIC grins.


“Back off or get hurt” works better than “please be nice.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Money Honey by Clyde McPhater and the Drifters.


Eddie Money?
